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Dark Lady Celebrian



  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    I have Hyper Backlash against Dark Lady Celebrian. It isn't cool to hate her anymore. The Hate Dumb is soooooo over-rated and the Fan Dumb makes the show suck so hard.
  • and another that sounded more like a strange conspiracy theory.

    Now I am curious.
  • a little muffled
    She claimed that the soulbonds were physical beings who just didn't show up in photographs, so in actuality it's a completely falsifiable claim, but you'd have to figure out where she lives in order to do it.
  • edited 2011-04-28 17:58:24
    I'm tired.
  • She claimed that the soulbonds were physical beings who just didn't show up in photographs, so in actuality it's a completely falsifiable claim, but you'd have to figure out where she lives in order to do it

    So what about characters that showed up on photographs in the work they come from?
  • ^^I thought I just said that.
  • When in Turkey, ROCK THE FUCK OUT
    ^^ I assume he means the real world. 
  • For fuck's sake.
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    -pasts NWS back-

    you gonna be okay?
  • Were you responding to anything?
  • edited 2011-04-29 00:28:20
    Well, it was odd, because I remember one discussion where she claimed to have two different beliefs regarding soulbonding, one which was kind of new agey and animistic, and another that sounded more like a strange conspiracy theory.

    She believes that some guardians are created by animation companies but then exist in alternate realities. If ED is to go by, she also believes that some guardians (specially non-cartoony ones) physically exist, and animation companies merely film them.
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    Why the fuck do people get so emotional when somebody believes in that? That is a hell of a lot less invasive or harmful than most alien conspirators and xenological christians. So a girl on the internet no longer has sex with her Inuyasha poster because she imagines it as real. What the fuck ever. To each her own, at least the anime characters aren't telling her to spread her message and try to recruit others to be like her or else they would be killed by said entities.
  • Well, it's my opinion that her level of delusion is to the point where it's harmful to her to on at least some level. She's listened to her "soulbonds" at times instead of listening to others.

    She also fancies herself an expert on the subject, and spreads the belief to others.

    ALSO it got annoying when she allowed her soulbonds to talk.
  • Well, I figure most tropers care or used to care about her soulbonding because she brought it up pretty often. I figure others cared about her self-being, as it was damaging her real-life relations, from what she'd said.

    Presumably many others feed on the drama.
  • edited 2011-04-29 00:54:07
    Chagen brings up diapers a lot. Do tropers care a lot about that?
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    ^ Yes and they should not.
  • ALSO it got annoying when she allowed her soulbonds to talk.

    lol what?
  • edited 2011-04-29 02:32:24
    It's just as s/he said, she often posted what her Guardians told her, stated what they'd think, or outright posted dialogues.

    I don't have the heart for self-demonstration.
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    Nyuu says hi.
  • ...-_- thanks for reminding me of that.
  • I don't really have a problem with DLC as a person, I have her on my FormSpring and I reckon if I made an effort we could get on really well. However, I do think it's unhealthy for her to be deluding herself like this and she claims her therapist has no problem with her soulbonds which is a flat out lie...I think.

    What does annoy me, however, is that she often completely warps the personalities of the characters she bonds with which makes the whole thing seem so unlikely. 
  • That's the thing that makes it seem unlikely?
  • ^ Well, it's another bit of evidence against it.
  • Glaives are better.
    I once tried to convince DLC that soulbonding didn't qualify as a religion because it didn't even meet most of  the basic requirements for a religion (i.e., the advocacy of certain lifestyles based on metaphysical morality, inspired by sacred traditions). It was like trying to talk to a wall.
  • "Why the fuck do people get so emotional when somebody believes in that? That is a hell of a lot less invasive or harmful than most alien conspirators and xenological christians"

    Because soulbonders are fucking delusional enough to believe that a fictional character is real.

    I have a feeling that DLC was just a lonely virgin who needed a god damn boyfriend.
  • Because you never know what you might see.

    I'm sorry, I don't want to be mean, but Chagen, the hypocrisy there is staggering.
  • Glaives are better.
    You're both right. 

    But Chagen, you miss the point. Even if Jesus and Yahweh and all those other folks are fictional, they still espouse values that are constructive to society. Honor, tolerance, forgiveness, justice. That sort of thing. They provide a blueprint for living a spiritually fulfilling life focused around doing good and helping others. Even if there is no god, the tenets of Jesus are still worth following. Same thing goes for a lot of religions.

    DLC's fictional characters, on the other hand, don't inspire her to do anything - at least, not anything beyond "be a bounty hunter, because I want to be like Samus." Which helps no one, anyway. DLC's characters serve as a buffer between her and real life, and it's psychologically and socially harmful. Face it: would YOU want to be friends with someone who thinks Lightning is her BFF? Would YOU hire her for a job?

    I say this not out of malice, but out of concern. Having imaginary friends is fine when you're three. When you're in your late teens, you need to grow up.
  • Hatter has it.

    God existing is unprovable. Fiction characters are undeniably fictional and can be proven to not exist.
This discussion has been closed.