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In which Winona fell extremely quick. Gardevoir + shock wave ftw.
More like gardevoir + calm mind + calm mind + calm mind + calm mind + calm mind + calm mind + shock wave.
Why bother with buff spam? Gardevoir + lightning TM can smash most of Winona's team in seconds without it.
Also, I played and finished Gateways. Short, but very fun and clever. Also quite well optimized for the kind of bizarre shit they do.
@Unknown_Entity was the one who buff-spammed. I haven't ever played Emerald.
Also, he's streaming Eryi's Action tonight at around 10 or 11 PM EST. For real this time.
So, Fire Emblem Awakening should land in my mailbox early next month now, with Rayman Legends a few weeks later. Can't wait!
I just realized...had they set the game Defy Gravity to an interesting story premise and given it more art assets and stuff, they might have ended up with a game kinda like Portal -- a physics puzzle platformer with a surprisingly interesting narrative tacked onto it.
I've just noticed that a lot of 90's sci-fi games ripped off Alien and Aliens.
I can only think of Metroid and Doom.
There's a lot of indirect rip-offage through all the games that ripped off Doom.
Starcraft, Half-life and Halo seem to be "inspired" by alien and aliens.
I can sort of see Halo by virtue of spess mehrines.
I have no idea of what Starcraft's plot is, but the zerg seem to be the diametrical opposite of everything that the xenomorphs do in Alien(s).
And Half-Life...well, I guess I can see it too? Sorta? If I squint really hard.
The entire Terran faction could be renamed the weyland yutani corporation and no one would be any the wiser.
the only thing in Halo I can think of that's similar to Alien is The Flood. Even then only vaguely.
Of course I've never seen Alien, so I only know it via generic popculturisms.
Warhammer 40k (1987), ripped off Alien (1979), it counts and anything that ripped it off (SPESS MEHREENS) in turn does too. So, Warhammer 40k, Starcraft, the Starship Troopers movies (which took more inspiration from Alien than they did from the book they were based on that predated Alien), Halo, Half-life, Doom, Resistance, Dead Space...this goes on and on.
That, and Terran marines quote the Alien movies constantly.
You know, I don't think Warhammer 40K is nearly as culturally relevant as it's assumed to be in this kind of discussions. The only example where I'd say there's a clear "inspiration" is Starcraft, for obvious reasons.
I am planning on getting a PS3 for my birthday next week.
Recommend good PS3 exclusive games I probably haven't heard of.
generally aclaimed games I liked: Valkyria Chronicles, Wipeout HD Fury, Super Stardust HD, Warhawk (not very newbie-friendly, though...)
Games I loved but a fair number of peoples are indiferent toward/hate: Full Auto 2, Lair.
Atelier Totori is a must have, as well as Hyperdimension Neptunia and Super Rub 'a' Du
Flower, got it.
Journey, Journey, did I mention Journey?
MGS 4, Heavy Rain (Worth a rental & playthrough, in my opinion), Uncharted (1 and 2. 3 is OK but a huge step backwards, in my opinion) and really I don't see why they have to be exclusive but OK
Finally, somebody else on the internet who shares my opinion of this game!
Millercross: 'cause I already have every Xbox 360 game worth getting!
Ah, I see.
I only play wapponese fanservice-filled PS3 games that you would have no interest in, and that I would feel ashamed if someone walked in while I was playing.
My Little Sister Is An F-Cup!? got it
Ni No Kuni anyone? Hello, it's Studio Ghibli!
@That starcraft video:
Ahahaha, I totally forgot how janky the cutscenes were in that game. I thought that one was so cool as a kid, though. Watched it a lot.
That game was basically my childhood, though.