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A Wild Pokémon thread appeared!
^^ Musicals?
Black and White.
Pokémon Musicals
And yes, I have played the finale High School Musical number a couple of times while playing.
^^ LVL 1 without IVs or LVL 100 with perfect IVs and perfect stats regardless of EVs? and how the hell do I know about this stuff.
^ Probably Base Stats (The number that most websites give).
I.E. Salamance has 100 Base Speed and 135 Base Attack.
None of them are very original tbh. Loki is Zoroark with a far lower base ATK, for example.
What Base Stat totals were you going for? I'd have expected you to give legendary stat totals, at least for some of them, like the Hulk and the Asgardians.
^ I'm working on two sets for each character, actually. One is for standard and the other is for Ubers.
Lol Hawkeye in Ubers.
Also, note to self: do not base team choices on DPPt OU.
...actually, that's a good idea for a Pearl or Platinum run.
^ Why not?
...Wait, do you mean for 5th generation OU, or for your Avengers team?
No, I mean 4th generation OU.
I learned this the hard way. Umbreon is not a good sweeper.
Yet I get a Boldore :<
Damn Nuzlocke
Man, so I just had the lulziest battle. I can't post a replay since PO refuses to save logs for me, but basically how it went was: He led with Haxorus, I led with my bro Flygon. Now, I figured I outsped, so I went for a U-turn, but he turned out to be scarfed and OHKO'd with Outrage. I sent in Heatran, set up rocks, and HP Iced on the final turn of Outrage. Then, since he was confused, I figured he'd switch out, and went to something else for the double switch. Nope, Outrage takes away half his health, then KOs on the second turn. So, he switched out then, right? Nope. Outrage again, OHKOing my Heatran. This now makes three consecutive attacks without getting a confusion, and I'm worried.
I consider sending in my revenge killer at this point, but I have a good feeling about this turn, so I send out my own Haxorus instead, and while he finally kills himself with confusion I set up a Dragon Dance. Long story short: he has no Steel-types and no other scarfers, and Haxorus proceeds to sweep his entire team. (I run a Lum Berry, so I didn't have to worry about confusion on the second Outrage.)
So, yeah, moral of this story is that Haxorus Outrages hit hard, man.
Lum Berry Haxorus and Scarf Haxorus are both amazing sets to run. Even though I've recently discovered Salamence, Haxorus is still one of my favorite pokemon.
Maybe I'll use a dual dragon core with Intimidate DDance Salamence and Scarfed Haxorus. And I'll probably fit Reuniclus in there somewhere. Then I'll need hazards, probably a spinner, and . . . fuck, I dunno, Breloom or something. I'm kinda not very good at making cohesive teams.
Me neither. I kinda like the one I have, but it's not really that good. I use Flygon and Haxorus for double dragon goodness. (Flygon over other choices primarily because I also have Tyranitar on the team, but also because I'll take any excuse to use Flygon.)
If I get back into this (and I really shouldn't, so don't tempt me, bro), I'll probably start by basing a team around Breloom, because who doesn't love SporePunching people to death? People who get SporePunched to death, presumably, but that's beside the point.
You know what else that team needs? Jirachi. I still need to make that troll team, and those two are definitely going to be on it. I remember Marioguy saying Gastrodon is a good troll, but no one on the PO server uses any water types that aren't that douchebag Rotom-W anymore. I suppose that's another good fit.
I posted this in the Heaper's Hangout version of this thread:
Oh, and although I'm not there yet, any advice for Ghetsis when I reach him? This is a Nuzlocke run, so should I level my Pokemon to 60 after the elite four? Or can you not leave the castle, and thus I should train before the E4? (Currently... Well, I don't really need to train for the 6th gym. My team is 35+, due to overtraining for Clay)
Rotom-W's like so OU, which is why Gastrodon is a good troll. I've seen it everywhere so Gastrodon helped me a lot.
What do you guys think?
Swapert's Sp. Atk sucks no matter how much you invest in it.
While it is true that Swampert's special attack is lackluster, this EV spread allows it to utilize Scald and function somewhat under a burn.
Swampert also has 10 EV's too many (well, technically only 8 too many, but 10 more than it can actually use, in any case). /nitpick
@Marioguy: Hmm. Good point, though; it's pretty much the perfect wall for Rotom-W.
Now to get something to troll Scizor, because Scizor is getting tiresome. And no, I'm not going to lower myself to using Scizor, even if it's legitimately that annoying at this point.
Max ev's are 510
I'll just leave this here.
Note that he edited his post after I made mine; Sp. Atk originally had 18 EV's.
Ah, ok then
Anybody have a Tepig or Archen egg they can trade me? I can't breed my Carracosta at the moment (no Ditto), nor my Snivy (once again, no Ditto - Damn main story...), but I do have a female Dewott I can breed
So, the Kami Trio gets new forms...
You sure that's not fake? Cause that looks really fake to me.
^ It's the cover of Corocoro
EDIT: Ok, looks like it's from a leaked cover... And the leaker is saying things like Blue, Giovanni, and so on will appear in BW2
Now I am starting to doubt
But goddamn I will never forget that derp ostrich face
Help anyone?
Team looks okay to me, but given how well my teams tend to do I wouldn't trust me on this.