If you have an email ending in @hotmail.com, @live.com or @outlook.com (or any other Microsoft-related domain), please consider changing it to another email provider; Microsoft decided to instantly block the server's IP, so emails can't be sent to these addresses.
If you use an @yahoo.com email or any related Yahoo services, they have blocked us also due to "user complaints"
I actually have 4 copies sitting in my inventory at this moment, if you want one Glenn.
I also have like 6 DotA invites if anyone wants one.
I too have DotA invites.
There are no shortages of DotA invites.
I'm tempted to ask for one, but then again, I promised someone else that wants me to play DotA that I never would.
^Hey, it's free. So you can just try it out, then uninstall it and tell that guy to fuck off if you hate it.
Alright, fine.
ok what is this dota thing
is it
Basically it's Warcraft but not.
So you choose one hero, who you have direct control over. Apart from that one hero, you get a bunch of automatically respawning troops who just head towards the enemy base and attack whatever enemy happens to be between their spawn point and that location. So the aim of the game is to manage your hero well enough to get an advantage over the enemy.
In short, it's a micromanager's dream. Except if you like micromanaging to the extent that you want to focus on just one character, I'm not sure why you're not playing Dark Souls.
It's like LoL.
I prefer LoL though.
Let me introduce you to jseblan.
So, beat my FFIV Solo Cecil run. It was certainly interesting, but not something I'd exactly rush to do again.
The main issues were Barbariccia (who Cecil can't actually hurt without items), Baigan (who as I mentioned before, keeps paralysing and blinding you), and Lugae, who could easily do 2k damage to Cecil a turn.
The Demon Wall was beaten at the very last second, and only because I slowed it, hasted Cecil, lowered its defense, and berserked Cecil, and I can imagine it would have been nearly impossible if I hadn't been carrying some Spider Silk.
LoL hasn't caught my attention for a while. Maybe I'll try DotA 2. I really don't like the art style, though.
^That's probably what's kept me from playing both LoL and Dota, and by extention, Warcraft. I REEEEAAAAALLY don't like today's fantasy art.
Yeah, same here. I prefer the smooth "anime(sque)" style, as far as visuals go.
@Saigyouji: One of @Unknown_Entity's friends has been livestreaming a PSP playthrough of FFIV. Ask him about it if you want to watch. I was watching a bit yesterday; he's stupidly overleveled AND playing with a full party; they just finished the Underworld arc last night.
Re DOTA 2 (specifically): Is it going to be f2p when it actually launches? If not, are these beta keys going to be still usable after the official launch?
I wish fantasy art looked more like Record of Lodoss War, but eh, yeah, I'll probably give LoL a try one of these days.
Isn't LoL another f2p game?
It is.
Anyhow, about DotA 2 I was referring to how bleak it looks (I actually like LoL's cartoonier art style a lot).
League of Legends is free? Now I have no excuse to not try it.
Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door is very good! And Chrono Trigger is, of course, amazing, mostly because of Magus.
Final Fantasy 7 is surprisingly fun.
A lot of people give Cloud a lot of crap for being emo angsty, but he's pretty fun so far. The story doesn't take him overly seriously- I mean, he infiltrated a dude's mansion to save Tifa by crossdressing, only to fight a magic pig that hurts itself with its ultimate attack- but it's definitely serious enough that I haven't rolled my eyes at the antics yet.
It seems to strike a safe middle ground between the two later games, 8 and 9. Cloud's definitely darker and more serious than Zidane, but he's more lighthearted and willing to joke around than Squall, even though Cloud's definitely the more broken man between the two.
FF7 has pretty much taken top spot as my favourite Final Fantasy game so far, out of all of them I've played. (I'd like to say that's FFXIII, but I really only like Lightning and Serah out of the entirety of XIII.)
I found the game too boring. Mind you, I "only" played the first four hours... but four hours into a game, one ought to be into the meat of the experience and I hadn't found myself at that point yet.
As much as I feel FFVII is overrated, the accusations of Cloud being angsty have never made sense. For the majority of the game he's A) All "Mr SOLDIER" or
A vegetable. I can only assume that people are working off the Compilation or something.
That's actually a big mistake a lot of people make. Cloud in the original game wasn't really angsty at all. Crazy, and kind of an asshole yes, but not really angsty. Problem is, a lot of fans wanted him, and saw him, as angsty for their fanfics and Squeenix eventually just retconned his personality to match commmon fan perception.
But yeah, FF7 was a very good game for its time. Even though I think most of its mechanics are outdated, I definitely see why its so well regarded.
It is safe to assume that 90% of the time, you can take your perspective on a game, flip it, and that will be mine.
Conversely, I personally find FF6 to be extremely boring.
I can't actually name a time where he's angsty other than in his appearance in Kingdom Hearts. Was he particularly angsty in Advent Children/Crisis Core? (I'm pretty sure it's no for Crisis Core.)
I really wanted to like the game. I LOVED the materia system. But man, the fights just drag on by now.
FFVII is my favourite, too.
I think the perception of Cloud being angsty existed before the compilation, though. Anyhow, it still makes more sense than saying Tidus is angsty.
That's endemic to Final Fantasy in general. I find increasing the battle speed helps somewhat, but I hate lengthy animations. (Thus why I love the short regular attack animations of 7.)
It's not just that. It's the fucking fight wooshes.
and then I remembered about Supernova back when my brother played it and I'm like "... oh yeah."
I'm pretty sure they were in there to disguise loading screens.
You'll find them in e.g. Pokemon, as well.
... Well, that's true :V
I think in my current save file, I stopped at around that one parade float.
That's probably another thing that bugged me about the game. The mini games.
I think the one thing that makes me still wanna play through the game is how much it takes from Berserk.
I'll give it another go.