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  • No rainbow star
    The guys in the MuMu music room convinced me to make my waifu...

    MuMu, the music player

    How they did it I have no idea
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Fridge Brilliance:

    Y'know how the first syllable of "music" is pronounced "myu"?

    They're secretly promoting Tokyo Mew Mew / Mew Mew Power.
    Mio Vs. Haruhi is a heavy-hitter match. I'm more interested in my own personal picks.
  • No rainbow star
    Abyss, who was the laugh at?
  • edited 2011-11-12 00:07:58
    Hint: It's one of the most popular breeding grounds for contriving coincidences on Tvtropes.
  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    >decide to quit playing Skyrim and go to bed, as it's late
    >eh, I'll just finish this quest...
    >sun comes up
  • One foot in front of the other, every day.
    Dat feel. I've only played two hours and I want more, except it's on my brother's PC and it's past midnight. x_x
    So I started Madoka. Pretty good so far. It's not as good as Princess Tutu but still worth watching.

    I really like the surreal horror aspect.
  • Has friends besides tanks now
    "I really like the surreal horror aspect."

    How many episodes have you watched so far?

    "It's not as good as Princess Tutu but still worth watching."

    Oh, yeah. I still need to watch beyond episode two. And I won't say "difference in tastes" this time, because I definitely believe it'll get better as it goes along.
  • A really odd afternoon for me. I went up to London, to meet up with some people in a social club I'm in and visit St Paul's Cathedral with them. It's free to get in today.

    I was sitting on a bench nearby eating a sandwich, just before going to the place we were supposed to meet, when a lady of maybe 60 wandered up and asked the woman next to me for directions to the same place.

    "Are you with the X Club?" I asked. She was, but was a bit worried about finding them given that the meet-up place was where the protest camp has set up shop and it's really busy.

    "Ha, ha, don't worry, I have my mobile phone and the organiser's number." Yes, it turned out to be one of the rare moments when I have ever looked really organised and competent in front of a member of the opposite sex, even if she was probably the same age as my mother. It turned out that the organiser wasn't answering his phone anyway, but we did eventually find some people I recognised in the crowd and got into the Cathedral.

    It was really busy, they were running a kind of musical puppet show to distract all the kids (using the organ!) and the whole contrast between a huge Baroque church and a kind of mediaeval encampment-cum-minature rock festival outside, both attracting crowds of tourists, was just so bizarre it was almost trippy.


  • Has friends besides tanks now
    My World of Darkness book just got here, but I'm still waiting for Vampire: the Requiem. Ironically, the WoD book came from Michigan, while V:tR is coming from Massachusetts.
  • You can change. You can.
    How many episodes have you watched so far?

    I think he's referring to the witches' worlds being all bizarre and shit.

    Oh, yeah. I still need to watch beyond episode two. And I won't say "difference in tastes" this time, because I definitely believe it'll get better as it goes along.

    Madoka gets better...till episode 3.

    then it gets kinda bad (with some great moments to keep you watching)...till episode 10

    and it ends on a sort of high note
  • edited 2011-11-12 11:40:18
    Has friends besides tanks now
    "I think he's referring to the witches' worlds being all bizarre and shit."

    Fair enough, though my curiosity is somewhat relevant to any part of the story.

    "Madoka gets better...till episode 3.

    then it gets kinda bad (with some great moments to keep you watching)...till episode 10

    and it ends on a sort of high note"

    I was referring to Princess Tutu; I've already watched Madoka in its entirety. And I liked it from episode 3 all the way till the end. The first two episodes didn't do anything for me.
  • No rainbow star
    ^^^^ The cathedral costs money to get into normally?
  • You can change. You can.
    I dunno, the whole Sayaka arc was annoying as all hell. Especially because blah blah souls are not really that important. Especially when the lack of one does not imply the lacfkof a self.

    Not like the first episodes wer really any better, but they certainly kept me hooked. I dropped Madoka twice.

    once at episode 4 and another at episode 6-7-ish
    I actually just finished episode 3.

    No spoilers by the by kthanx? I know supposedly I'm supposed to know everything but somehow I haven't been spolied yet so let's keep it that way.

    Everest: Tutu has a metafiction thing going on that's really cool. I'm not sure if that's your bag though.
  • You can change. You can.
    I wrote the only thing that might be an spoiler in white and you should not see it unless you hate yourself or like to highlight everything you read.
  • Ica - Yes, they do charge, unless you're actually coming for a service. It was a controversial move when they made it and actually the woman I helped this afternoon said she hadn't visited St Pauls for years for that reason.
  • edited 2011-11-12 13:43:47

    I probably would have liked Madoka if I didn't go into it expecting something other than a Nanoha-esque show with some horror themes and Utena references, but, well, I did and I was disappointed.  That plus the hype (at the time, since I was watching it as it aired) kind of ruined it for me, though I guess there's the possibility that I'll give it another chance sometime.

    Princess Tutu was amazing though.

  • Bloody sleep schedules. I seem to be drifting back into sleeping from 6 am to 2 pm. The pinnacle of responsible living.
  • No rainbow star
    ^ That would be quite handy if I was working more often at Brewsters

    I always get night shifts
  • Has friends besides tanks now
    I think I might have finally found a place where I can play nWoD! Yes!

    And I got some ten-sided dice. Now I just need a bag, and my V:tR book to come in.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    No, you should play Super Console.
  • edited 2011-11-12 21:38:50
    Has friends besides tanks now
    >check RPTools.net's pbp section
    >last post in WoD: Oct 14

    sp'jkfiodxvpoxdfjnuioskgvoenvbkjds[bndjbodsfnvpds,vidsbjpsdkfv isrdkvsrmeio;gfmsiuvnsemr9vnuihges9hnugn9w40nufusvm esru


    >last post in Wargaming (which includes Warhammer 40K): Nov: 11
    >last post in Dungeons and Dragons: Nov 12

  • edited 2011-11-12 21:48:19
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    I still have too much loyalty to D&D to hate on it just yet, and the number of "SPESS MARINES" jokes I've heard makes me prefer D&D over WH40K.

    Solution to you: Attempt to attack planeswalker "Glenn Magus Harvey, D&D Player" a few more times.
  • I really like the surreal horror aspect.
    Yeah, that was the best part of the show... which gets pretty much dropped for the remainder of the series, the ending was OK, I guess. And yes, Princess Tutu is much better than Madoka.
  • edited 2011-11-12 22:08:47
    Has friends besides tanks now
    ^^ I don't hate either game, really; I just view them as rivals at the moment. More popular rivals.
  • Give us fire! Give us ruin! Give us our glory!
    >I still have too much loyalty to D&D to hate on it just yet, and the
    number of "SPESS MARINES" jokes I've heard makes me prefer D&D over

    I can't help but think I had a hand in this...
  • 40k is pretty fun.  Was just playing it a few hours ago actually.  The setting is shit but fortunately it doesn't actually matter.
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