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IJBMer Updates




    >Feel depressed about family situation

    >Watch FMA

    >Brilliant idea

  • edited 2012-07-25 00:19:55
    One foot in front of the other, every day.

    Just bugs me that when I finally get to hang with friends, the socialization is just too much for me to deal with. I don't get how people deal with it.

    It's a matter of balance, at least for me. I get burnt out reasonably quickly when it comes to socialisation, even if I apparently "click" with a lot of people. It helps, I find, to see if you can find ways to have "you time", even if it's just fifteen minutes of your own thoughts. Often, when I'm feeling the pressure of too much socialisation, I find some kind of excuse to get out of there for a comparable span of time -- having a smoke, taking a shower if I'm home/at a friend's place, that kind of thing. 

    It can be pretty tough, though. I've spent long spans of time (months, say) being highly social on a regular basis and have experienced equivalent periods of social burnout as a result. But the thing is that networking and making friends works on the basis of consistency, so I have to be either inconsistent, burn myself out or just fall back into my shell. 

    Basically, both extremes suck, but being at either extreme will make you feel as if the opposite extreme isn't far off. Social endurance, I guess, takes practise, even if you find socialisation itself easy and pleasant. 

    ^ Related, a few months ago:

    > Older brother in prison

    > Watch FMA

    > f-f-fucking GENIUS


    >It helps, I find, to see if you can find ways to have "you time", even if it's just fifteen minutes of your own thoughts.

    I've been doing a lot of this, just running off to go by myself and then read an issue of one of my graphic novels or just dick around on tumblr.

    The weird thing is sometimes after it all I feel genuinely and physically sick, even if it's with people I really like.

    Dealing with people in groups, even when most of them are people I'm extremely fond of, makes me want to vomit. It's really weird.

    I guess it's good that they don't understand, but... I don't want to be understood. I want to be able to significantly contribute.

  • One foot in front of the other, every day.

    If you're being made physically ill because of this, then I think you ought to see a psychiatrist. Even if it's just one session, perhaps they can identify something important and write you a script for a medication. Stuff like this often has a physical (or neural) basis and is difficult to overcome by willpower or practise alone. 

    I get that healthcare is still pretty dicey over there when it comes to money, though.


    > I think you ought to see a psychiatrist

    If this was a financial option, trust me I'd take it.

    As is though I have to figure this shit out myself.

  • You can change. You can.

    Tried to sleep.

    I spent 40 minutes staring at my ceiling realizing that it's come to a point in my life where I'm evading internet people as well as real life people.

    Thanks for the absence, Morpheus. Couldn't you have told me this shit while I was sleeping? Jeez.

  • Has friends besides tanks now

    So you ARE ignoring my requests for more Magic! >:[

    I wonder when I'll ever come down from this Magic high.

  • edited 2012-07-25 01:03:12
    You can change. You can.

    yes everest i totally have.

    I'm also getting tired of Magic, really. I only really enjoy building EDH decks these days. Hell I think I have created more of these babies than played games in my life.

    ^ If you were a good friend you'd steal that puppy and send it to my house. :|

  • Has friends besides tanks now

    Ah. Wow.

    Well, it turns out that I've been considering making an EDH deck or two. I don't think I'll have time for that this early today, but I was thinking a Karrthus dragon deck. Or an Elesh Norn deck. Maybe Niv-Mizzet.

  • Give us fire! Give us ruin! Give us our glory!
    So, we are dabbling into dark, forbidden, to overturn the cruel hand of fate, right?

    Just to let you know I'm totally on board with that.
  • edited 2012-07-25 01:21:09
    You can change. You can.

    what are you even talking about mon

    I was thinking a Karrthus dragon deck. Or an Elesh Norn deck. Maybe Niv-Mizzet.

    Karrthus is pretty fun in a Timmy-esque "DRAGON SMASH" way. Elesh Norn is also sorta Timmy-tastic and Niv-Mizzet's basically the "How many combos can you come up with" General.

    So I recommend Karrthus. Shame that you can't use Standardize with him but yeah.

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    I want to go to AnimeUSA.

    Registration for all three days is $45 until August 1.

    However, my Paypal account doesn't work.

    Well, I guess I'll be paying more later.  Oh well, at least it's to a good cause.  Or at least one allied to/aligned with my interests.



    Looks like this experimental power plant is stuck in development hell.

  • edited 2012-07-25 01:20:03
    Has friends besides tanks now

    IBJM: People on the school's Facebook page bitching about the summer reading. Jesus Christ, people, it's comprehensible. Though it's fair if they're complaining more because they don't have time; I can see how one would rather be doing other things during the summer before heading to college.

    ^^^ Want me to fix that doublepost up for you.

  • Give us fire! Give us ruin! Give us our glory!
    ^ Yes, please. Stupid phone.
  • You can change. You can.


    Oh hey that's a thing isn't it?

    >Check Facebook feed

    >See cousin saying "That Joker guy's my idol." at an image macro mocking that Aurora shoot out.

    why do i even have these things

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    i dunno, cousins get pretty dumb sometimes

  • Has friends besides tanks now

    Karrthus is pretty fun in a Timmy-esque "DRAGON SMASH" way. Elesh Norn is also sorta Timmy-tastic and Niv-Mizzet's basically the "How many combos can you come up with" General.

    Plus, Karrthus has the most colors of the three. So I guess it'll be him, for my first EDH.

    Though if I wanted to make one out of real cards, it would probably be Yeva, since I have lots of green cards where I only have one copy of them, and a fair number of elves.

  • why do i even have these things

    Facebook, or cousins? 

    But yeah, Facebook's been causing me some rage lately too. Before the shootings I saw a few people sharing around a "christians are the real oppressed minority because people take offense when you're homophobic" photo, and now there's all these "we shouldn't bother to pass gun control laws because criminals break laws!!!!1" posts, which doesn't get less stupid just because it's on that snarky Gene Wilder pic.

  • You can change. You can.

    Facebook, or cousins?

    both man. both.

    99% of my cousins are pretty annoying

    "christians are the real oppressed minority because people take offense when you're homophobic" photo,


    "we shouldn't bother to pass gun control laws because criminals break laws!!!!1" posts, which doesn't get less stupid just because it's on that snarky Gene Wilder pic.


  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    christians are the real oppressed minority because people take offense when you're homophobic

    You can be Christian and not homophobic.

    we shouldn't bother to pass gun control laws because criminals break laws!!!!1

    Criminals break laws anyway, but that doesn't mean you have to make it easy for them.

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    "christians are the real oppressed minority because people take offense when you're homophobic" photo,

    counterpoint: "atheists are the real opressed minority!" photos

  • edited 2012-07-25 01:43:13
    You can change. You can.

    Plus, Karrthus has the most colors of the three. So I guess it'll be him, for my first EDH.

    Awesome-sauce. My first EDH deck was the Szadeck. By now it's pretty much a Wrexial deck in disguise but I am fond of the guy.

    ^ they are both obnoxious as all fuck who cares

  • Has friends besides tanks now

    I considered Szadek, actually. I might end up going with him if Idon'tknowwhattodowithallthesedragons doesn't work out.

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!

    >Gun control stuff

    It's a complicated issue. "Criminals break laws" is far too simplistic an argument to hold any weight. To a great extent, my opinion on the matter depends on what "gun control" means in this context. A few extra barriers to make them less easy (but still legal for sane people with no criminal record) to get would definitely be a great idea, as would a few more restrictions on what specific models are legal (i.e. anything not made for personal defense or hunting shouldn't be).

    Banning them entirely...I'd consider it nice if it could be made to work, which is largely situational. In a huge country with millions of guns in it, like the U.S., I'm not sure it's entirely feasible, not because "criminals break laws," but because of the sheer scale that would be needed to ban them entirely at this point.

  • One foot in front of the other, every day.

    The USA is a particularly tough nut in this case because of the unique gun culture. But there are two sides to everything, anyway -- while Australia's gun ban has ultimately demolished gun violence, it spiked just after the laws were passed as criminals took advantage of the disarming of the majority civilian population. That's Australia -- now imagine the result in the USA. An outright gun ban would be disastrous, and if there's ever going to be any progress when it comes to gun control, it needs to come in stages. 

    I think the first and most obvious restriction should be on military equipment, whether it's been reduced to semi-automatic fire or not. It doesn't really make much difference anyway; most of the time, soldiers use semi-automatic fire anyway, saving burst fire and fully automatic fire for closer encounters. So even if Cowboy Pete's AR-15 is semi-auto only, it's still the prototypical M16, still used in the same way as a military-issue rifle and might even be able to house more deadly ammunition depending on ammunition laws*.

    Equipment related to the alteration of tactical combat conditions should also be out of civilian hands. Any kind of grenade, for instance, plus mines and anything else that isn't immediately relevant to self defense. The major exception to this is armour. I don't think there's ever a reason to blame someone for acquiring armour; perhaps the worst you could say about them is that they're paranoid.

    * The Geneva Convention restricts certain types of ammo. From memory, I think it forbids the use of explosive-tipped rounds, just as an example. Those are the rules of war, however, and civilians aren't restricted by them, instead falling under the jurisdiction of local policy. Ergo, the Geneva Convention can restrict explosive-tipped rounds as much as it likes, but if that ammo is legal in Bumblefuck, Hickstate, then Cowboy Pete can own and presumably use it.  

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!

    The major exception to this is armour. I don't think there's ever a reason to blame someone for acquiring armour; perhaps the worst you could say about them is that they're paranoid.

    I don't agree; the only situation in which someone sane would want armor is if they're expecting to get shot at. And that's almost invariably going to mean they're planning on committing some kind of crime.

  • edited 2012-07-25 02:38:53

    The thing is armor is purely defensive. I think even a criminal deserves the right to have the ability to not be killed, and it's not like that stuff will make him the terminator.

    The difference is guns are purely offensive. Any use of them is purely meant to hurt others.

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!

    That's reasonable, though I have to wonder if armor's availability might make a crazy guy more likely to go on a shooting rampage.

  • edited 2012-07-25 02:40:51
    You can change. You can.

    Question: Are there "hunting licenses" in the U.S? 

    ^ If you just made guns much less available, though...

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