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  • Definitely not gay.

    In the shadow temple a Small Key is hidden in a pile of shit.

    Piles of shit are everywhere in the game, and are usually only used for background decoration.

  • So, I launched a wiki.

  • Are you going to link to it?

  • Definitely not gay.

    Man, I'm not sure if I've ever said this, but dogs kinda scare me.

  • You and Ponicalica.

    I honestly like dogs a lot.

  • Kichigai birthday!!

    This song is from 1966. Why does it have K.K Slider in it?

  • Definitely not gay.

    Oh thank god, I'm not alone.

    Those bastards can give you rabies, man.

  • edited 2012-07-14 11:24:29
    You can change. You can.
     But they have no redeeming qualities, unless they flesh them out from 3-10.

    Well, yeah, but it's like Fawlty Towers or Blackadder, where the characters amuse you because of how much they suffer. 

    ^Breathing air in the modern world can give you pneumonia. Just saiyan

  • Till shade is gone, till water is gone, into the Shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath, to spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the last Day.
    you people are dead to me.
  • You can change. You can.

    dogs are boss. 

    they are like...dogs, man

    you know?

    they are like hairy brothers who hang out

    and stufff

  • edited 2012-07-14 11:54:12
    Till shade is gone, till water is gone, into the Shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath, to spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the last Day.
    there is a reason they say that dogs are man's best friend

    (hint: they say that because dogs totally are)
  • Dogs are smelly.

  • You can change. You can.

    only if you don't bath them once a week

    so what i'm saying is that dogs are more hygienic than humans

  • Definitely not gay.

    They also growl at you and have really, really sharp teeth.

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    Some games are more enjoyable without walkthroughs; some are more enjoyable with walkthroughs.

  • One foot in front of the other, every day.

    I was once bitten by a sausage dog.

    How's that for irony?

  • You can change. You can.

    They also growl at you 

    If you pet them, they normally stop

    and have really, really sharp teeth.

    hardly the only pets with those

  • Petting a growling dog usually isn't a great idea...

    I prefer cats, but dogs are alright too.
  • edited 2012-07-14 12:51:31
    You can change. You can.

    I dunno, man. Always worked for me, unless you're dealing with, like, a very aggressive dog. and if you are, trust me, they won't be growling. they'll be eating your face

  • edited 2012-07-14 13:28:35
    But you never had any to begin with.


    How can you hate that face? :<

  • You can change. You can.

    ...where are his eyes

  • But you never had any to begin with.

    He always turns his eyes downwards when he's lying down, even when he doesn't plan on sleeping.

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    I prefer dogs over cats.

  • And Blobfest is happening this weekend.

    Wonder if I should bring my camera.

  • He who laments and can't let go of the past is forever doomed to solitude.

    I had a  dalmatian, he died some years ago. The poor dog.

  • At the skating rink with some fellow homestucks. Gonna need a really long shower when I get home, and my legs are probably going to be really sore tomorrow, but man, I forgot how much I liked skating. Even the part where I fall on my ass.
  • edited 2012-07-14 21:47:12
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    First textbook arrived today, unexpectedly early.

    On one hand I know that as a grad student I'll need to be soaking up readings like a sponge.  A parched sponge with a thin coating of moisture, if you want to be specific.

    On the other hand, this means that, for the rest of this half month, I'll be under a lot more pressure (at least from my parents) to stick my nose in my books and not do other things...such as write/transcribe music or learn programming.

  • But you never had any to begin with.

    Got bored. Started a Texts from Steins;Gate tumblr. Boredom is weird.

  • Kichigai birthday!!

    This video is one of the most hilarious things I've seen. It's basically the Japanese making fun of an American's awful pronunciation.

  • edited 2012-07-15 10:56:37

    Oh God I died of laughter.

    Though, I have to wonder... it really seems like that guy didn't even bother looking up the lyrics to the song at all before singing it...

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