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Let's get this straight. I don't mean people who are connected to TV tropes, but goons with no prior connection with TVT who come over from SA just to stir up trouble. Though admittedly, I haven't seen any of that and it would likely be weeded out pretty quickly...
Later, Schitz.
hee hee hee sneaksneaksneak
Also, lol Japan and your jailbaity looking moms XD
Jesus Christ, that is one buff schoolgirl. That, or Yukiteru must weigh like, what, 95 pounds?
Also, love how Yukiteru used a sumo throw from Kirby's "suplex" moveset on his own mother XD
Yukiteru has the coolest mom ever. Seriously. A game designer who's ready to sell her own son over for a good meal.
Well. That was a damn good meal. So, have you kids reached 4th base, yet? WHAT DO YOU MEAN NOT YET?!
For all I know, Yuno must've cleared out the toilet paper intentionally so that she'd HAVE to give him a roll. Oh, Yuno, you clever lass.
Well Yuki. Here I am. Rock me like a hurricane.
...No? That's okay. After all, love is a battlefield.
And I declare war
The omake really adds to the charm of the show.
... is Rea Amano nearsighted or what?
Isn't that home plate?