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So XCOM: Enemy Unknown kinda sorta pretty much rocks hard. It's Fire Emblem-tier strategy.
I've read through most of Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works over the past few days, and finished the Archer vs Shirou fight last night.
And holy fuck, this route is fucking amazing.
^^Pretty much my reaction. Enemy Unknown rules.
Random Assignment Tables: they make Unit List creation in MegaMek better, especially if you're going for an 8K BV list. Clan mechs are still tricky, though.
Finished Gunman Clive. Cool game, worth my money.
Unlimited Blade Works is so great. I went through really, really quickly.
I still haven't finished Heaven's Feel, though. I'm probably going to try to just start rereading the whole thing one of these days.
My game freezes in on the third line of Shirou's Unlimited Blade Works chant. So I can't finish the route, even though I'm in the middle of the final battle.
That's really disappointing, since I think I was going to get the good end as well.
Played some PoE, beat the Butcher the Warden. Game's pretty good so far, and although it takes a lot from D2, I like how it's two skill systems really differentiate it.
Stiiiiiiiil playing Persona 3 Portable, even though I thought I quit jrpgs (lol to that). It's a lot of fun.
Sometimes I forget how hard the 'normal' difficulty setting is, though, and get murdered by a random ambush in Tartarus. I think the funnest part is how interactive most of the conversations are.
Trufax: Persona 3 and 4 are the best JRPGs ever created.
But Malk, neither of them are Tales of Phantasia!
Tales of Phantasia is beautiful.
What I appreciated about Tales of Phantasia (apart from, you know, its excellent gameplay) was how gracefully it carried the most cliche JRPG story possible. It's fun to mock the standard setup of "go to town, upgrade gear, beat dungeon, repeat" and the tendency for their protagonists to be forced out of their homes with a small cadre of close friends, but Phantasia is a great example of why that was so popular.
Also, playing old JRPGs is fun in terms of interpretation. For instance, to my mind, Cless and Chester had Welsh accents.
paper mario: ttyd.
Favorite JRPG is Dark Souls, if that counts. Or Final Fantasy: Tactics, though that might count even less. I'm not sure what my favorite "traditional" JRPG would be. Probably Persona 4, I suppose.
In any case, I haven't played every JRPG ever made so I can't say what the best is (I haven't even played most or even many popular ones, let alone more obscure ones).
Seconding TWEWY
TWEWY is my favorite JRPG, next to Tales of Symphonia.
Sometimes I wish jrpgs wouldn't have reeaaaalllly long cut-scenes, and then no save, and then a part with high potential for cheap death. >_> But P3P is one of those jrpgs where you can skip the cut-scenes, which is nice. Older jrpgs would force you watch the same 10-minute cut-scene, or longer, when you died.
My favoraite JRPG is Final Fantasy X-2.
The best JRPG in my opinion is Persona 3 (P3P would be the best version if it included The Answer).
There is a special place in my heart for Tales of Vesperia, Disgaea 1 & 3 and Atelier Meruru.
But what do I know about games anyways.
Sometimes I wish JRPG's wouldn't have reeaaalllly long cutscenes.
Other times, I just wish they'd cut the cutscenes out entirely.
^ > FFX-2
you are dead to me
you were dead to me when i declared war based on eureka seven non-liking status
I still need to go back to FFX-2. I stopped at about 20% completion.
Should I go back to it, 14?~
go play hotline miami
hmmm delishush 90s tinged violence
Argh, XCOM!
This is a more general complaint, but I was just on the final mission on XCOM and it was down to the wire. All of my soldiers but one had died due to one turn's bad mismanagement on my part, which pretty much consigned them to an inevitable death. The final enemies have massive, massive range and both of their primary abilities are very powerful. I was thinking I could swing it, since the last enemy was injured and stuff. It was only a question of getting into range.
To my credit, though, the game did spawn more of them than it actually showed me initially (that is, they spawned outside of the sight radius of my soldiers). It looks as though that boss room was built to steal initiative from the player, given the tight entrance and whatnot. That would be cool, but then throwing three of the game's most tedious enemies at the player at once is... eh.
It was just anticlimactic, you know? My troops were going through hell down there, it came down to the wire and then nope. Enemies spawn out of perspective, the entrance to the room steals initiative and then it's more a question of how long I can stave off a complete squad wipe rather than actual success. A shame, since the last encounter is often one of the most memorable and characteristic experiences of any game. In fact, I'd say it's a big part of the reason Ocarina of Time is celebrated so much more than Skyward Sword.
Hotline Miami DLC when?
@ Lai: I told ya Gunman Clive was awesome!
@ Fave RPG: Yeah, I'm gonna have to go with either Persona 3/4, or the Souls games.
My favorite RPG, and game period, is still Pokemon.
Also, I think the mainline SMT games are better than Persona in terms of atmosphere and writing. Nocturne and Strange Journey especially.
@Alex: I dunno, I think it's a good thing that you can't go all commando like usual into the final room, have most of the final battle depend on what you can do on that one first turn and instead have a prolonged gunfight. I think you'd have had a better experience if you had more units for it (and someone with Ghost Armor).
I'll agree that P2 & 4 might not have the best writing but 1 is pretty good and 3 is great.