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I Keep My Visions To Myself (aka Dreams thread)



  • edited 2017-12-05 12:33:16
    There is love everywhere, I already know
    I was in a toy store, and there was a Frozen display. I didn't particularly care for it since there was this "Daddy's Girl Birthday Barbie" (*) that I really really wanted. She was like the standard model muse collector Barbie with the super-cute "I'm west side and you're not" smile, in a giant white box and she had on a massive pink gown with lots of underskirt layers.

    Whilst I was checking out some other doll stuff, I accidentally knocked against the Frozen display and broke a chunk of the styrofoam ice off.

    I started to leave the store, but then there was this gigantic blizzard and tsunami all at once (in the store) and suddenly I was Matthew from Dynasty, being pulled further under the ice. There was also some other guy, big and burly and blonde, who I was trapped under the water with. I grabbed his hand, and reached my hand out to break the surface of the water, which was swirling like mad.

    I broke through, and the blonde guy managed to climb over me to get out, and then I woke up right after he grabbed my hand to pull me out.

    *I actually do know! My dad's birthday is in a few days.

    Here's to two pages of the digital dreamcatcher~
  • I keep reading these posts without knowing what thread I'm in.
  • edited 2017-12-11 01:41:09
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Last night I dreamed I was in some sort of performance or game show.

    I've forgotten the details by now, unfortunately, aside from the fact that I was seated at a table on stage and some people I knew were there, including this one friend of mine. And someone else was apparently cooking on stage.

    The stage, specifically, was a auditorium-style performance venue. Like, the kind of thing you'd hold a classical music concert or a theater play on, not the stage of a TV game show. This particular game show was being performed for the audience in attendance, iirc.

    The carpets in the audience were green, but the edge of the stage was lined in a wood-colored arc, while the stage itself was the usual black with metal objects stuck in it.

    The table we were using was a cheap folding table, probably the kind with a wooden surface that's starting to splinter. We were also using paper plates. And the food was messy.
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    Are we dream syncing or something?

    In my dream, I'm not sure if I was there, but there was a Cosmic Game show type thing. It was a serious competition, and I'm pretty sure life and death were on the line, but nothing really big or serious happened.

    I remember a few of the people there; there was a glamorous woman in these tall heels with red laces that went all the way to just below her knee, two little girls in matching futuristic Victorian garb (the dresses weren't puffy all out, just to the sides, and they had a fish-scale like texture instead of a luxurious fabric. One girl's dress was pink and seafoam green, the other's was dark purple), and this short blonde guy in a tank top who was holding one of those basic red lumberjack flannel shirts.

    There were three glass cases on stage, which you were supposed to enter for some reason? However, the questions asked were about the people who were sitting outside the glass cases. I think maybe the contestants inside were supposed to guess what the answers were? At one point I do remember closing one of the glass cases, but I don't remember being in the dream at all aside from that.

    The host of the show had some sort of mind-reading ability, and he was like game show host smug, which I'm sure was supposed to make people uncomfortable. The woman had her secret past as an escort revealed, which included the details of a sordid affair with one of her clients, but she kept a straight face all throughout.

    The little girls didn't seem to really understand what was going on, and they just kept having fun like they were in their own little world.

    The blonde guy's past involved being part of some alt-right group with his brother and his brother dying as a result of some sort of violent clash. I don't think his brother's death had anything to actually do with the alt-right stuff, but he seemed to have gained a new understanding of his own emotions from it. Similarly, I don't think he'd actually purposefully distanced himself from his alt-right views and stuff, it was just that his friends were tired of his gigantic cloud of depression and general sadness, and he didn't really know where to go anymore.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    so a couple nights ago i dreamed i was in this house which was on the waterfront of a creek or canal in the backyard, and the house was built such that i could open a window and the creek actually flowed by right outside the screen except for some reason it only barely trickled in and there was also a drain where it went back out. (This was not explained in the dream.)

    I could literally open the window and hear the water running and watch as turtles and fish swam by.

    There were even a few fish that were inside the screen, in a little mini-creek of water at the base of the window. I reasoned that some fish eggs had gotten in and hatched inside. The fish were all gathered around a darker corner of the window, presumably because there was more food for them in the corner.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    A couple nights ago I dreamed I was a chemistry teacher. But one day I showed up late to class unprepared, and when I asked whether the students knew about ions, found out that the students had already studied chapter 10, which I was supposed to teach that day. Then I suddenly remembered that I had been out sick due to injuries for a few weeks and apparently the substitute teacher had already covered this. I was out because somehow I immediately self-inserted myself into the events near the end of Heavy Object, and I admitted to not reading the book before coming to class.

    Speaking of self-inserting into Heavy Object, last night I had a different dream where this happened, and I was basically learning about a similarly complex political situation, and also having a chat with Samus Aran, and also hanging out with a crossover of the main casts of several Mega Man sub-series, who ran themselves out of energy and had me picking up their pieces when it was announced that a third-generation Oceanian Object, the Spar, had mobilized, causing us to have to pick up basically everything on our base and move on out.

    I slept disconnectedly last night and so I had yet another dream. This time I was in a high-rise building on a Disney resort somewhere. Turns out that the building, while looking circular, did not always fully connect all the way around on all floors, so I was on the 7th floor, and a McDonald's employee there was pointing out (in full view of the windows with sunlight streaming in) that going clockwise around the building (toward said sunlight) wouldn't get anywhere unless you went down a floor first, to the sixth floor.

    This reminds me of a few other dreams I've had, one of being in a buffet restaurant, one of being in the food court areas of a shopping center, and one of navigating the twisty but fancy hallways of a hotel during an anime convention.
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    I was out because somehow I immediately self-inserted myself into the events near the end of Heavy Object

    "I was a professor who piloted an Object" sounds like a great spinoff.

    "Metroid Object Man" on the other hand...
  • edited 2017-12-19 19:31:36
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    I slept poorly again last night so this is going to be another ridiculously long sequence.

    My dad was driving me to a restaurant to meet up with my mom for lunch, on a sunny day. The restaurant was located at a strip mall, so it was a sort of just typical parking lot. I commented why my dad didn't pull into a certain spot but then he pulled into one that was closer.

    My mom wasn't there yet, so I pulled out a game to pass the time. It was a backgammon game, but for some reason when I started putting circles on the triangles, the circles were all white aside from letters printed on them. The rules of this game were to spell words using the circles.

    Then as I played it more, eventually I discovered that I'd entered a atmospherically-lit, huge, dreamy, indoor area. There was quite a lot of interesting architecture here, especially in how it resembled a dark and very tall library, with columns of shelves and workspaces several stories tall. At one point, I was going between the top floor of this five-or-seven-or-so-story sub-portion of the area, built into the side wall of this very tall (and rather dark blue) cavern. The bottom of this area was just a flat floor, but there was a piano here. There was also another piano at the top of this column.

    Gravity may have been reduced in this area, but it felt dreamy so it wasn't clear. I remembered flying between reels of white backgammon pieces with letters that people would use to play this game. My mom and everyone else there were all playing this game. There was a huge tower of something vaguely resembling scaffolding or other construction frame of steel beams, the kind that looks like a jungle gym type thing, not sure what it's called, in the middle of this cavern, and there was some game that involved diving to the bottom of this tower and placing letters.

    I forgot how this transitioned, but then it transitioned into a totally different scene:

    I'd found out that someone, an old friend, mentioned me on the internet, saying that they'd want me to come join them in living in a certain real-world place that is...the subject of severe geopolitical controversy. I won't say what it is but it was clear in my dream what it was (and it'll probably be easily guessable by my description). Basically, that friend said it'd be nice if I'd come live with them in these newly-developed nice modern suburbs that were quickly being built in a disputed territory where there were already historically much poorer people living there, of a different culture. (Real life reality check: not sure why that friend would want me to join them, because the real life situation generally involved people of a certain religion, and I'm not a member of that religion.)

    Immediately, I found myself on a hill overlooking the construction of those suburbs. This was still a poorer part of town (though oddly grassy now that I think about it, because the real-life location is in the desert); this part of town resembled something like old eastern Europe or something for whatever reason.

    As I walked down a gently sloping road on the top of the hill, in my dream I muttered dismissively under my breath, "I'd live with the [poorer people who have already lived here for generations] before I'd live with the settlers!"

    More stuff happened after that, but I forgot it already.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    I noticed that I don't dream about the exact last thing I thought of before going to sleep.

    The last thing I thought of was probably the Sword Art Online hatedom, because I had been listening to this.

    I dreamed about absolutely none of that.
  • The only thing I know about Sword Art Online is that the internet reeeeeaaaaaally wants me to hate it.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    The only thing I know about Sword Art Online is that the internet reeeeeaaaaaally wants me to hate it.

    Moving this to the anime thread because I posted this video over there.
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    I was in a spy program, and was on a team with two girls. I think they might have been girls I knew a long time ago IRL, but I can't remember. Our mission was to sneak into a neighboring country through the back fence of an old woman from the other country, who owned a farm. There was this steep hill with lots and lots of stairs (yes, stairs) before we got to like, the three consecutive wire fences that separated the countries.

    We were supposed to be rendezvousing with a group of university professors and ministers who had compiled a secret set of documents that would overturn the current government, but our initial location was compromised and so we had to go to the country's flagship university.

    A guy I used to have a crush on IRL was studying at the university, along with his IRL best friend. I didn't want to blow our cover, so I just posed as a new student and even attended a class with them. I think I might have told him I used to have a crush on him, or like maybe seeing him again I still did? This part is a bit fuzzy.

    What I do remember is that we got the documents and were running back to the old woman's farm when this plainclothes group of assassins started chasing after us. One of the girls in my group had encountered them on previous missions, and she warned us right as our cover was blown.

    So we were running down the stairs and jumping over fences and fighting off the assassin guys, but it was all kind of like playfighting? I mean, I had a gun (I know!) and when one of the girls was having a hard time kicking off an assassin I 'shot' at him? Except instead of like anything that makes sense as shooting I just put the gun to his head and kind of cocked it to the right and he keeled over as if I had actually shot him. That sort of stuff kept happening all the way until we escaped.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    ^ I want to see this made into an anime series.
  • edited 2017-12-27 19:42:38
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    I dreamed that I woke up really early. For some reason I thought it was 7:30 AM, so I sat at my computer and was messing with something that looked like it clearly took inspiration from the aesthetics and color schemes of Super Mario RPG. I loudly talked about this...and that woke up my mom and maybe my grandma who were sleeping in the same room. My mom told me it was actually 5:30 AM.

    My mom also told me that she was going to buy me trousers at Sears. I told her I'd rather be buying socks and underwear.

    I went to Sears, and then complained that they had a tractor clogging up the traffic in the parking lot. They replied, that's because the tractor is harvesting cotton from the cotton fields, which they spin on site to produce their clothing. I watched as a tractor harvested cotton from a field situated in the middle of the parking lot. I even got to handle some of that cotton, as I toured their facilities, and I was picking out burrs from the cotton, which for some reason took the form of straight shards of black plastic- or ebony-like material.
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    Only you would dream about a sustainable-clothing version of an American big-box store.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    i dreamed something else which i forgot, then i dreamed i was traveling with some acquaintances, teenager/young adult children of family friends I think, in a van. My mom was driving the van, and she insisted on driving. I was trying to catch some sleep, which I was also doing in real life at the time.

    We stopped at a gas station with a McDonald's. I locked the doors of the van and slept. Very quickly they came back to the car having bought a frozen pizza. My mom seemed a bit upset about it. Also, there were coins were rattling back and forth in the little holder between the front seats.

    One of those friends was talking a bit much so I eventually muttered "shut the f*** up" but then he overheard me and I had to explain myself, which I did and it went over fine.

    We eventually got out and went on foot. We were on something that resembled a city street with some small trees. Eventually we ran across a scene where it seems police were investigating an accident where a girl's violin got throw several meters from some kind of collision and was now broken.

    Eventually we met up with some other family friend, and we were headed into a movie theater. As we headed there though, the hallways apparently belonged to a hotel and had some really futuristic washing machines lining them. My mom and that friend were talking about something, that caused that friend to comment "well that'd be really unfair and inconsiderate of them".

    Eventually, we made it into the theater in time, as the last trailer was playing. We found seats. I sat between one of those friends and my mom, and noticed that a light at the back of the theater wasn't turned off, and when I turned around to point it out it went off. Then I just had to depend on the person in the row in front of me blocking out another light from an exit or something on the far right.

    The movie playing was some kind of Star Wars movie. It introduced a subplot involving a girl whose cell phone was broken (this wasn't the one with the broken violin, but was someone else I recognized from outside of the movie but in the dream, I think from a part that I forgot), who was nevertheless trying to make a call even while smoke poured out of the cell phone. It was a flip phone model.

    Also the story was framed so that she'd be making a consequential choice of becoming good or evil. I never saw that far though because I woke up.
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    call even while smoke poured out of the cell phone

  • edited 2018-01-19 16:47:40
    There is love everywhere, I already know
    The world was ending, and the way that this would happen involved a massive wave of dark energy that would pulse across the planet and destroy all of the superheroes.

    So I was tasked with turning all of the heroes I knew into those gummy rubber balls that have an image or tiny figurine in them. This would somehow protect them from that wave and allow them to counteract any further waves by turning back into ball form.

    All of the heroes I had to save were expies of popular stuff, so we had DC Superhero types like a Wonder Woman who was like the Silver/Blue Wonder Woman but not. There weren't a lot of human superhero types, most of them were Digimon and Pocket Monster type things. I think there might have also been Disney Princess type heroines?

    When the wave came, I was running alongside like 5000 different rubber balls, and they survived the wave as planned. After that, Not Wonder Woman transformed out of her ball and protected me from some kind of dark slime creature.

    Then I woke up.

    I apparently miss Bakugan this much.
  • This sounds like the premise of Disk Wars Avengers and/or Ultraman Ginga.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    In one recent dream I was watching some sort of anti-racism advert.

    In another more recent dream I was visiting the UK in order to...do something with the Royal Schools of Music. I forget what. Applying to teach there, maybe? Or maybe looking to meet with an unnamed mentor there.
  • edited 2018-01-23 03:03:13
    So, I just had a weird (partially because of how realistic it was) dream involving an ex-friend. The weird thing was, we weren't fighting or yelling at each other or anything, she didn't have anything to say about me being a fucking weirdo and I wasn't calling her a stuck-up pineapple faced bitch, we were just hanging out like we were a few months back.

    I didn't know what I meant at the time (and still don't) but I woke up feeling oddly sad? wtf?

    and before anyone says it no I don't miss her so that's not it
  • edited 2018-01-27 22:38:17
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Well this was a wild dream.

    Started off somewhere, doing something, I don't remember what, but it involved the plot of some movie. Like, we were trying to save someone, apparently a dragon girl trapped in a cocoon, who was asking us to save her, telepathically or something, by having us work to prevent the various forms of torture she had to endure, step by step by following instructions that corresponded to a runaround.

    At some point, I played a piano in a room with a couple friends; one was sleeping and another was awake. I was chatting with the latter one about his police work, but then found out that the piano was surprisingly loud and the sleeping one complained that I woke her.

    Anyhow, later, I was apparently watching some people race something, videogame style, but it's like I was watching their spots from above, as represented by model cars remotely controlled through a model landscape.

    Not sure how, but eventually this involved attempting to find a British or U.S. American naval base somewhere in the Arctic Circle.

    And then eventually I found myself participating in this race, but everyone was on foot, and we had to high-tail it to Berkeley, California. In fact, we were participating in what would be the most elaborate and expensive MIT Mystery Hunt runaround ever, one that spanned at least the entire country if not the entire globe, since I had to buy a plane ticket to go there on short notice.

    Once I was there, we were on a foot race through the campus of UC Berkeley (how's that for being far from MIT?) our team's representatives got an assist from another team, who told us that we could bypass a number of complicated directions involving going through some buildings, by climbing down some fencing railing (optionally using the straps on a backpack attached to a swung-out door, for some reason), then running like two kilometers to the south (it was more like one now that I think about it after waking up) and then turning left. So I climbed out of the building (which was like five stories tall), as a short-haired girl on the other team remarked that she enjoyed it since it was kinda like tree climbing, and then I ran southward, feeling more exhausted than I expected myself to be, past the building, past some trees, past a grey-brick-paved gathering space, past a "People's Republic of Berkeley" joke logo inscribed onto a small hillside, underneath a bridge, then gradually steeper and steeper up a slope, as I gradually turned left. I found myself heading into what seemed like a student union building. I entered it. I found people going into a theater on the second floor or so, which had a couple tables outside manned by a lightly bearded young man (and someone else), who had a bunch of...plastic containers containing I'm not sure what? with him. I asked him if this was for Mystery Hunt, and he jokingly claimed it wasn't, before saying it was. So I entered the theater.

    (NOTE: I don't actually know if ANY of these features exist in the actual UC Berkeley campus. I have no idea why my mind picked this name for this location, as I have never been there nor even seen photos/videos of the campus.)

    In the theater, I found a continuation of the movie. (Also I found that there were little video screens between the chairs in the rows, for some reason.)

    It turns out that none of the forms of torture actually endangered the cocoon'd dragon girl's life, and the cocoon was actually protecting her in the first place. Instead, what we had been doing, by (in details that were not elaborated in my dream) casting light on various things in our tasks, was prolonging her suffering, because the antagonists in this scenario actually preferred light over darkness. This implied that we had to re-solve a bunch of puzzles or runaround clues in an opposite way, favoring darkness over light.

    Then I woke up.

    (Before I went to sleep I did watch a video about the MIT Mystery Hunt, and a few days ago I was reading up on Utqiaġvik, Alaska (formerly known as Barrow), the northernmost settlement of the United States, as well as nearby Point Barrow, the northernmost point of the United States, as well as Murchison Promontory, the northernmost point of Canada.)
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    Also I found that there were little video screens between the chairs in the rows, for some reason.

    The twist is you were on an airship all along.
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    The world was ending, and the way that this would happen involved a massive wave of dark energy that would pulse across the planet and destroy all of the superheroes.

    So I was tasked with turning all of the heroes I knew into those gummy rubber balls that have an image or tiny figurine in them. This would somehow protect them from that wave and allow them to counteract any further waves by turning back into ball form.

    All of the heroes I had to save were expies of popular stuff, so we had DC Superhero types like a Wonder Woman who was like the Silver/Blue Wonder Woman but not. There weren't a lot of human superhero types, most of them were Digimon and Pocket Monster type things. I think there might have also been Disney Princess type heroines?

    When the wave came, I was running alongside like 5000 different rubber balls, and they survived the wave as planned. After that, Not Wonder Woman transformed out of her ball and protected me from some kind of dark slime creature.

    Then I woke up.

    I apparently miss Bakugan this much.

  • edited 2018-01-30 16:20:20
    There is love everywhere, I already know
    I was in a room that was a bit of a cross between the smaller classrooms from the older part of my school's campus and a hospital I've been to recently. I was alone, and there was no furniture. What the room did have is lots and lots of dull floating pink rings, about the size of a hula-hoop. There were three or four stacked like bangles in different spots.

    When I touched them, I could see that however I was looking at the room was wrong. As long as I held one, it flashed to show me that the vaguely pretty warm white/green lighting combined with the sunlight from the windows behind me was fake. The room was actually a dark neon blue, and the rings flashed a bright neon pink.

    I felt that I was being kept in here for some terrible purpose, which wasn't helped by the neon pink bloodstains that appeared after I kept hold of one of the rings for a long time. That proooobably has something to do with all the Danganronpa I've played lately.

    I rushed towards the door and pulled on it like a madman, but it wouldn't open. Then I composed myself and tried some stress relief exercises, and when I tried the door then it opened like normal. The outside was the same disturbing shade of neon blue lighting as inside the room. As soon as I was out, I heard a noise behind me and rushed out the other way, which was basically the same as the old school building so there wasn't long to go.

    I hid behind the door that led outside and saw a big blonde guy (I swear I don't know why this keeps happening) in like a beachy outfit walk by the door and close it like nothing had happened. He caught my eye, and I was terrified, but then he just left like it was all normal. It made me think about how some guys are really noble and thoughtful, and then I woke up.
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    I used to say I didn't dream much, but I guess I've been dreaming quite a lot lately.

    I wonder if I'm dreaming more because I write my dreams down now (basically as soon as I wake up). They're definitely longer, too.
  • edited 2018-02-02 19:06:29
    I had a dream that was multiple (or at least two) segments and left me worried about the possibility of experiencing First Contact.
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    I was on this very flimsy fire escape type thing, talking to the children from a Middle Eastern family. Even though I'm in no way American, I was trying to convince them all to sign up for DACA, but they were afraid for their parents, who were undocumented (this is probably because of The Fosters).

    Anyways, one of the daughters went around me, and then I sort of tried to stop her and she did, to my left, on the more flimsy bit of the fire escape. I was just sort of standing there trying not to fall however many stories down, but I did.

    Then I was rescued by a chibi version of a Marvel super hero (I think it was the Hulk or Iron Man? who caught me, they were both there, and both of them looked very much like their Super Hero Squad forms), who mocked me for preferring DC superheroes. This bit is funny because I was just talking to Naas yesterday about this.

    I think after that it was just the Marvel heroes making fun of me for having such a giant preference for chibi type characters before I woke up.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    So I was part of a tour group that visited the Tower of London or Lighthouse of London or something like that. I can't remember what it was called in my dream but it was apparently a very famous landmark, very tall, located in the middle of a body of water. So I ascended it.

    When I got to the top, I was surprised to find that there was actually a piece of land that had a bridge to the top of the tower, at around the same very high elevation. I was surprised why people didn't just come in from here, but I figured that the reason must be that this piece of land is otherwise inaccessible, somehow.

    Later, I visited a neighborhood of large but old suburban houses. This was a very hilly neighborhood, and the houses were pretty old, like 50-100+ years old. One house was yellow and had a front porch, and was up the hill from the road. Another house was a paticularly large one with a particularly large backyard, and when I toured it I learned that it was the site of the boarding residence for a boarding school started by some local Russian immigrants. I got a postcard that showed the house but had photos of each room of the house inset into the shapes of each of the rooms on the photo. One of the rooms at the bottom of the house looked like it was partially inundated, but when I went to the room myself I discovered that it was an indoor swimming pool, with the water lapping right up against the door just as the photo showed.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    A few days ago I had another dream involving a swimming pool. One that I interpreted in the dream as belonging to the apartment complex where I was living, even though this isn't the case in real life. It was a rectangular pool, and one that would be located right next to the outer wall of the building if not for the fact that there was a sort of recessed area and overhang over the first floor.

    Also some days ago I had a dream involving driving around northern Virginia, except the roads seemed unfamiliar and even more hilly than in real life.

    Last night I dreamed I'd left my cell phone in a library, and so I went back late at night with my mom to pick up the phone, and to my surprise the front door was open but that was because people were still working there. I picked up the phone and discovered a bunch of e-mail spam from some site with free games that I'd never heard of, and it was at 1 AM or so, and all those e-mails were from around 11 PM, meaning that was when someone had accessed my phone and presumably used my e-mail address to sign up for those games. After picking up my phone and going to the bathroom, I was trying to figure out whether the spam e-mails were generated by the person repeatedly inputting my e-mail address or the site generating more e-mails from just one input, and I think I was leaning toward the former. Anyhow, so we were in New York City and as we stepped back outside I was mentally planning the route for the trip home. Or maybe I'm confusing that with another dream.

    Just this morning I was rudely awakened while I had a chiptune demix of Arpeggio of Blue Steel's ED "Blue Field". Specifically, it was done so that something that could sound just one pitch at a time (e.g. a PC speaker) could play it, with the result that it rhythmically hopped around the various important notes in a really interesting a novel fashion. It was also in a key other than the original F major, but unfortunately that's all I can remember of it.
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