If you have an email ending in @hotmail.com, @live.com or @outlook.com (or any other Microsoft-related domain), please consider changing it to another email provider; Microsoft decided to instantly block the server's IP, so emails can't be sent to these addresses.
If you use an @yahoo.com email or any related Yahoo services, they have blocked us also due to "user complaints"
why so?
Why is Google Translator-san so cute?
Finally watched Battle Royale. It was a little ridiculous how kids could get taken down with multiple bullets and still have enough life in them to say what they wanted to/walk around before dying or not dying (and oh god, the ending scene), but other than that, I thought it was pretty good.
I was going to, but I decided to keep him, and got him a friend. (who died within 2 days.) Then I got a replacement friend, who's the one that's still alive. The 1st fish lived for 2 months before going belly up. Now I'm actually trying to find someone to take care of the remaining goldfish.
I... don't know.
Ok, I'll try:
* I'd be too street dumb for an engineer.
* Engineering in this country means maintenance (and maybe elsewhere, I've forgotten how the phrase goes), the same way physics means teaching (one big reason I didn't study physics).
* I've since picked various productive hobbies I could've had a career in instead.
* I'm being whiny.
Any way of moving out?
That can easily change provided you decide to change it.
I suppose, yeah.
*Shrug* I dunno how.
Well, moving out and living on your own (Assuming you are not) would help.
Yeah, I probably should...
I know electromechanical engineering here means working at a power plant. I don't give a fuck. I want to work to make prosthetics harder, better, faster, stronger.
So you want to make them a Daft Punk song?
No, I want to build a better man.
vandro confirmed for hank pym
Dibs on the first sword arm.
I will not build sword arms, I will builts reploids, and then I'll download my conciousness into my new heroic body!
raise your hand if you expect an ultron incident
I frequently asked for this.
I... have apparently lost over six kilograms in a week. Shit.
time for donut therapy lady
i don't have any money for another... week
so no donuts for me
Having listened to a bit more of Fall Out Boy's Folie à Deux, I find displeasure in the realization that it's really not that good, especially compared to Infinity on High.
And no, I don't know why I'm up at eight in the morning either.
Hey guys, I have a question.
Have any of you ever gotten an erection while playing a video game?
why would you ask that
haha benis :DDDDD
Eelek: Too much information.
^ I don't know where Forzare put it, but he thought it and From Under the Cork Tree were both better than Infinity on High, which I guess will inevitably baffle me because Infinity on High's my favorite album, period.
I guess "(Coffee's For Closers)" is pretty good. The rest that I've heard bored me on my first attempts to listen through, or just turned me off outright ("Tiffany Blews"). Whereas the only track off IoH that I can really think of and say is weak is "Hum Hallelujah". Well, I think the two well-known singles - you know the ones - are relatively weak, but still entirely listenable.
i thought it was a normal occurence
i don't know if it is or not
but posting about it on internet forums sure isn't