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GMH plays Pokémon Perfect Crystal: the Quest for the Full Pokédex



  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    They actually have specific teams that are used for rematches.

    When they call you for a rematch, the game brings up a rematch team, based on the following:
    1. Have you gotten past [event flag] yet? If so, allow a higher rematch lineup, pending the following:
    2. Have you fought the rematch lineups yet? If not, then fight those first, once per rematch.

    So, for example, Youngster Joey and his Rattata.

    The first time you fight him, he has a L4 Rattata. The second time you fight him, I think you need to fight the L4 Rattata again, but then after that, if you've reached Goldenrod City, he now has a L15 Rattata (and will continue to have it for further rematches as long as you haven't reached Olivine City), and if you've reached Olivine City, he now has a L21 Rattata, and so on.

    You can see all his teams and their corresponding event flags here: https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Joey

    Different trainers have different event flags I think.
  • edited 2021-07-16 07:28:22
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Come to think of it I forgot to bring my Togepi in for a haircut yesterday.

    Oh well.

    Before this game, I didn't even know that Togepi could get a haircut, frankly.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    seen: Gyarados

    and not just any Gyarados
    Fisher Marvin's Gyarados, specifically:


    I just checked, and apparently this is in the vanilla game too.

    And he also has a L15 Gyarados. There are L15 wild Gyarados in the Lake of Rage, but...L10?????

    Also, there is an ocean of difference between the XP awards for defeating a Magikarp vs. defeating a Gyarados.

    L10 Magikarp: 42 XP
    L10 Gyarados: 457 XP
    L15 Magikarp: 63 XP
    L15 Gyarados: 687 XP
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Pokémaniac Ben has a L20 Slowbro, but at least those are wild-catchable in Slowpoke well. In the vanilla game, he has a L19 Slowbro. lol.

    seen: Slowbro

    At level 21, Bellsprout evolves! Now I have a genuine Weepinbell for my Team Rocket team!

    Record #110: Weepinbell

    Pokémaniac Ron references the name of the rival.

    seen: Nidoking

    I forgot to bring my Surf Slowpoke so I'll need to run back to Mahogany Town in order to catch a Gyarados.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Record #111: Venomoth
  • edited 2021-07-17 16:15:38
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Note to self: Shiny Gyarados is level
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Since I'm gonna try to not get pwned by the Shiny Gyarados, I think I might actually go do the thing I wanted to do earlier, which was go across the sea.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    I ran across a L20 Seaking and decided to just catch it and get it over with.

    Record #112: Seaking

    While on my berry-farming rounds I ran into Raikou again. I threw a Great Ball at it on my first turn, but that didn't work (to no one's surprise).

    seen: Raikou

    Curiously, it was on the same route that I encountered Entei earlier (Route 30).

    Schoolboy Alan calls me to tell me that he's been training with his Tangela, and recently knocked out a wild Pidgey. Good job I guess, what with the type disadvantage? (N.B. it's actually a randomly-generated message.)

    Gonna have Kurt make me some Friend Balls.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Oh wait, for some reason I hadn't read your latest posts until now. There should be a full 2nd gen hack, yeah, I mean, the original was a 3rd gen full-dex hack so all it'd take would be to hack its sprites into Heart Gold or Soul Silver. A quick Google search tells me this is so. I doubt there's one for the non-remakes, though.

    Anyhows, I'm here 'cuz I found there's an actual playable Cursed Black hack and you must dooooo eeeeet
    was revisiting this thread since i've been thinking a lot about pokémon lately and wanting to get back into this, and i was reminded of this post
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    New "rule" to deal with a situation I didn't originally foresee (somehow):

    My secondary objective is to make (nearly?) every pokémon in its final evolution form viable for some sort of endgame team.

    So instead of just dumping fully-evolved mons into the box never to be used again, I should generally aim to train them up to, roughly speaking, level 50, or whenever they get their last moves.

    (I've always felt bad about just dumping my Crobat who just evolved because of happiness, heh. And similarly I've been a bit anxious about leveling up my Ekans/Koffing/Meowth too much. Now I don't have to be.)

    This also means sorting out their movesets.

    I've been planning to get back into this by looking through my boxes to see what I have and to consider their movesets through lots of Bulbapedia lookups. (Sidenote: For some reason Bulbapedia now has a captcha.)

    Maybe I'll do that as they come, rather than all at once.
  • edited 2022-12-08 07:33:52
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Booted up a Pokémon game!

    Current status:
    Badges: 4
    Pokédex: 102
    Time: 110:29
    Pack: berries and apricorns for days, balls for days, weird things, TMs/HMs

    (N.B.: It seems base stats for HP don't correlate numerically with actual HP in the same way the other base stats do with their corresponding stats.)

    Current team

    Vulpix L14 [Fire]
    39HP, 22/20/23/27/26 (current)
    38, 41/40/50/65/65 (base stats)
    73, 76/75/81/100/100 (Ninetales base stats)
    Seems like a somewhat decent statline, kinda lacking in physical but having great special defense and speed.

    Current moveset: Ember, Tail Whip, Quick Attack, Roar
    Ideal natural moveset: Flamethrower, Confuse Ray, Quick Attack, Safeguard or Fire Spin?

    HMs available: none

    Ninetales has basically nothing except (for some reason Flamethrower at a higher level.
    Can evolve anytime after level 31 (37 if I want Fire Spin sooner).
    Not sure whether I prefer Fire Spin or Safeguard.

    Flaaffy L20 [Electric]
    63HP, 29/32/45/37/29 (current)
    70, 55/55/80/60/45 (base stats)
    90, 75/75/115/90/55 (Ampharos base stats)
    Great special attack, decent special defense and reasonably tanky. but slow.

    Current moveset: Tackle, Thunder Wave, Thundershock, Headbutt
    Ideal natural moveset: Thunder Punch (Ampharos only, at level 30), Thunder Wave, Thunder, Cotton Spore(?)
    Ideal moveset in my playthrough: Thunder Punch, Thunder Wave, Thunder, Headbutt

    HMs available: Strength, Flash

    Cotton Spore is great for messing with the opponent's speed but I'm not sure how useful it will be to me. It's also only 80% accurate. Light Screen seems great but Ampharos's special defense is already respectable. Thunder Punch and Thunder give decent total PP while Thunder Wave provide guaranteed paralyze. Headbutt gives extra type coverage and also makes Flaaffy/Ampharos my designated Headbutt user.

    Skiploom L20 [Grass/Flying]
    59HP, 32/27/27/35/45 (current)
    55, 45/50/45/65/80 (base stats)
    75, 55/70/55/85/110 (Jumpluff base stats)
    Great speed. Crap offense; other stats aren't great either.

    Current moveset: PoisonPowder, Synthesis, Sleep Powder, Tackle
    Ideal moveset: PoisonPowder/Leech Seed, Mega Drain, Sleep Powder/Cotton Spore, Tackle

    HMs available: Flash

    Very little offensive capability (Tackle as a backup move?!), but seems to be useful for statusing. Sleep Powder is more useful for catching mons. For strategic stalling, Poison/Leech Seed/Mega Drain would be optimal (with Sleep for backup). I probably won't bring this into battle, but will keep it around when looking to catch stuff.

    Machop L22 [Fighting] (traded pokémon)
    70HP, 43/32/24/24/25 (current)
    70, 80/50/35/35/35 (Machop's base stats)
    80, 100/70/50/60/45 (Machoke's base stats)
    90, 130/80/65/85/55 (Machamp's base stats)
    Excellent physical attack, unsurprisingly. Decent HP, defense, and special defense. Useless at special attacks and very slow. This would mean flinch moves are useless, by the way.

    Current moveset: Low Kick, Leer, Seismic Toss, Karate Chop

    HMs available: Strength

    Ideal moveset: Vital Throw, Foresight, Seismic Toss, Cross Chop

    Machop's low speed makes Low Kick's flinch chance near-useless. On the other hand, it makes Vital Throw very useful. Scary Face lowers opponent's speed 2 stages, which could put machop on par, but that decreases the usefulness of Vital Throw. Cross Chop is like Karate Chop in being a high crit move but isn't as accurate as Karate Chop and has far less PP, but it's twice as powerful and I've got other attacks here. Submission is only 80 base power and has recoil; compare Cross Chop's 100 and Vital Throw's 70, while Seismic Toss will probably be my workhorse. If I wanted an 80 base power workhorse move it'd be Strength, which is more accurate anyway. But I probably won't put Strength on this mon because it levels up faster than others.

    Togepi L10 [Normal]
    29HP, 12/18/14/19/12 (current)
    35, 20/65/40/65/20 (Togepi's base stats)
    55, 40/85/80/105/40 (Togetic's base stats)

    Current moveset: Growl, Charm, Metronome, Rock Smash

    (they're the same)
    HMs available: Flash

    Ideal moveset for this run: Encore/Charm/Safeguard Metronome, Rock Smash

    Slow and can't physical attack well. HP is also rather poor though I guess with its low attack Double Edge's recoil might ironically hurt less? Physical defense and both special stats are better, with Togepi being a possibly viable special defender. Still, not a great pokémon to use.

    Togepi's only naturally learned attack is Double-Edge, which I don't like because of recoil. I instead made it my designated Rock Smash user for now, which means I have to bring it along every time I go through Dark Cave or whateve it's called. For now, at least. I'll probably find someone else to use Rock Smash later, after Togetic's evolution finishes. (TMs are infinite-use in my hack.) This is a mon I don't want to use.

    Slowpoke L22 [Water/Psychic]
    80HP, 41/40/31/31/20 (current)
    90, 65/65/40/40/15 (Slowpoke base stats)
    95, 75/110/100/80/30 (Slowbro base stats)
    95, 75/80/100/110/30 (Slowking base stats)

    The Slowpoke family is, of course, slow. While Slowpoke itself has better physical than special stats, The two evolutionary choices offer a choice between a focus on physical defense and special attack or on special attack and special defense.


    Current moveset: Curse, Tackle, Confusion, Surf
    HMs available: Surf, Strength, Flash, (Slowking only) Whirlpool

    Ideal Slowpoke/Slowbro moveset: Curse?, Headbutt, Psychic, Surf

    Slowbro's available moves are the same as Slowpoke's except that at the minimum level for evolving into Slowbro (37) it also learns Withdraw, which...seems pretty useless. (It doesn't combo with any other move, unlike Defense Curl with Rollout.)

    Amnesia in this gen now increases only special defense by two stages, rather than "special" (which in gen 1 was used for both special attack and defense). So it's not as useful anymore.

    This moveset gives three type coverages. The decently-poweful Headbutt (albeit with a low-ish physical base stat) serves as a utility move and a backup attack. As for special moves, Water Gun is replaced with Surf, which is just as accurate but far more powerful, and Confusion of course is replaced with a naturally-learned Psychic.

    Curse, which might be less effective as Slowwhatever has to go second basically, could even be swapped out for another HM move.

    Ideal Slowking moveset: Curse/Swagger?, Headbutt, Psychic, Surf

    Slowking, meanwhile, is a stone evolution in this hack but (since it was a trade evolution originally) is still capable of learning moves, and at the same rate as Slowpoke, even. The only differences is that Amnesia is swapped out for Swagger, which confuses the opponent and raises their attack stat by two stages, potentially making self-inflicted hits more devastating. It's not completely accurate though is at least decently so (90%).

    Again though its slot seems like the weakest link in case I want to sub it out for an HM move.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Current BOX1 contents:

    Slugma L21 [Fire]
    53HP, 28/27/37/24/16
    Current moveset: Smog, Ember, Rock Throw

    Drowzee L22 [Psychic]
    64HP, 32/30/32/52/27
    Current moveset: Pound, Hypnosis, Disable, Confusion

    Krabby L22 [Water]
    49HP, 54/50/18/18/32
    Current moveset: Bubble, Leer, Vicegrip, Harden

    Weepinbell L22 [Grass/Poison]
    69HP, 50/34/49/32/35
    Current moveset: Vine Whip, PoisonPowder, Wrap, Sleep Powder

    Koffing L22 [Poison]
    55HP, 42/55/37/30/23
    Current moveset: Poison Gas, Tackle, Sludge, Selfdestruct

    Ekans L21 [Poison]
    52HP, 37/30/28/34/37
    Current moveset: Wrap, Leer, Poison Sting, Bite

    Meowth L22 [Normal]
    58HP, 28/28/31/31/50
    Current moveset: Scratch, Growl, Bite, Pay Day

    Growlithe L21 [Fire]
    63HP, 37/28/42/34/37
    Current moveset: Bite, Roar, Ember, Leer

    Quilava L22 [Fire]
    60HP, 38/39/43/37/47
    Current moveset: Cut, Quick Attack, Smokescreen, Ember

    Ledyba L8 [Bug/Flying]
    26HP, 9/12/14/20/16
    Current moveset: Tackle, Supersonic, Flash

    Gastly L21 [Ghost/Poison]
    51HP, 29/23/56/28/47
    Hypnosis, Night Shade, Curse, Mean Look

    Magnemite L21 [Electric]
    44HP, 26/38/46/29/27
    Tackle, Thundershock, Thunder Wave, Sonicboom

    Houndour L21 [Fire/Dark]
    55HP, 34/26/47/34/40
    Bite, Ember, Roar, Smog

    Geodude L22 [Rock/Ground]
    52HP, 45/56/25/25/21
    Tackle, Selfdestruct, Rock Throw, Magnitude

    Psyduck L22 [Water]
    64HP, 36/30/40/34/34
    Scratch, Tail Whip, Disable, Confusion

    Ivysaur L24 [Grass/Poison]
    72HP, 38/41/46/46/41
    Tackle, Sleep Powder, Leech Seed, Razor Leaf

    Croconaw L25 [Water]
    72HP, 51/49/46/48/44
    Scratch, Bite, Rage, Water Gun
  • edited 2022-12-08 07:34:48
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    wrote up Machop. i'm gonna be editing these slowly and little by little

    edit: and Togepi
    edit: and Slowpoke

    edit: handy links to have (edit URL to get base stats and movesets)

    base stats link
    gen 2 learnset link

    I'll get to the rest later
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    I wonder whether I should make a separate thread for this planning stuff.
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    Eh, probably not.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Actually I just showed up to make a new thread for it. I guess alternatively I could make a Google Doc or Pastebin for it instead...
  • edited 2022-12-11 16:49:29
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Oh no, I realized I've forgotten to log (on my papers) various things I've caught before. So far I've already found two: Gloom and Golbat.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    also somehow i derped and listed Venomoth under Pokédex #111 because it was Receipt #111 lawl

    anyway let me just post this here then


    Pokédex and Moveset Planner

    It's not complete right now but I'm gonna start moving stuff into that document.
  • edited 2022-12-11 17:17:55
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Considering a new policy: Don't catch higher-stage evolutions of pokémon I've already caught, with the following exceptions:

    (A) the higher-stage evolution is underleveled, in which case there's novelty value
    (B) the pokémon is distinctive in some other way (e.g. shiny)
    (C) it's the endgame and I just want to finish the pokédex already (we're nowhere near there yet)
    (D) the pokémon I already have is a baby pokémon (e.g. it's okay to catch Clefairy even if I already have Cleffa)
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    another possible exception to the above: Kadabra, which learns Kinesis at level...1. Which means it's only there if caught wild, and only on Kanto Route 8.

    anyway I added a bunch more movesets and commentary to that doc.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    I think I found an oversight in my dex count. I don't have Gloom yet...in this playthrough. I caught it in my previous one. But I haven't even seen it yet in this playthrough.

    The math works out right without it -- 102 records in-game, 112 records in my own recordkeeping -- which includes separate records for each of 11 Unowns, which only count as one each, so minus 10. 112 - 10 = 102.

    And I checked the rest of the records I have. Yep, that seems to fix everything, except for what's on my paper. Time to look for an eraser.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Record #111: Venomoth

    I just realized that this is probably also very underleveled. I didn't notice at the time, but yeah. It's in the vanilla game too. Johto Route 43 has a 5% encounter rate for level 17 Venomoth at night...and Venomoth evolves from Venonat at level 31.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    So my next step was some planning.

    The HM moves in gen 2 are Cut, Fly, Surf, Strength, Flash, Whirlpool, and Waterfall. And of course, they cannot be forgotten in the course of normal gameplay, except through use of the Move Deleter, which exists for the first time in the Pokémon games in this generation.

    This is not really a problem with Fly, Surf, and Strength. These are very powerful moves in their respective types; Drill Peck is roughly competitive with Fly, while the only water-type move that outclasses Surf is Hydro Pump, which is one of those 5 PP moves that can't be used as a workhorse. Strength is also the most powerful workhorse normal-type move for a number of pokémon.

    As for the others, though...

    * Cut is outclassed by even Swift, not to mention Strength. A number of pokémon can learn both, and they'd obviously be better off learning Strength. Only some pokémon can learn Cut but not Strength, and one problem with that is that it's still easily outclassed, making for some hard choices between Cut and Swift, for example.
    * Flash isn't even a damaging move; it's an accuracy-lowering (by one stage) move that itself has only 70% accuracy. Generally, there's easily a damaging move that can outclass this to provide more circumstantial and/or type coverage.
    * Whirlpool is a trapping move, which has its use cases, I guess, but otherwise it's just a low-damage move with (again) only 70% accuracy.
    * Waterfall is basically a strictly worse Surf. Both have 15 base PP and 100% accuracy, but Waterfall has 80 bp and Surf (in gen 2) has 95 bp. Many water-type pokémon learn both moves, making it a little hard to decide on a Waterfall user.

    So I need to go through my movesets list and figure out who I want to give these moves to.

    Furthermore, there are other field moves. Non-HM field moves are: Dig, Teleport, Softboiled, Rock Smash, Headbutt, Sweet Scent, and Milk Drink. They all have their uses, but the most critical are Rock Smash and Headbutt, as far as movement and encountering pokémon are concerned. Headbutt is a reasonably-powerful normal-type move that can be outclassed by Strength. Rock Smash is a pathetically-weak fighting-type move that exists because...rocks, I guess.

    If I recall correctly, I currently have:
    * Quilava with Cut
    * Togepi with Rock Smash
    * Ledyba with Flash
    * one of my Slowpokes with Surf
    * Flaaffy with Headbutt?

    I don't think I have any of the others yet.

    The proposed moveset I wrote up for Quilava has Cut (and Strength for that matter), fortunately. But there's also other pokémon I can explore using for Cut, such as Beedrill.

    There's also several different potential Headbutt users, including Ampharos (i.e. Flaaffy) and Espeon.

    Flash is harder to find. I only have it on my proposed moveset for Noctowl. (In which case I'd have to decide whether I want to keep training my Hoothoot, which I think I still have, or switch to my underleveled Noctowl. I might do the former since the latter is more of a curiosity than anything else.)

    Since my proposed movesets include some TM moves, there's various cases where I can stick Flash on without "really" losing a moveslot. For example, I proposed Psychic, Sludge Bomb, and two of Agility/Scary Face/Spider Web, for Ariados, but Sludge Bomb is a TM move so that means I can just stick Flash on it and then only delete this later if I really want to make a battle-ready Ariados.
  • edited 2023-07-10 06:52:06
    Huh, I seemed to remember Waterfall having a chance to flinch, but apparently that's generation IV and on, and it's odd that I thought that because I barely played these games.
    Regardless, odd that they made a clearly worse HM move that you acquire even later (and also odd that there are three water-related HM moves, two of which are the "you can pass through here" kind to boot).
  • So I got recommended this video and it reminded me of this thread:
  • edited 2023-09-05 08:02:41
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Seems like the best choices for doing full-dex playthroughs of the gen 1 games are Pure Red, Pure Blue, and Pure Green. They do change quite a bit of the original, though I'd say at least some of the changes are welcome. However, there are some other full-dex hacks that change less.

    None of these have infinite-use TMs for some reason.
  • edited 2023-09-05 15:53:38
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Current team:

    Vulpix L14: Ember, Tail Whip, Quick Attack, Roar
    Flaaffy L20: Tackle, Thunder Wave, Thundershock, Headbutt
    Skiploom L20: Poisonpowder, Synthesis, Sleep Powder, Tackle
    "Muscle" Machop L22: Low Kick, Leer, Seismic Toss, Karate Chop
    Togepi L10: Growl, Charm, Metronome, Rock Smash
    Slowpoke L22: Curse, Tackle, Confusion, Surf

    current contents of...

    Box 1

    Slugma L21: Smog, Ember, Rock Throw
    Drowzee L22: Pound, Hypnosis, Disable, Confusion
    Krabby L22: Bubble, Leer, Vicegrip, Harden
    Weepinbell L22: Vine Whip, Poisonpowder, Wrap, Sleep Powder
    Koffing L22: Poison Gas, Tackle, Sludge, Selfdestruct
    Ekans L21: Wrap, Leer, Poison Sting, Bite
    Meowth L22: Scratch, Growl, Bite, Pay Day
    Growlithe L21: Bite, Roar, Ember, Leer
    Quilava L22: Cut, Quick Attack, Smokescreen, Ember
    Ledyba L8: Tackle, Supersonic, Flash
    Gastly L21: Hypnosis, Night Shade, Curse, Mean Look
    Magnemite L21: Tackle, Thundershock, Thunder Wave, Sonic Boom
    Houndour L21: Bite, Ember, Roar, Smog
    Geodude L22: Tackle, Selfdestruct, Rock Throw, Magnitude
    Psyduck L22: Scratch, Tail Whip, Disable, Confusion
    Ivysaur L24: Tackle, Sleep Powder, Leech Seed, Razor Leaf
    Croconaw L25: Scratch, Bite, Rage, Water Gun

    will post other boxes later
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Box 2

    Beedrill L15: Fury Attack, Focus Energy
    Metapod L17: Harden
    Scyther L14: Quick Attack, Leer, Focus Energy, Pursuit

    Looks like bug-catching contest pickups. I'll need to move them to another box and/or release some of these.

    Box 3 - 2StgEv

    Paras L6: Scratch
    Teddiursa L2: Scratch, Leer
    Slowpoke L6: Curse, Tackle, Growl
    Pineco L10: Tackle, Protect, Selfdestruct
    Chinchou L20: Thunder Wave, Supersonic, Flail, Water Gun

    This is the Slowpoke that's destined to become Slowbro.

    Box 4 - 3StgEv

    Chikorita L5: Tackle, Growl
    Pidgey L13: Tackle, Sand-Attack, Gust
    Pidgeotto L16: Tackle, Sand-Attack, Gust, Quick Attack
    Squirtle L7: Tackle, Tail Whip, Bubble

    The Pidgeotto is underleveled. I think I might put underleveled catches in a separate box, since I've decided that I'll just catch them for trivia's sake but train the pre-evolution forms myself.

    Box 5 - 2StgStEv

    Onix L15: Tackle, Screech, Bind, Rock Throw
    Jigglypuff L12: Sing, Defense Curl, Pound
    Exeggcute L10: Barrage, Hypnosis, Reflect
    Sunkern L14: Absorb, Growth, Mega Drain
    Scyther L14: Quick Attack, Leer, Focus Energy, Pursuit
    Shellder L20: Tackle, Withdraw, Supersonic, Aurora Beam

    Box 6 - 3StgStEv

    Poliwag L15: Bubble, Hypnosis, Water Gun
    Poliwag L12: Bubble, Hypnosis
    Oddish L14: Absorb, Sweet Scent, Poisonpowder
    Oddish L12: Absorb, Sweet Scent
    NidoranF L12: Growl, Tackle, Scratch, Double Kick
    NidoranM L12: Leer, Tackle, Horn Attack, Double Kick
    Cleffa L6: Pound, Charm, Dizzy Punch

    Here's both Poliwags and both Oddishes. There doesn't seem to be much difference between each pair at the moment.

    Box 7

    Beedrill L10: Poison Sting, String Shot, Harden, Fury Attack
    Butterfree L10: Tackle, String Shot, Harden, Confusion
    Furret L15: Tackle, Defense Curl, Quick Attack
    Hoothoot L13: Tackle, Growl, Foresight, Peck
    Noctowl L10: Tackle, Growl, Foresight, Peck
    Spearow L12: Peck, Growl, Leer
    Rattata L18: Tackle, Tail Whip, Quick Attack, Hyper Fang
    Raticate L15: Tackle, Tail Whip, Quick Attack, Hyper Fang
    Ledian L15: Tackle, Supersonic, Comet Punch
    Quagsire L20: Water Gun, Tail Whip, Slap
    Spinarak L17: Poison Sting, Night Shade, Scary Face, Constrict
    Ariados L15: Poison Sting, String Shot, Scary Face, Constrict
    Crobat L23: Leech Life, Supersonic, Bite, Confuse Ray
    Tentacool L10: Poison Sting, Supersonic
    Tentacruel L20: Poison Sting, Supersonic, Constrict, Acid
    Granbull L23: Tackle, Scary Face, Bite, Charm
    Sandslash L22: Scratch, Defense Curl, Sand-Attack, Poison Sting
    Alakazam L18: Teleport, Confusion, Disable
    Azumarill L18: Tackle, Defense Curl, Rollout, Water Gun

    A big crowd here, including a number of underleveled wild catches. As said above, I'll be moving them to a new box, while using the ones I've actually been training from the ground up.

    Box 8 - Complet'd

    Venonat L5: Tackle, Disable, Foresight
    Venomoth L17: Disable, Foresight, Supersonic, Confusion
    Goldeen L13: Peck, Tail Whip, Supersonic
    Seaking L20: Peck, Tail Whip, Supersonic, Horn Attack

    More like Box 7. The completeds box overflowed which is why it's like this.

    Box 9


    Box 10 - No-Chain

    Dunsparce L4: Rage
    Ditto L30: Transform
    Aipom L10: Scratch, Tail Whip, Sand-Attack
    Qwilfish L5: Spikes, Tackle, Poison Sting
    Sudowoodo L20: Rock Throw, Mimic, Flail, Low Kick
    Stantler L14: Tackle, Leer
    Miltank L13: Tackle, Growl, Defense Curl, Stomp
    Murkrow L16: Peck, Pursuit, Haze
    Pinsir L13: Vicegrip, Focus Energy, Bind
    Heracross L10: Tackle, Leer, Horn Attack
    Girafarig L16: Tackle, Growl, Confusion, Stomp
    Tauros L13: Tackle, Tail Whip, Rage, Horn Attack
    Corsola L20: Tackle, Harden, Bubble, Recover
    Farfetch'd L16: Peck, Sand-Attack, Leer

    The Ditto is the one I bred with the Eevee like five times.

    Box 11


    Box 12


    Box 13 - UnownA-T

    Unown F
    Unown B
    Unown A
    Unown I
    Unown K
    Unown J
    Unown G
    Unown C
    Unown H
    Unown E
    Unown D

    Box 14 - UUZ&EV&S (this stands for "Unown U-Z, Eeveelutions, and Shinies")

    Eevee L33: Sand-Attack, Growl, Quick Attack, Bite
    Eevee L5: Tackle, Tail Whip
    Magikarp L10: Splash

    The first Eevee is the one that was bred with Ditto to produce the other Eevee and the four remaining Eggs. That first one is staying Eevee. The others are being evolved into the five eeveelutions. I don't know which one for which yet but at this point it barely makes a difference.

    The Magikarp is there because I expect a shiny Gyarados and so I put it here to be with its evolutionary chain.

    Aaaaand that's it. There are only 14 boxes. With 20 spaces each, that's 280 + 6, though with probably about 250-270 pokémon to catch this doesn't leave much room for moving things around.

    But I just wanted to post these here so I have a convenient list to look at in order to decide what to put where and how to reorganize things.
  • edited 2023-09-20 18:33:18
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Current field move users:

    Cut: (Cyndaquil)/Quilava/(Typhlosion)
    Flash: Ledyba/(Ledian)
    Surf: Slowpoke/(Slowking)
    Rock Smash: Togepi/(Togetic)
    Headbutt: (Mareep)/Flaaffy/(Ampharos)

    unimportant field moves:

    Dig: none
    Teleport: (Abra)/(Kadabra)/Alakazam
    Softboiled: none
    Sweet Scent: Oddish/(Gloom)/(Vileplume), Oddish/(Gloom)/(Bellossom)
    Milk Drink: none (would be Miltank)

    Proposed field move users:

    Flash: Butterfree?, Espeon(?), Noctowl, Stantler?, Jumpluff

    Headbutt: Raticate?, Ninetales?, Slowbro, Slowking, Hypno, Tauros, Eevee, Jolteon?, Flareon?, Espeon, Ampharos, Aipom?, (Heracross), Stantler

    Cut: Beedrill, Bellossom, Typhlosion? (or Rock Smash), Furret?, Sunflora

    Fly: Pidgeot, Fearow?, Crobat, Farfetch'd?, Noctowl, Murkrow?

    Surf: a ton of things -- basically every other water pokémon.
    Nidoqueen, Nidoking, Golduck?, Poliwrath?, Politoed, Tentacruel, Slowbro, Slowking, Cloyster, Kingler?, Seaking?, Gyarados?, Vaporeon?, Feraligatr?, (Furret?), (Chinchou), Azumarill?, Quagsire, (Qwilfish), (Corsola), (Tauros), (Miltank)

    Rock Smash: Sandslash?, Machamp, Slowbro?, Tauros?, Typhlosion? (or Cut), Sudowoodo?, Dunsparce?, Granbull?, Pinsir

    Whirlpool: Tentacruel, Cloyster?, Kingler?, (Gyarados), (Vaporeon?), (Azumarill?), Quagsire?

    Waterfall: Golduck, Polisomething?, Seaking

    Strength: Arbok, Sandslash?, Nidoqueen?, Nidoking, Golduck?, Clefable, (Politoed?), (Gengar? lmao), Kingler, Exeggutor?, Pinsir, Tauros, (Gyarados?), Typhlosion?, Furret, Azumarill?, Sudowoodo?, (Aipom?), Quagsire?, Girafarig, Forretress?, Dunsparce, Granbull, Heracross?, Houndoom?, (Miltank), Primeape

    These aren't comprehensive lists of everyone who can learn a given move; just a list of some that I might teach said move.

    Sidenote: Geodude forgot Defense Curl; teach it back using TM40.
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