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Vidya Gaems General



  • edited 2012-08-08 00:45:39
    There is love everywhere, I already know

    So, I finished Kingdom Hearts 3D yesterday. It was amazing, it was fun, flowmotion actually worked and... well, it was amazing.

    And then I sat down and thought about what had happened plot-wise and realized that while seeing Namine/Xion/Roxas again was nice the entire plot is really dumb and clearly not planned out very well.

  • Give us fire! Give us ruin! Give us our glory!
    Gameplay was good, plot was a mess.


    So, like every Kingdom Hearts game since II?
  • There is love everywhere, I already know

    BBS had a great plot if you avoided the fact that everything could have been solved if they'd just TALKED to each other.

  • Give us fire! Give us ruin! Give us our glory!

    I've been keeping up with a Let's Play of BBS, and I have to disagree with you there.

  • There is love everywhere, I already know

    If Eraqus had bothered mentioning that Xehanort had once defaulted to the dark side, if Terra, Ven and Aqua had compared notes. There was genuine conflict (like Terra V Aqua in terms of ideology) but most of it was basically a huge communication problem.

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!

    I don't think he was talking about the "if they'd just talked to each other" part.

  • There is love everywhere, I already know


    Well, at least there was an Utada theme song in that one (I have no idea why the 3D opening bugs me as much as it does, especially since I like that version of the song).

    Starting God Hand later. Any tips?

  • edited 2012-08-08 01:38:22
    They're somethin' else.

    Failure is okay. Learn what you can dodge via forward right stick. If you can't dodge an attack that way, it's probably what you need back or side dash for.

    Make sure to cancel out of most of your moves via forward dodge. It'll save your ass.

    Try using smaller, faster attacks as opposed to fucking huge attacks if your aim is to stun your opponent. They get stunned via the number of hits, not the damage they take.

    Stomping is a lousy action button command. Don't do it.

    Always keep a guard stun and launcher move handy.

    Taunting is good. Love it. Live it. Use it.

    Also, don't buy samurai sushi. Adding more to your combo string will only make your activation of the God Hand less efficient

  • edited 2012-08-08 02:15:13

    Also pay attention to how you stat out your attack progression because some bosses depend on you keeping continuous pressure on them.

    Also, as tempting as 'pimp hand' is it's not that great an attack.

  • edited 2012-08-08 02:05:27
    They're somethin' else.

    Also, DIVIDE AND CONQUER. I cannot stress that enough. Run if you have to, and try and single out opponents by taunting them.



    Here's a few explanations of your command normals, such as the shoryuken move and the sweep.

  • There is love everywhere, I already know

    ^^,^^^&^^^^ Thanks guys.

  • One foot in front of the other, every day.

    Trying a Str/Dex build in Dark Souls right now with pretty much okay results, at least in PvE. Unfortunately, the game has decided to skimp on providing me with titanite, so as of Blighttown my most powerful weapon is a zweihander +4, with a winged spear +3 to support. I've got 24 strength, which I'll leave there, and 21 dexterity, which I'll take up an additional point. From then on out, I think I'll just pump endurance and vitality for staying power and see how that works. 

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    Seems kinda high on dex.

    Hmmm, listening to this weeks War Rocket Ajax and they're interviewing Ian Flynn the writer of the current Megaman comic. It's interesting to hear him talk about how good the original is at minimalist storytelling.

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    Seems kinda high on dex.

    High Dex on a partial Dex character. Who would have thought.

  • edited 2012-08-08 03:07:34
    OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    I'm not sure there's much benefit to increasing dex above what you need for weapons, since it doesn't scale well, and I'm blanking on useful weapons that require that much.
  • One foot in front of the other, every day.

    Depends on what I pick up and find, really. This character is about using whatever gear comes my way rather than building for the most efficient use of a particular weapon. All of my other characters have been highly specific to particular gear or abilities. 

    In any case, it gets some more juice out of C/C scaled weapons and allows me to use pretty much any weapon except the ones with insane strength requirements. 

  • edited 2012-08-08 03:15:58
    If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    Well, a Winged Spear eventually scales to B with Dexterity on certain upgrade paths, while the only path that scales it with Strength above E at all is Raw, which... sucks.

    And you've got items like the Pharis Bow, with an S in Dexterity.

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    ^^Ah, I see.

    ^In my experience, bows are pretty interchangeable. If you can't keep shooting an enemy indefinitely without consequence, using a bow probably isn't safe.
  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    The Pharis Bow (Black Bow of Pharis, more correctly) has the longest range in the game, at 65 metres.

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    Okay, that is pretty nice, but in a situation where bows are viable, damage scaling shouldn't matter, so increasing dex above the minimum to use it is inefficient.

  • I'm not sure there's much benefit to increasing dex above what you need for weapons, since it doesn't scale well, and I'm blanking on useful weapons that require that much.

    Dex increases casting speed (especially of pyromancy, but also I think of sorcery) up to 45.

    Balder Side Sword, Uchigatana, Iaito, Murakumo, and Great Scythe scale well with Dex, and they're good weapons.  You don't need very high dex to equip anything, but all things considered if you're doing a str/dex build you should actually have more dex than str, since you can effectively increase your strength by two-handing (thus you don't really need more than 27/28 str), and weapons that require a lot of strength to equip tend to suck.

    Bows don't matter.  In PVP they're useful for poisoning an opponent maybe, but otherwise it doesn't really matter too much usually.  In PVE there are very few situations where you will ever need them or even really benefit from them.

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    >Dex increases casting speed (especially of pyromancy, but also I think of sorcery) up to 45.

    Did not know that. That's pretty awesome.

    >you can effectively increase your strength by two-handing

    Two-handing involves not having your shield.
  • One foot in front of the other, every day.

    A better bow is better economically, since greater damage dealt means fewer arrows used. It also means that if you're trying to lure an enemy, they'll be weaker when they get to you. 

    The low bow damage was also an attempt, I think, to make crossbows useful in comparison but at shorter ranges. Crossbows are actually pretty decent weapons for engaging enemies who pull some shenanigans at medium range. The burst-fire one can rack up the poise damage, interrupting spellcasting and the use of other special abilities. Even early in the game, a crossbow is a good counter to the firebomb enemies (and you get one for free, too). 

  • edited 2012-08-08 03:52:11

    ^^ You shouldn't need to be using your shield at all times anyway, and it's pretty quick to switch between one and two handing.  Seriously, when I went through the game using a claymore, I don't think I ever did a single-handed attack except by accident and I didn't have any problems.

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    Arrows are really cheap and I never found luring to be effective except when there's a bottomless pit involved.
  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    ^^Having your shield up when not attacking helps survival-wise a lot.
  • As does dodging attacks and killing things more quickly.  And again, you can switch very quickly.  So you can have your shield up and then just switch to two hands immediately before attacking, then switch back.  It's easy and you avoid having to waste points on strength, plus a lot of weapons' two-handed movesets are considerably better than their one-handed movesets.  Though that's not true of all weapons.

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    I'll try that on my next file.
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