If you have an email ending in @hotmail.com, @live.com or @outlook.com (or any other Microsoft-related domain), please consider changing it to another email provider; Microsoft decided to instantly block the server's IP, so emails can't be sent to these addresses.
If you use an @yahoo.com email or any related Yahoo services, they have blocked us also due to "user complaints"
Don't be afraid to ask for help, of course.
fucking people getting videogames fuck you >:[
anyway, i should be writing a review for The Girl With The Dragon Tatoo and hopefully, I'll get enough money for a new PS3 controller to replace the old one.
Oh hey look I finally found a torrent for Chronicles of The Black Sword: Space Rock band Hawkwind's concert tribute to the Elric novels.
Elric's been one of my favorite fantasy characters for nearing a decade when I discovered them at fourteen, declaring them way better than R.A. Salvatore. Hey, I was fourteen.
In any case this should be delightfully cheesy.
Pssst, Alex. I think you might find this interesting, as you're interested in game design.
/Magic plug
But seriously, thanks for that. I shall proceed with interest.
Yes, my addiction to a children teenager's card game impulsed my post, I admit. :P
But yeah, it's a very good article on the ideas that permeate the latest set. The first two parts are pretty neat and discuss some game design theory as well.
I did enjoy that read. Despite the fact that I'd be a White player if I played Magic, I do love the Zombie Apocalypse card as well.
In fact, I think my biggest issue with Magic is that it's a card game rather than, say, a tabletop wargame, role-playing game or video game. The cards give really interesting little snippets of insight into a world that's partially reality and partially collective folklore. While its minimalistic format no doubt contributes to the kind of narrative interest it incites in me, it holds itself back with the same restriction.
There's a lot of great ideas that could see some really interesting application in a different format. Not that I'd want to replace the card game, mind, but I'd love to see the concepts within the game expand beyond its current borders.
It's funny. I started as a white player, myself. But one of the things you learn as you go along is to mix the colours up to get the best results. I'm still very fond of my white angel tribal deck, even if it's lost to time and stuff. ;_;
I think that Magic's interesting in that it manages to mix the stories it wants to tell with the mechanics it wants to use. Innistrad has been fairly interesting in that it manages to be gothic horror and use creatures such as zombies and vampires and manages to make them work in a mechanical fashion just as much as they work in terms of the flavour it wants to create. Zombies are slow and take some turns to attack, vampires are quick and frenzy when they aren't patient aristocrats and feed on the blood of their enemies and werewolves aren't in control of their transformation and only transform when a condition that is not under the player's control is met.
There've been tons of casual formats created by players in order to expand on their preferred aspects of the game as well as WOTC-created. One of the things I like a lot about the game is how versatile it is. Hell, WOTC recently developed a format based around Left For Dead, which is pretty neat, if a bit too easy on the players, in my opinion.
Fuck you, Selective Service System, I already registered!
Seriously, though, fuck them; I don't like being told that I can be fined or imprisoned for not doing something that I've already done. Then again, I also don't like that they force people to register for the draft (should it happen), on pain of criminal charges, in the first place.
Juan, I think you would like Warhammer Fantasy. It's kind of already a lot like Magic: Tabletop Miniatures edition thematically. It's way too freaking expensive as a miniatures game, but much like what I want from Magic, it's expanded. There's a solid base of (often questionable) literature, as well as some video games and alternate tabletop games, like the RPG and skirmish equivalents.
I've thought of trying Dawn at War, but money ;_;
and I'm too lazy to buy games these days, for some reason. >.>
> implying most tabletop games don't come as PDFs
> hell, implying that Warhammer doesn't have its own equivalent of Cockatrice
inb4 >implying I've actually worked out how to use the damned thing
In any case, Dawn of War is 40k and not Fantasy. Fantasy is superior in my opinion, and not just because of swordsswordsswords. Because of its heavier restrictions on movement and emphasis on holistic accountability for combat (rather than primarily just killing power), it's a much more strategic and tactical game. It has its flaws, mind, but it's a lot more interesting and tense than Warhammer 40,000, because 40k is so freeform that you end up rolling a lot of dice without any kind of tactical commitment -- you're just meeting killing power with killing power.
Fantasy also has all kinds of vampires under the sun, Renaissance Germany, Medieval England/France, demon-empowered Vikings, Egyptian-style divine undead, European-style arcane undead and genuinely amusing and funny Orcs.
Also, steampunk dorfs.
That said, I feel pretty shitty at the moment, so I probably won't play long for now.
Protip: Once you get to the main hub, if you go to the graveyard, you're going to an area meant for much much later. Common first mistake.
You get there like ten minutes into the game.
Also, focus your stats on Vitality, Endurance and any other two of your choice. Spreading your stat progressions out too far will weaken your character significantly, so never have more than four primary stats, but never less than three.
Another note: Pyromancer is one of the easier starter classes to play.
i quit playing dark souls after I fell off a bridge due to misplaced targeting
What class did you select?
What gift did you take? I forgot to mention that the Master Key lets you skip one of the most annoying bosses.
Warrior's pretty good, and the longsword is a really solid weapon (although you'll want something heavier later on) and the hardened leather armour is really good starting armour (but likewise, you'll want to upgrade it or get something heavier eventually). Plus you start with a 100% physical damage resistant shield.
Which one, INUH?
Also, I have pretty much decided to make a jack of all trades character, Fuck efficiency, versatility is funnier.
^The Capra Demon.
Pah. Everyone knows that the true way to play MtG is U/B.
worst colour combination ever. Now, U/R, on the other hand...