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Dark Lady Celebrian



  • Because you never know what you might see.
    I wasn't talking about Christianity.

    That said, DLC did seem to draw some kind of strength from soulbonding.  I mean, maybe "What would Samus do?" is a bit of a strange question to ask, but still, she regarded it as a source of confidence and self-worth, rather than, IDK, going around shooting everything that moved or whatever.
  • edited 2011-04-29 10:46:56
    In a sense, taking inspiration from fictional characters is nothing new. Nearly everyone does so, if even subconsciously. This is just one step higher than that.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    > I once tried to convince DLC that soulbonding didn't qualify as a religion because it didn't even meet most of  the basic requirements for a religion (i.e., the advocacy of certain lifestyles based on metaphysical morality, inspired by sacred traditions). It was like trying to talk to a wall.

    Do religions necessarily need to include those things?  For one, new-age religions don't have traditions, and for another, one could argue that how she lives her life is a lifestyle.
  • Fictional characters have a demonstratable effect on the world.

    Therefore fictional characters exist  as fictional characters.

    DLC believed that they existed as real people.

  • @Hatter I do think you _could_ use Fictional characters as some sort of moral/ethical beacon. I mean, alot of characters do represent values that one can aspire for (Compassion, Sacrifice, Honesty). Samus for one could be taken as an icon of being a strong willed, independent, active woman (Not counting Other M).  But yeah, theres a difference between this and thinking Samus exists IRL and is talking to her.
  • Glaives are better.
    Asking "WWSD" wouldn't bug me. I'd find it funny and interesting. Attempting to embody Samus' virtues of compassion, self-sacrifice and honesty is a noble goal. That isn't what DLC was trying to do, though. DLC was trying to be Samus, and become a "bounty hunter" (I think she meant "bail agent" or "bond agent," which are the preferred terms for professionals in the industry). When she was confronted with criticism or something else she couldn't handle, she'd respond in the way  notwithstanding described at the top of this page; she'd write what her "guardians" said in reply to the criticism, then sulk.
  • I have to say I'm deeply offended. I've been deeply soulbonded to the phallusbird for a long time, and to claim that it isn't real is an affront to my entire belief system.
  • edited 2011-04-29 14:11:57
    When in Turkey, ROCK THE FUCK OUT
    I never really knew her. She seemed fine, although I distinctly recall that she had her own ED page. 

    ^ Is that really its name? 
  • edited 2011-04-29 14:16:19
    Can we discuss soulbonding, as opposed to discussing DLC? Don't make it personal.
  • edited 2011-04-29 14:32:10
    ^^It was never officially named, but everyone called it the Snow Bull, and  then I stole the name.

    And now it is apparently the phallusbird. It speaks to me in my dreams.

    ^But as far as I know DLC is the only soulbonder we had, so a discussion of soulbonding will inevitably come back to her.

    Hell, most of us probably wouldn't even know about soulbonding if it weren't for her.
  • edited 2011-04-29 14:19:51
    Pony Sleuth
  • Yeah I know, but it's making me uncomfortable to say the least.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    There's been at least one other soulbonder on TV Tropes.

    Also, it's also making me uncomfortable.
  • DLC kinda makes me uncomfortable.
  • WMG: Trash_Vortex IS DLC, a piece of her personality splintered off into it's own being, this was the rational part of her.
  • Maybe DLC could soulbond Trash_Vortex.

    Do soulbonders do that?
  • Guys, I didn't mean to start up a shitstorm when I started this thread. If soulbonding is her thing, then it's her thing.
  • edited 2011-04-29 17:16:34
    I might be missing something, but I never really understood why some tropers would hold grudges against other tropers. I mean, I can understand and relate to not getting along with some tropers as well as you might like to get along with them, but I think grudges take way too much effort. They also seem rather unnecessary and hurtful to me.

    Plus, I think it is probably better for people to focus on a troper's posts individually rather than try to give some kind of judgement about a troper in general. Thus, when people talk about their opinions of certain tropers in this thread or others I find it a bit odd. I may just be weird, but I feel like talking behind people's backs is pretty annoying anyway even if it is done on the internet where it is really not the same thing.

    I apologize if that sounded preachy.
  • DLC and Trash_Vortex are not the same person.  He was once in complete and total ♠ with her though.
  • edited 2011-04-29 18:05:43
    You're wrong. DLC is my soulbond.

    Also, rational side, lol
  • Ninjaclown - there is no such thing as a thread about DLC that won't become a shitstorm. I have proven this in the past.

  • Louie, what you're saying is fine and well, but the moment a poster goes beyond discussing ideas and starts talking about personal experience is the moment that you start seeing and treating them as a human being. This is why people treat the forum as a community, and why certain people react to a ban by way of begging the administration to let them back in. Sympathy and antipathy are part and parcel of social relations, and if you're not interested in engaging in them, well, maintain a very sterile and unapproachable presence on the forum and only engage in SERIOUS BUSINESS discussions.

    All of this has nothing to do with DLC. The problem with her is that her entitled and absolutely lunatic attitude polarized the forum into a faction who thought it was best for her to go along with delusions of bounty hunting and Final Fantasy Fuckbuddies in order not to upset her obviously fragile psyche, and a faction who thought the former only exacerbated the problem by enabling it. Her special snowflake syndrome was annoying all by itself, but the real division was rooted in how other people responded to her.
  • notwithstanding: And here we have the crux of the issue itself.  Good post by the way.
  • edited 2011-04-29 22:01:40
    Louie, what you're saying is fine and well, but the moment a poster goes
    beyond discussing ideas and starts talking about personal experience is
    the moment that you start seeing and treating them as a human being.
    This is why people treat the forum as a community, and why certain
    people react to a ban by way of begging the administration to let them
    back in. Sympathy and antipathy are part and parcel of social relations,
    and if you're not interested in engaging in them, well, maintain a very
    sterile and unapproachable presence on the forum and only engage in
    SERIOUS BUSINESS discussions.

    I agree that you should treat other tropers as human beings. That is why I think they deserve respect and why I think complaining about them when they are not around is not appropriate. As for the sterile and unapproachable presence on the forum business, I think it is perfectly fine to try to act like a polite stranger rather than like a friend on a forum. Sorry, I guess that might not be clear. I could explain it a bit more if you would like.

    I suppose I fit into the first faction you describe though I would not put it that way. In my mind, if someone seems to be excessively seeking attention (the "special snowflake syndrome issue"), it is better to ignore him or her or just respond to the other parts of that person's posts. Now, if literally all that someone talks about is something that bothers you (which I do not believe was the case) and he or she does not appear ready to just stop, then I believe not responding is probably a better solution than responding.

    If you think that you can help someone's personal situation and really want to do so, I think you should prove that by approaching that person gently and trying to ease him or her into making a change. I believe that being harsh will not only make it seem like you are treating him or her irrationally, but will also probably make the other person get defensive and not listen to what you have to say.

    On the issue of enabling, from what I can tell, tropers probably do not have another troper's best interest mind when they complain about him or her in such a way. Sorry, but I tend to be quite skeptical when people say that they "called someone out" in the best interest of that person. Often, I feel like such explanations really are just people trying to justify insulting someone they do not like. As I said earlier, I think such grudges are silly so I believe that "calling people out" is usually not necessary.
  • edited 2011-04-29 22:18:41
    Calling someone out on something is not the same as insulting a person. Usually, it involves listing specific annoying traits of said person and pointing that they could stand to be worked on. Is said person is insulted, it is because their behavior has been found annoying.

    On top of that, I'm sure that you are aware that Celebrian realized that her views were controversial, and purposefully fueled drama. It might be inappropriate to talk behind someone's back, but it's common fucking sense not to air your dirty laundry in public if you are that sensitive about being talked about. And it's not like there was any shortage of people who tried to talk sense into her privately and civilly and, in general, to her face.
  • edited 2011-04-30 00:26:45
    Calling someone out on something is not the same as insulting a person.
    Usually, it involves listing specific annoying traits of said person and
    pointing that they could stand to be worked on. Is said person is
    insulted, it is because their behavior has been found annoying.

    I apologize if I was unclear before. I guess my issue here is really intent. The main reason why I am skeptical when people say that calling someone out is good is because I think that people often do it in order to vent about someone else rather than in order to help improve that person. Also, I really do not think that forum posts are a good place for that kind of thing anyway (I would suggest PMs instead).

    If you honestly only care about helping someone else, then I think it is best for you to try to keep that kind of thing between you and other person if possible. I tend to believe that people dislike it when someone points our their flaws in front of people and if anything that will make them less likely to change and more defensive, thus fueling the very problems you mention. I feel like talking about such issues in posts makes the whole thing seem too much like public shaming, but that might just be a personal preference.

    I am afraid I am not too familiar with the specific troper's situation, sorry. My issue here is mainly that even if it is common sense for a troper to act a certain way, I believe it is still inappropriate to complain about that troper here or elsewhere. I think that consulting a moderator is a much better idea if you believe that someone is trying to fuel drama and will not stop. Again, my primary concern is not necessary how the specific troper acted, but what I see as the unnecessary and inappropriate reaction both here and elsewhere, especially the personal grudge nature of some of the comments I have seen.

    However, it may be true that I misinterpreted some posts here and I apologize if that is the case. If I did, feel free to point that out to me.
  • edited 2011-04-30 18:32:13
    I apologize if I was unclear before. I guess my issue here is really intent. The main reason why I am skeptical when people say that calling someone out is good is because I think that people often do it in order to vent about someone else rather than in order to help improve that person.

    You realize that this is not, in fact, an explanation? You're skeptical because you don't take people's posts in good faith. How about you not assume what people's intent is?
  • edited 2011-04-30 21:22:59
    ^So you're saying that the when people do say "DLC, you're a crazy psychopath", they're most likely doing it out of pureherted concern for DLC's mental health?
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    ^ On some people's personal values, yes.
  • "Fiction characters are undeniably fictional and can be proven to not exist."

    Oh Chagen...
This discussion has been closed.