If you have an email ending in @hotmail.com, @live.com or @outlook.com (or any other Microsoft-related domain), please consider changing it to another email provider; Microsoft decided to instantly block the server's IP, so emails can't be sent to these addresses.
If you use an @yahoo.com email or any related Yahoo services, they have blocked us also due to "user complaints"
Eryi's action being streamed now:
Gamer demands a replacement Halo 4 disc from Bungie, Bungie responds as sarcastically as humanly possible and replaces his disc anyway.
^I thought Bungie didn't own the rights to Halo anymore?
Watch the video.
So I revisited some of the more irritatingly complicated puzzles in Spacechem after watching the SA tournament. Guava's videos on abusing the piss out of action/bonder priority taught me enough to not only greatly simplify my solutions for most of the really irritating puzzles, but in a lot of cases cut the time to about half or a quarter of my previous solution.
Most notably, the Moustachium 608 challenge went from an incomprehensible mess that took like 1500 cycles, to a really nice looking thing that took a touch over 300 and used half the symbols.
@Myrm and PS3 games: Valkyria Chronicles, Demon's Souls, Tales of Graces f, Disgaea 3 and 4.
Oh hey my copy of Hyrule Historia shipped. Forgot I'd ordered that.
Presumably because I subconsciously harbour a deep and intense degree of self-loathing, I started a Solo Cecil run of FFIV. Just beaten the Mist Dragon.
How exactly do you handle the magnetic cave when he can't use weapons?
And uh...what do you do when you get to the death-timer enemies at the end of the game?
You can run away from these, can't you? (Minus the optional Plague, of course.)
You can run from encounters in the magnetic cave. And last I checked, there are no mandatory fights against things with Doom.
Honestly, the toughest things are going to be the Trap Doors and Barbariccia.
I did a FFV solo Sorcerer (Mystic Knight in the GBA version, I think). The whole run was more annoying than challenging, but specially the first fight against X-Death (he has Doom, he doesn't use it often but he lasts forever).
Never again.
Demon Wall is kind of timed too.
I can't even imagine doing the Exdeath fight solo. That thing's enough of a pain during the Four Job Fiesta.
so did anyone else pick up Path of Exile after AttObl talked about it? Because it's freaking awesome.
I'm actually considering spending money on the alternate skin for my skeleton minions.
I gave it a pretty thorough description here while recommending it to Nick from Indie Impressions if anyone's more curious on the subject.
Thinking of doing a liveblog or sorts, of the Hyperdimension Neptunia trilogy. Possible fun to be had there.
Wanna do a livestream, even?
The Neptunia games are RPGs. As always, not great stream material. Also, I'm assuming Saturn doesn't have a capture card, which nulls it considering they are PS3 games.
Fuck you, Canada.
I'd be more or less interested in reading about Neptunia.
I'm not sure to what extent those games are improved by visuals and audio.
I do know for sure that I don't want to actually /play/ them though, since the combat looks really boring...
(and I don't have a PS3 anyway)
I've been thinking about continuing A Witch's Tale but the combat it not interesting enough.
What Saig said. A liveblog would be better than a livestream, because it's an RPG that has occasional moments of interest, spaced out by long periods of boring grind, which is, at least for the viewer, not fun to watch.
Plus I don't have a capture card.
I would probably have art and videos to help visually. I think most of the hilarity would be from the fanservice-y moe outlook on consoles and video games, since in at least the first game, the gameplay is pretty bad.
I have a Let's Play of Tohomon that's decently popular. Maybe look at that and see if that format would work?
Beat Cagnazzo in my Solo Cecil run. So far, the only real sticking points have been him and Baigan. (Although my only deaths thus far have been by being petrified by a bird and me being an idiot and forgetting that the Mom Bomb's explosion grows in power if you attack it.)
Cagnazzo was mostly tedious, since Tsunami was only doing 300 odd damage, and I have plenty of hi-potions in stock, but the fact that he randomly counters physicals with Hold in the DS version is... annoying. The main issue was when he started his healing phase, since it turned into "How long can I hit him before Hold hits me?", with me needing 4 unparalysed attacks to outdamage his healing.
Baigan... hoo boy. I spent 75% of that battle blind, paralysed, or both. Add that to his constant state of haste and it was a pretty tough battle. Thankfully, unlike the Mom Bomb, I actually remembered that his arms explode this time and whittled them down beforehand.
Warren Spector's Juntion Point studio has been shuttered by its parent company Disney.
Warren Spector's? What a shame.
Tried Path of Exile and it seems like a pretty good game but unfortunately there is no Australian server and I still get like 250< ping on the Singapore server which shouldn't happen. Hopefully this issue is fixed soon as I like the art and atmosphere of that game.
Hugo's Nightmare story in Ys Origin is...mostly way, waaaaay easier than Yunica's. I've been beating most of the bosses on the first try. Gelaldy, who was an incredibly long and grueling endurance match with Yunica because her damage is really low at that point in the game, winds up bypassing about a third of the fight because Hugo can push him past each damage threshold before he even comes back up from a bite and never has to wait for the second one, his mines' blast is big enough to catch the minions every time whereas Yunica could get randomly screwed if they fell too far apart, can shield through a couple lasers, and doesn't even have to worry about positioning the fists and bites.
The super-bugs right after Rado's Annex were a little ridiculous though. They have a shitload of HP, hit you hard and fast for nearly half your HP bar, and all of your attacks do 1 damage. I had to cheese them with the side of the staircase, where I was free to just blast them continuously for about 45 seconds apiece until they croaked. To think these were the same things I easily farmed with Yunica on the same difficulty for the journal entry...
So, the Vita doesn't appear to come with a memory card. Unless you buy the Black Ops Declassified bundle, which comes with a memory card and a game so bad that it actually managed to Metacritic in the low 30s. This bundle costs the same as the normal Vita, so I guess they felt that these pack-ins' values canceled each other out?
PSPs don't either, not even game bundles. Only the 3000 Bundle comes with one, I think.
And yes, PSP and PSV memory cards are different for no discernible reason.
Are you sure it's the same model Vita ?
Nevermind, it is the same model. That's odd.