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Animu/Mango General



  • "Wanko" just looks silly/unfortunate written like that there, though.

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    NHS, do you have a MAL account?

  • edited 2013-03-29 21:44:35

    No, because I'm not capable of giving numerical ratings in a way that makes sense to me, so that's a major function I wouldn't be able to really make use of.

  • edited 2013-03-30 00:31:35

    My ratings are pretty much totally arbitrary and I don't really feel confident about any of them and I still feel like I have use for the website.  Though I guess that's mostly because it helps me keep track of what episode I"m on of everything (automatically, because I'm using MAL Updater), so if you don't have a problem with that then that won't be much help either.


    ...this is going to be my favorite anime of , isn't it?

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    You don't have to use the function; you can just use it as a list of what you've seen.

  • edited 2013-03-30 07:49:07

    Eh, I have such terrible memory that it matters little if I watched something. At least for things I haven't seen in several years. Or something.

  • edited 2013-03-30 09:17:00
    There is love everywhere, I already know

    We need your list to judge you! /saystheguywhogaveViviPana9

    If you don't have one it's okay.

    Anyways, PVs!

    Kin-iro Mosaic , LoveCome! and Hyperdimension Neptunia!

    Why did this have to be 4koma?

  • edited 2013-03-30 11:49:22
    Has friends besides tanks now

    Hmm. I hadn't heard about this one. It looks promising, I think? Though I feel like if it wasn't actually from the winter season, I'll have trouble finding it again.

    Kin-iro Mosaic

    I dunno if I'm going to watch it, but the music was nice.

  • Sakurasou na Pet no Kanojo like... already aired.  Just finished in the past week I assume.

    Also it sucks.

  • Has friends besides tanks now

    Sakurasou na Pet no Kanojo like... already aired.  Just finished in the past week I assume.


    Also it sucks.

    Bummer. Well, at least it has a nice OP.

  • edited 2013-03-30 11:58:37

    Evidently MAL people liked it, at least.  But then, MAL likes everything.

    But from what I watched (like the first two thirds of it) it was just tons of DRAMA but without actually interesting characters to make it work, and also it didn't really handle being both a drama and a comedy very well (as in, it was often pretty awkward when it went from comedy to ANGST or vice-versa).

    Here, There, Everywhere

    I kind of like being somewhat out of the loop when it comes to otaku obsessions and seasonal buzz—at least, to the extent that I am an observer rather than a participant. It allows me to pick and choose what I want to explore more easily without either the baggage that comes with following a season or having to confront the relentless fan-bitching... outside of what I choose to directly participate in.

    Maybe it's a cop-out, but I kind of like being a dilettante connoisseur. Not that I like being a snob—I do not begrudge people their guilty pleasures—but the idea of treating the whole of anime (and animation at large) as a library that I can just wander through and read from at my leisure is really appealing to me.

    The problem is, of course, that always I end up locked out of the book club. Everyone else is reading the latest bestseller while I either catch up on the canon or wade through the stacks trawling for esoterica. It's a bind: I love being able to actually talk to people about what I like, but it's my natural impulse to just go outside of everything. I'm a nerd among nerds and a freak among freaks.

  • But hype is more fun than actually watching anime.

  • edited 2013-03-30 13:03:33

    The supposedly upcoming It's Not My Fault that I'm not Popular anime has an official site now, although there isn't really anything there. Her face looks slightly... squashed compared to the manga art, but maybe that's just the image angle.

    Also, lol virgin jokes.

    Can't help but wonder if actually hearing her talk to herself so much will be a little too much more annoying than just reading it.

    Here, There, Everywhere

    Fuck hype. I want a show that I can truly love, not a bunch of people squealing about something that I can't give half a damn about. I don't want to watch Sword Art Online just because everyone else does; I want to watch shows that make me happy, no matter how other people feel about them or out of fashion they are. I want to get freaky with Kemonozume, get mellow with Natsume Yuujinchou, and get deep with Kino no Tabi. If something is new and popular and right up my alley, I'll go for it, but why should other people's enthusiasm be more important than my own joy?

  • edited 2013-03-30 13:34:35
    There is love everywhere, I already know

    But hype is more fun than actually watching anime

    I love being able to actually talk to people about what I like

    I'd actually say there are two aspects to this. My thoughts when I watch something are very personal, with narrative and whatever and stuff, hype and fandom is another thing, which is purely fun. I guess that's what's the difference between being a fan and an otaku. On one hand I want to talk about stuff like imagery and narrative and metaphors, on the other I must make sure that my favorite character is ranked as Best Girl (even if male) by whatever means possible.

    having to confront the relentless fan-bitching...

    But that's like the best part :O

    I don't want to watch Sword Art Online just because everyone else does

    No, you don't want to watch Sword Art Online because it's the scum of the earth.

  • edited 2013-03-30 13:32:14
    If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    ^^ Well then, I shall make sure to avoid Mononoke because fuck hype.

    Here, There, Everywhere

    ...on the other I must make sure that my favorite character is ranked as Best Girl (even if male) by whatever means possible.

    And that's why I'm not a super-fan.

    I love anime. I love it because it does things that I only wish American TV would do in ways that American TV never could because of how different our cultures are. But by the same token, I don't care about fandom. I love talking with fans and sharing in the excitement of that love, but being a fan for its own sake is a waste to me. It's not like I want to demean people who like that aspect of fandom—as long as it's healthy and sane, I can even admire sometimes—but it's just not me. I don't really care how other people want to rank my favourite character because they will still be my favourite character and as long as I can find someone that agrees, I won't be alone.

    I don't want a tribe; I want a circle of friends. Is that too much to ask?

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    No, it's what 90% of people do. You do it by simply not paying attention to fandom and hype. Much as anything else you don't care about, you just tune it out, then go talk about what you do care about with your friends.

    edited 2013-03-30 13:44:22
    Here, There, Everywhere

    ^^^ On the one hand, that's a fair point; on the other, you're ultimately ignoring what I'm trying to say for the sake of making me feel small because I pushed one of your buttons, and I don't appreciate it in the slightest.

    I'm not personally attacking anyone here. Back the fuck down.

  • edited 2013-03-30 13:47:46
    There is love everywhere, I already know

    And that's why I'm not a super-fan.

    Which is what I said <_<

    I don't really care how other people want to rank my favourite character because they will still be my favourite character and as long as I can find someone that agrees, I won't be alone.

    I didn't say they'll stop being my favoraite character. I want them to be ranked high because they are my favoraite character. It doesn't matter if no-one agrees.

    I don't want a tribe; I want a circle of friends. Is that too much to ask?

    I don't even know where this is coming from.

    Back the fuck down.

    Could we not do this?

  • edited 2013-03-30 13:53:04
    Has friends besides tanks now

    @JHM, @Nova, could we like maybe calm down about which Japanese cartoons we watch.

    Speaking of calming down, GJ-bu is a really nice show for anyone who's into moeshit.

    Here, There, Everywhere

    I was about to make a somewhat calmer reply to try to articulate my thoughts better. I don't want to start a fight. I like you guys and I don't want to demean you. I'm just... frustrated.

    So here was what I was typing in response to Nova's last post:

    With anime, that feels so difficult given how engrained the nature of the fandom is. I consider you guys friends, and even here I feel more like that dude in the corner going, "Hey! I found this cool thing!" while everyone else just ignores me and talks about the new hip thing and it's really alienating.

    I guess it just comes back to the feeling like I never belong anywhere, even where I should.

    Here, There, Everywhere

    It's like... I can never really contribute, is what I'm saying. I love taking about this stuff with you, but I never can, and it really upsets me.

  • edited 2013-03-30 13:59:33
    Has friends besides tanks now

    even here I feel more like that dude in the corner going, "Hey! I found this cool thing!" while everyone else just ignores me and talks about the new hip thing and it's really alienating.

    Mm. I guess that's a fair complaint. I personally just tend to run with my own tastes, and I actually feel the same way you do a lot of the time (nowadays the most I get is that DYRE will inevitably be familiar with something I'm awatching/about to watch), since I'm not into magical girl or idol series; I'm waiting to watch Zetsuen no Tempest because I've heard it makes references to The Tempest (well, duh), which I have to read soon for a class anyway; Steins;Gate failed my three-episode test; and I'm mostly in the mood for light-hearted stuff right now anyway. I might look into Mononoke after Chuunibyou, for what it's worth. 

  • edited 2013-03-30 14:03:14
    There is love everywhere, I already know

    while everyone else just ignores me and talks about the new hip thing and it's really alienating.

    This is yesterday. (Uta~Kata is this)

    I'll accept that we've had quite the influx of new stuff for the past page, but that's because seasons are changing so bear with us.

    Okay, not to argue too much but maybe if we could take that Mononoke post, it did not make me want to watch it at all. Maybe if you described it or elaborated on what you felt was one of it's best features and why exactly you like it, I would.

    since I'm not into magical girl series

    I thought I was the only one here who even considered magical girls as a thing.

    I'm waiting to watch Zetsuen no Tempest because I've heard it makes references to The Tempest (well, duh),

    First half, second half is a love come with crazy people and magic :P

  • edited 2013-03-30 14:02:33
    If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    @JHM@Nova, could we like maybe calm down about which Japanese cartoons we watch.

    Perhaps paradoxically, I wasn't actually irritated until you posted this. Go figure.

    With anime, that feels so difficult given how engrained the nature of the fandom is. I consider you guys friends, and even here I feel more like that dude in the corner going, "Hey! I found this cool thing!" while everyone else just ignores me and talks about the new hip thing and it's really alienating.

    The same thing happens when you talk about anything you like ever. If other people like them, then they'll talk about them. The same thing happens to everyone here- we find something we like, but other people talk about other things that interest them and nobody talks about your thing.

    See: half the games I play and talk about on this forum.

    In your case, your interests just don't line up with mine. I don't particularly like weird things for the sake of weird things; if I like weird things, it's because it has a character I like, or something. My tastes tend to be pretty straightforward, to me at least.

    Hell, I barely even watch anime/manga in general. I keep up with, what, Naruto?

    Before I posted on this page I didn't even post for like two pages.

    Gah, whatever.

  • edited 2013-03-30 14:18:54

    I thought I was the only one here who even considered magical girls as a thing.

    *still exists*


    Anyway yeah, it's unfortunate, but it's hard to discuss things that aren't either current or extremely popular because that's just how fandom works.  It applies to everyone though.  There are lots of things I like but I can't discuss with people because they're obscure and/or oldish, which is why I only ever really talk about more current stuff.

    Speaking of calming down, GJ-bu is a really nice show for anyone who's into moeshit.

    Best ending of the season so far, also. (well, I haven't watched the last two episodes of Girls und Panzer yet, but that's not really this season)

    Here, There, Everywhere

    The same thing happens when you talk about anything you like ever. If other people like them, then they'll talk about them. The same thing happens to everyone here- we find something we like, but other people talk about other things that interest them and nobody talks about your thing.

    The thing is, though, that no-one even seems to pay attention at all. I'm fine with people talking about things that interest them, but when no-one seems to care about anything that you have to say, you start to feel really shitty.

    In your case, your interests just don't line up with mine. I don't particularly like weird things for the sake of weird things; if I like weird things, it's because it has a character I like, or something. My tastes tend to be pretty straightforward, to me at least.

    But here's another problem: I don't just like things that are weird for the sake of weird. I love a lot of different things with different styles and feelings, but I feel like I've been pigeonholed as "that guy that watches weird stuff," which I would be more than fine with if anyone actually engaged me about it. Which almost never happens. I mean, DYRE does, sometimes, but otherwise...

    It's just really depressing to be surrounded by people that I respect who I feel like they don't respect me. I know it's petty, but it hurts sometimes.

    I'm waiting to watch Zetsuen no Tempest because I've heard it makes references to The Tempest(well, duh), which I have to read soon for a class anyway; Steins;Gate failed my three-episode test; and I'm mostly in the mood for light-hearted stuff right now anyway.

    Have you ever heard of Natsume Yuujinchou? You might like it. It's a great "breather" show, very whistful with a bittersweet touch.

    Okay, not to argue too much but maybe if we could take that Mononoke post, it did not make me want to watch it at all. Maybe if you described it or elaborated on what you felt was one of it's best features and why exactly you like it, I would.

    On a purely visual level, it is one of the most striking things that I have ever seen in my life. It is truly a work of art. Beyond that, it is a wonderfully atmospheric show with some really fascinating use of symbolism. In one way or another, every arc is in and of itself a riddle: A mystery that is not about the "monster of the week," but about what that entity represents from a philosophical perspective. Additionally, the dialogue and acting are extremely subtle.

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