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  • edited 2011-12-31 10:29:13

    "I can't say my relationship with my parents is particularly abusive, but I certainly wish I could get away from them for quite a while. In fact, I think that the few months away from them I've got (And the subsequent months after being so long without them) have made me feel a lot better about my folks than being constantly together has."

    I can understand that. I feel the same way myself. It's just that "completely despise" seems rather overblown and maybe a little selfish for the level of strife involved. I say selfish because I used to be like that before I attempted to be more considerate of others.

  • edited 2011-12-31 16:05:41
    Has friends besides tanks now
    Let's see if I can finish Let Me In before the New Year starts!
    >Not watching the superior Let The Right One In.
  • edited 2011-12-31 16:32:12
    Has friends besides tanks now
    Oh, no, I'm reading it. The translators used Let Me In for the novel, as well.

    If I was watching it, I could certainly finish it before the clock strikes twelve. If you want a movie I can't finish: I got about an hour into The Two Towers before I had had enough for the time. I was pretty tired, but I still haven't gotten around to finishing, and I don't know when I will.
    Ah kool.

    Also fuck you Alex. It's not New Year's Day until it is... IN AMERICA!
  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.
    Neo_Crimson: That may be the
    point, but it's still wearisome.
  • Bummer, there was no Christmas family reunion this year and there won't be one for new year's.
  • But you never had any to begin with.
    Happy new year from GMT.

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.
    Well, finished the game.

    My character died at the end ;-;

    I made the people of Redcliffe happy with their lives. The city elves have new hope, with their leader appointed to the Council and Shianni or whoever being their new leader. There is finally peace between the Dalish and the humans, and the Dalish have been granted land of their own. The common folk are happy, too, as Alistair travels around and makes them all happy. The Circle is finally on its' way to recovery, and all the spirits in the Tower have been banished. The Grey Wardens have an outpost to call their own, and recruitment can begin again on that end.

    The dwarves, on the other hand, have isolated themselves further underground. Herrowmont died, and a new civil war is brewing among them. The Darkspawn have retreated, but the most powerful of them still roam the land, and it is proving very difficult to kill them. Many of my companions don't know what to do with themselves after the fight- Sten returns to his homeland and is promoted and actively kills lots of humans; Oghdwarfperson makes a nuisance of himself at various taverns; Wynne announces that she is travelling and is never seen again; and Leliana composes a ballad, sings it once, and then receives a vision and disappears. Her last words to a maid are "I can see my love again."

    It's a very... bittersweet ending. I've made the world a better place for some, but I've made it even worse for others. Worse, many of the people that I cared about over the course of the game don't receive particularly happy endings. My character is dead, killing the Archdemon so that Alistair could remain King, as he needs to to prevent a war of succession, and even that is only a temporary solution as Alistair will die eventually of the Taint himself. The Magi are still tightly controlled by the Chantry, the Elves aren't exactly free themselves, the Dwarves are isolated and fighting amongst themselves, and the humans are happy now, but that may not last beyond the current generation of rulers.
  • So I went into the city with my family (some of whom were over from Perth) to see the New Year's celebration.

    As my cousin put it, it was eleven hours of waiting (I killed a few of them by playing Final Fantasy and walking, unlike everyone else who just lay there for most of it) for 12 minutes of fucking fireworks. I haven't been impressed by fireworks since I was 12. This was followed up by about two fucking hours trying to get into Wynyard station to get on the train to go home, since the jackboots who run the place have no idea how to handle crowds. Thank god the police turned up when they did, because the crowd (I'm not kidding when I say there were probably over 20,000 people on that street, and at least 5,000 in that crowd alone) was starting to get nasty.

    The whole thing was a colossal fucking waste of time, made significantly worse by the fact that I missed my boyfriend on one of the few times he gets spare these days.

    Now to find a job.
    It's actually what I liked abiut DA Cygan. Every person's accomplishments turn into a collection of good and bad things so it makes yoir character feel like he's a part of history.
  • But you never had any to begin with.
    ...And then DA2 came along and screwed everything up.
  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.
    I just wish there was something concrete. Something to let me know that I did make the world a bit better (beyond the, y'know, preventing genocide).

    The werewolves I turned into humans are good, at least.
    DA2's cardinal sin was trying to emulate Mass Effect. It had some cool stuff though. It just wasn't as good.
  • edited 2011-12-31 21:09:23
    I don't need to play Dragon Age: Origins.
  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.
    Yes. Yes you do.
  • But you never had any to begin with.
    One problem with DA2 was how utterly godawful the writing was.

  • edited 2011-12-31 19:10:04
    Has friends besides tanks now
    I still need to beat it; the furthest I got was starting the landsmeet and deciding I didn't want to deal with it (also, Cygan, y u ditch PTA for the landsmeet? ;_;).

    Course, now that I've traded my 360 in for a PS3, I would have to start over for maybe the fifth time. . . . Screw that. I'll go with Catherine, Bayonetta, Tekken 6, or BlazBlue, or something first; I especially don't want to start it coming off of Skyrim.
  • Yes. Yes you do.
    No I don't.
  • edited 2011-12-31 19:10:42
    One foot in front of the other, every day.
    ^^^^^^ Less that, I think, and more a lack of a single, central storyline.
  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    I haven't played DA2, but I watched my roommate play a lot of it. At one point I asked him "so, what's the story up until this point?" He couldn't actually answer the question.
    I liked DA2's characters but the actual story was very dull, much like the second Mass Effect actually.
  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.
    (also, Cygan, y u ditch PTA for the landsmeet? ;_;)

    Because I was engrossed in the story ;-;

    In fact, I was up at 1:30 playing. I only went to bed because I ragequit after dying for the fifth time in front of Fort Drakon in the final battle :V fucking dragon thralls :v
    So I'm watching this New Girl show and I'm pretty sure the prime demographic is the many people who have declared Miss Deschanel their waifu.
  • a little muffled
    Man, fuck family new years party. nobody worth talking too.
  • That's why you gotta go with friends if you can, took me 18 years to figure that out.
  • Has friends besides tanks now
    I'm glad we didn't have anything like that this year. Well, actually, I usually spend Christmas with the stepfamily, but there are really only two people there who are fun to talk to, so this year, since I was also still in that depressed funk, I decided to spend the time at dad's, since I don't really spend enough time with him anyway. I'm glad I did that, instead, and I think there's something to be learned from that. What happened to Legionnaire was bullshit, and I hope that that's not how it usually happens; I was miserable enough waiting in a line on Black Friday, so I couldn't imagine sitting around for twice that amount of time, and certainly not to watch some lousy fireworks. Actually, that's damn near infuriating, that his parents would drag him off to something like that.
  • a little muffled
    @firebert: my friend ditched us to go to another party, my brother decided to stay downstais, I deceided to go to my room too.
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