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  • Has friends besides tanks now

    Jesus, my family's peachy keen in comparison to some of you guys. My condolences, as well.

  • No rainbow star
    Funny thing is, we are at our most relaxed and feeling most like a family when my dad has to stay out all night for work

    ...Considering the stuff I've let out about him, that may not be surprising

    Anyways, sorry for going all Chagen on you guys
  • Definitely not gay.

    Oh man, Malk

    That bites.

  • edited 2012-04-02 20:50:16

    ^^Don't apologize. You are nothing like Chagen. Besides, like I said, it's comforting to know that we are not alone.

  • Definitely not gay.

    Icalasari compared himself to Chagen?


    Eh, we all have our problems.

  • Definitely not gay.

    Oh Jesus, man

    Your dad sounds way worse than Chagen's (assuming that Chagen wasn't using that as an attention-grabbing scheme)

  • You can change. You can.

    Hurm, woke up with the biggest headache. As per usual, sorry to hear about how bad your life's gotten. I really do hope it gets better. I want to say I know or something, but that's a promise that I can't maintain and it'd probably come off as fake, so...there ya go, best of wishes riding off at ya. For whatever that's worth.

  • No rainbow star
    Abyss: Thanks

    Eelektross: It's why I'm sometimes worried about talking about my dad =/ Because in my head I'll get told to shut up and stop acting like Chagen
  • edited 2012-04-02 21:10:46
    Definitely not gay.

    Don't worry. It isn't talking about his dad that made Chagen...Chagen. It's that he used it to attention hoar.

    Don't attention hoar and you're fine.

  • And he acted so much like a spoiled child that it cast doubt on his sincerity.

  • Definitely not gay.

    So what are your thoughts on waifus?

  • edited 2012-04-02 21:32:19

    You're Beautiful by James Blunt. 

    A more serious answer: I don't care what you jack off to in your spare time as long as I don't have to see it. I think most people that claim waifus don't really mean it, but for those that escalate into body pillows...again, I'd rather not know.

  • You can change. You can.

    Funny when they are tongue-in-cheek joking about nerds bonding to fiction because of their high standards for real life, sad when it's actually serious.

  • Has friends besides tanks now

    So what are your thoughts on waifus?

    The concept is amusing, as is the sound of the word, but I pity those who seriously adore anime characters that much.

    I think most people that claim waifus don't really mean it

    -raises hand-

  • What does "high standards" even mean? Most of the time, they sound more like "anally picky and uncomfortably domineering."

  • You can change. You can.

    Right, that's what I meant in that sentence.

  • Give us fire! Give us ruin! Give us our glory!

    Annoying, creepy, and objectifying when done seriously. A hilarious parody of annoying, sexist, and creepy behaviors when not done seriously.

  • Definitely not gay.

    -looks up meaning of waifu-

    Oh wait, nevermind. I was aiming for discussing PSL in general, but it turns out that "waifu" doesn't quite fit that definition.

  • I think most people that claim waifus don't really mean it

    Most definitely don't.  Some really do though, I think.  Or rather, I think I can understand the feelings that would lead to someone being serious about it, although I'm not really sure if I'd ever be able to be completely serious when I say x character is mai waifu.

    And I think it's not really "high standards" (or being anal and domineering) so much as feeling lonely and desperate manifested in such a way that it looks like high standards.

  • edited 2012-04-02 21:40:42

    That's a odd paradox. If you're desperate, then wouldn't you latch onto anyone?

    As for PSL, refer to my first (serious) statement. 

  • Definitely not gay.


    What are your thoughts on PSL in general?

  • edited 2012-04-02 21:43:09
    Has friends besides tanks now

    What are your thoughts on PSL in general?

    I don't mind it (and admittedly succumb to it somewhat) up until the point where people seek out physical, real-life effigies for the objects of their affection.

  • Definitely not gay.

    until the point where people seek out physical, real-life effigies for the objects of their affection.

    Then it just gets...ergh.

  • edited 2012-04-02 21:43:54
    Give us fire! Give us ruin! Give us our glory!

    ^^Judging by the "omg ur a GIRL?!?!?!" reactions, they do but they try use the high standards excuse to explain why they've never had girlfriends.

    @Eelektross: Still creepy beyond "x character is hot", and still objectifying in all cases.

  • Definitely not gay.

    Personally, I think it's a little sad. I mean, it's like you're lonely and you don't know what to do and being attracted to a fictional character is kind of an acceptance of that.

  • So what are your thoughts on waifus?


    I want mine to be gentle and know how to play music.

  • edited 2012-04-02 21:47:13

    That's a paradox. If you're desperate, then wouldn't you latch onto anyone? 

    Yeah, but they won't necessarily latch onto you, and it's easy to at least pretend that an anime character loves you, whereas with a real person you'll have to deal with the fact that they actually don't.  Besides, there might not even be anyone to latch onto in the first place, if you're particularly asocial.

  • Definitely not gay.

    I mean, the Lust does not burn within people with high self-esteem.


    Honestly, I don't see what the problem with PSL is so long as it's done within obvious reasonable boundaries. Catwoman is drawn to be sexy, so why is it weird to find Catwoman sexy?

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