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Vidya Gaems General



  • edited 2012-08-06 12:52:32
    OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    You're going to a late-game area. Go the other way.
  • edited 2012-08-06 12:55:37
    Has friends besides tanks now

    I thought Blighttown was the later game place. Or am I just misremembering?

    I was going up-ish. But I guess the skeletons were further down.

  • edited 2012-08-06 12:54:05

    ^^^^,^^^ For PVE, discussions of what's best don't matter a single bit and are actually kind of silly to read.  Just use whatever you like, you can beat the game with pretty much anything anyway.

    For PVP, nobody will ever use a faith weapon, and Man Serpent Greatsword isn't very popular because it has a mediocre moveset and length, I think.  Most popular greatsword is the Claymore, I think.  Dragon Slayer Spear is popular, though I think the Demon Spear has longer reach, and is therefore probably better (since the entire reason to use a spear is to poke people from a safe distance).  Dragon Slayer Spear might attack faster though.

  • edited 2012-08-06 12:57:42
    One foot in front of the other, every day.

    ^^^ Or mid-game, really. The skeletons are tough nuts to crack at the beginning of the game. Right now, you want to go back to the bonfire where you were dropped off, facing the same direction (the guy sitting down should be ahead of you and to your left) and go right. You'll come to a cliff face in a few seconds, and if you go right along that cliff face, you'll come to a flight of stairs leading upwards. This is the way you want to go.

    ^ Why won't anyone use a faith weapon? Miracles are some of the most abusable non-glitch elements in the game, so having strong faith is advantageous, and therefore having a weapon that scales off it is just an efficient application of level ups.

    In any case, most of what I see in PvP is people abusing status effect items, like poison daggers and dung pies. And using Force and variations of that miracle to launch people off ledges. Pretty much no-one, it seems, engages in a stand-up fight anymore.  

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    Blighttown is early-to-mid game.
  • edited 2012-08-06 13:02:42

    Why won't anyone use a faith weapon?

    A Normal +15 weapon with Darkmoon Blade will always be significantly stronger than a Divine or Occult weapon.  And, actually, if you have halfway decent Str/Dex, it'll be stronger even without Darkmoon Blade.  In general, any weapon that does two types of damage will not do as much damage as a weapon that only does one type of damage, because it has to go through two kinds of defense instead of just one.  Especially if you're fighting someone who actually bothered to attune Great Magic Barrier, though I don't think that's very  common.  And I've been able to do some legitimate duels and invasions before.  Obviously there are glitchers and stuff, but that's not everyone.

  • One foot in front of the other, every day.

    Well, let's see. According to the Dark Souls Wiki, the mundane claymore does 257 damage at +15 with C/C scaling. 

    A divine claymore at +10 does 175 physical and 212 magical damage, with D/D scaling and B scaling in faith. So that's 387 damage against 257 damage before scaling is taken into account, but scaling off a single stat at B (or higher) is more efficient than scaling off multiple stats at C. And while such weapons have to go through two resistances, most armour sets are only any good at physical or magic resistance, rather than both (or physical or fire, or physical or lightning, or whatever). 

    And then you have elemental weapons, which outclass both mundane weapons and faith/intelligence weapons when it comes to raw damage by far. 

  • And then you have elemental weapons, which outclass both mundane weapons and faith/intelligence weapons when it comes to raw damage by far. 

    Except they actually don't.  They look like they do on your equip screen because their total attack rating is higher, but against anything with decent armor it will actually do less damage.  The only good intelligence weapon is the Moonlight Greatsword, since it only does magic damage (also it has a cool R2 attack, though I don't know how actually useful it'd ever be).  Faith doesn't have any similar weapon.

    Elemental weapons are good if you have extremely low Str/Dex for whatever reason (maybe you're doing a low level build or something).  Divine/Occult/Magic/Enchanted weapons are always outclassed by elemental weapons, and for most reasonable builds will be outclassed by normal weapons too.

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!

    Though really, for PVE, the best weapon is whatever the stuff you're fighting is weak to.

  • edited 2012-08-06 13:17:06

    Correction!  The best weapon is anything that can stun whatever you're fighting in one hit.

    Which means the best weapon is always any greatsword or axe.

    And exploiting enemy weaknesses isn't worth the effort.  You'd have to like... actually have more than one weapon.

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!


    So I guess my Pyromancy/Greatsword build actually is the best build ^_^

  • Apparently there's a rumor floating around saying that EA was desperate to make Origin the default online service for the Wii U. I sincerely doubt the validity of the rumor(it came from Reddit after all), but when even Nintendo could recognize that Origin is an awful service, it speaks volumes.

  • One foot in front of the other, every day.

    When looking at the Dark Souls character selection screen, does anyone else imagine that all their characters are a party?

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!


    Mostly because there are two, and one is a friend's.

  • I have 10 characters.

    However, most of them are default warriors with single-character names and less than 10 seconds of playtime on them that I just made to do the bottomless box glitch.

    As such, they would make a pretty poor party.

  • Playing La-Mulana remake.

    I'm currently stuck on Baphomet, they made him/her a lot tougher.

    Also, is Baphomet supposed to be female? I'm not sure about the original myth, but (s)he definitely has breasts in the game. It's really creepy when paired with the goat head and abdomen, but I guess it does make sense since (s)he's a millenia-old demon.

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!

    According to Wikipedia, both male and female.

    And apparently there isn't an original myth; Christians made him/her up as an Pagan deity. Weird.

  • edited 2012-08-07 01:09:52

    Baphomet is usually depicted with both male and female features.  That typically includes breasts.


    Replaying God of War for the first time in half a decade. 

    It's still pretty fun but it's hard to see how I ever thought the story was good or Kratos was a compelling character. (I stand by the 'lol teenager' defense)

    Also, it's pretty much the trendsetter of 'trying to be movies' games like Uncharted.

  • One foot in front of the other, every day.

    Also, revenge plot. 

    I really really really really sorts kinda maybe loathe revenge plots. 

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
  • You can change. You can.

    I thought God of War was sorta alright in terms of story. A bit too grimdark but the whole point's that it's entirely too pulpy and more about "Holy shit see all that blood?" than you know, an actual story.

  • One foot in front of the other, every day.

    I suppose, but there are also times when it tries very obviously to tell a serious story. And that kind of works during the first game, but falls entirely flat from the second game onwards. 

    What I essentially dislike most is that Kratos isn't a hero. He's a bloodthirsty madman in service to his own psychotic version of justice with no admirable traits beyond his capacities in battle. Furthermore, many innocents become tangled in his quest for revenge and he sacrifices them without a second thought, making him much more a villain than anything else. And not a compelling, complex or arguably justified one. 

    Kratos is all brutish id who slaughters his way towards a meaningless revenge at the cost of a whole civilisation, all the time acting as though what he's doing is justified or even noble. He's the antithesis of a hero wearing a hero's clothes and I find that intensely troubling. 

  • You can change. You can.

    I...don't think he's ever presented to us as a hero. Maybe as better than the people he fights but the point of GoW II is that he really isn't. And I'd argue that I does say that too.

    I mean from what I remember about the two first GoW, Kratos' always presented to us as a really horrible person who has a somewhat tragic story behind him to fuel him. But the game never pretends that this justifies what he is so much as explain it to us. 

    And it does try to tell a serious story, don't get me wrong, but I'd say that that aspect is not really emphasized. At least in the first one.

  • edited 2012-08-07 23:57:19

    Yeah, the first scene where he rescues the man from the belly of the hydra only to rip off the man's keys and throw him back into the beast's belly. What the fuck was the point of that?

    I think one of the benefits is 1 actually acknowledges his inhuman terribleness, whereas 3 has that whole 'redemption' plotline thing. Meanwhile he does untold damage to the planet and plunges the world into chaos. The most heroic thing to do is to stop playing.

    As for revenge plots, they can be done well so long as the idea of revenge isn't automatically shown to be an act of justice which it too often is. Gears of War 3 did this too. Kill Bill has some excellent moments ruminating on the nature of vengeance, as does Garth Ennis' Punisher.

    I think another problem I have is how wrapped up in video gaminess is despite being so focused on its lackluster storytelling. "Okay go here Kratos, now fight this monster, oh that way is blocked until you kill some sirens."


    And the thing is there were grimdark games with better stories beforehand. Max Payne, Soul Reaver, even the second Prince of Persia.

  • You can change. You can.

    Yeah, the first scene where he rescues the man from the belly of the hydra only to rip off the man's keys and throw him back into the beast's belly. What the fuck was the point of that?

    "This guy's a dick and he's not here to rescue the crew?"

    Of course the game already said that when it let you kill the crew to obtain life.

  • One foot in front of the other, every day.

    There are a few too many revenge plots out there where revenge is painted as justified, though, or has no cost, or anything of that nature. Afro Samurai came heavily recommended to me and I really, really disliked it. It's beyond difficult for me to sympathise with a character who sees innocents and other unrelated people as obstacles in their way, and it's put me off that plot type entirely. I can still stomach Kill Bill, though, for the reasons pointed out. 

  • edited 2012-08-08 00:08:32

    Afro Samurai at least had people coming after Afro for the people he killed which I think represented the cyclical nature of vengeance quite well.

  • They're somethin' else.

    Whoever came up with the Ursa Major and Taurus stages for Katamari Damacy should be shot.

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