If you have an email ending in @hotmail.com, @live.com or @outlook.com (or any other Microsoft-related domain), please consider changing it to another email provider; Microsoft decided to instantly block the server's IP, so emails can't be sent to these addresses.
If you use an @yahoo.com email or any related Yahoo services, they have blocked us also due to "user complaints"

Vidya Gaems General



  • HELL YEAH!!!

    I beat Touhou Kikeijuu ~ Wily Beast and Weakest Creature, 1 Credit Clear (i.e. "for real") on Lunatic (i.e. the hardest difficulty).

    Gosh that was intense, I was low on resources for half of the game and at one crucial point halfway through the final boss was a couple pixels away from failure with no resources to survive if anything went wrong. It was after that that I started feeling like I could actually make it.

    So that's one of the few games I've managed to 1CC on Lunatic. It's considered the easiest and I gotta agree, but still.

    Wolf!Reimu is the best.
  • There is love everywhere, I already know

    I don't think I've ever played any game in 1-Hit mode aside from Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, and I found even that extremely taxing.

    There's a game I played around the same time (2012/3) that was sort of like Toki to Towa in terms of artstyle, but I can't put my finger on it...
  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"
    I completed ADoM. For the first fucking time in like fucking twenty years of playing, I finally did it.

    Wasn't my typical character. I usually play as High Elf or Orc paladin, sometimes a monk, but this time I chose a HE barbarian, quite by accident as I got the idea only through accidentally hitting the wrong key. Anyways, I got a bit lucky several times, although it might have been the character's Luck trait that left it with 1 hp instead of dead.

    Ran through small cave up to the High Mountain Village, then did puppy quest for xp and carpenter's for that sweet Healing. Lucked onto a few wishes, but they mostly went towards scrolls of chaos resistance. Also, turned out my barb did pretty well as a writer, used magical writing sets to produce like half of all that I used during the game.

    Visited the ghost librarian just for the scrolls of chaos resistance as a quest reward, but still looted the library. Made a bit of a collection.

    The worst part was that I ran into a greater vault full of emperor bitches liches. Bastards summoned all manner of stuff and drained my stats while healing themselves. After two failed attempts I decided to just move past them, clear the dungeon below, then come back with a slaying weapon. See, I did the Blup's mom quest, but had to wait till lvl 36 to get that sweet trident. With it in my hands, there was no mercy for them boney fuckers. For my stats too, had them drained anyway.

    Actually generated a few artifacts more than I expected, by virtue of not noticing some. Not good ones, though, so no pain.

    Did the unicorn quest a bit before the final descent because the corruptions were amassing. Closed the Chaos Gate using wands of digging to get around the majority of monsters, killed the shit out of balors when they reappeared to pull back the levers, then blocked the levers with doors and summoned creatures and left. Since the unicorn was expended and I didn't feel like loitering around for who-knows-how-long in hopes of getting corruption removal, I finished the game then.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    I have a feeling that, if 99 Spirits were more popular, Hanabusa's line "I can see it!" (for whenever she unmasks the identity of a tsukumogami) would become a meme.
  • edited 2019-12-21 19:58:55
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Some rando on Steam friended me, and asked me to fill in a survey.

    Well, here's the survey, and my responses.
    Autumn Sale 2019
    What are your favorite types of games?
    2D platformers and JRPGs
    List all the games you purchased from 26th of NOVEMBER - 3rd of DECEMBER and a 1 sentence description of why you bought it. TIP: To find your purchase history, open STEAM, click your profile image in the top right corner, select ACCOUNT DETAILS, then click VIEW PURCHASE HISTORY. Here is an example of how to describe your purchases: "The Swapper - I was listening to a podcast and the host said it was an underappreciated masterpiece so I looked it up and it was only $3!"
    I bought no games on Steam, because Valve screwed up the Steam Library UI in a recent major update, and I plan on buying no more than one small purchase every half-year on Steam (only because doing so gives me access to the Community Market). The new UI is usable but only with significantly more hassle than before. I've been planning on gradually switching my purchases to DRM-free sources for several years now; this move on Valve's part has simply accelerated this process.

    I bought, from the following stores, the following games, all DRM-free. (all prices are USD)

    * [itch.io] Spooky Ghosts Dot Com - Seems like a fun platformer, with a sense of cartoonish whimsy to it. Found it from browsing itch.io, I think, or maybe a friend mentioned it(?). 60% off, $1.99 ($4.99 base price).
    * [itch.io] Social Justice Warriors - The satirical premise of this game and its relevance to real-life flamewars certainly got my attention, again probably when I was browsing itch.io. 80% off, $1.59 ($7.99 base price). Just to be sure (since this IS related to certain topics of recent controversy), I researched the dev to make sure that my money wasn't going to a jerk -- instead, the dev seems to be thoughtful and have an interesting and thought-provoking perspective.
    * [Humble Store] Elliot Quest - It seemed like an interesting adventure platformer when I first wishlisted it on Steam years ago I think, and I later switched the wishlist entry to Humble Store because it's DRM-free there. I've seen it mentioned a few times by people who like metroidvania games (which I'm a fan of too). Finally bought it. -70%, $2.99 ($9.99 base price).
    * [GOG] Grandia II Anniversary Edition - I've been waiting for this to go down to $4.99, but decided to buy now despite it being $9.99, mostly to make a statement about how DRM-free gaming is valuable to me, and because it just doesn't seem to be going any lower. I'm quite aware that Grandia II now has an "HD Edition" on Steam, which adds some features, but (1) I read up on those features and they seem unimportant to me and (2) I'd rather have a DRM-free version than one stuck on Steam even if the Steam version is a little better. -50% $9.99 ($19.99 base price). However, I am aware that this will be stuck in my JRPG backlog hell for probably a few years before I get to playing it.
    What games do you think you will buy soon or are anticipating the most?
    None are games I'm really dying to have. I have wishlists at a few stores, and I generally buy stuff when it goes down beyond -50% (preferably to -75%) and is also $5 or less.

    There are games I do want more than others, but I don't really keep a list. First, I already have a giant backlog (of games I've already purchased); second, it depends on price; third, it depends on my budget. But if you really want a list, contact me. Note that they will be mostly a bunch of unknown games -- it probably won't involve any famous AAA releases since I'm not very interested in those, so it won't work well for coding my responses into a survey.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    Interesting article studying people's purchase habits.

    Overall, I'm less social-network-driven than the purchasers detailed here, so I often ignore friend recommendations, but this was still an interesting read.

    Other comments

    > GG Deals

    FYI I typically use isthereanydeal.com ; I wasn't aware of GG Deals. I guess now I can compare sites that compare sites haha. (yo dawg i herd u like to browse for the best prices so i put a site comparison in your site comparison so you can window shop while you window shop)

    > If a game is regularly on sale for the same percentage he doesn’t bother buying it during the sale because he knows that that game will be on sale again later. This is "fear of missing out" in action.

    My "conventional wisdom" from several years ago on Steam, back when Steam had flash sales during sales events, was that games that are sufficiently old (i.e. not new releases) would go on -50% sale for the whole sales event period and -75% during flash sales. Since then, flash sales have gone away (to be fair they were kinda annoying) and prices have also become more varied, but I think overall discount levels have become a little shallower, with publishers making use of price points like -40%, -55%, -60%, -66%, and -70%.

    Also, re wishlists: this is somewhat specific to me, but as someone who prefers DRM-free games, I've basically de-wishlisted anything on Steam that I can buy DRM-free on another site. Following the recent UI update, I also de-listed anything I could buy as a Steam key on a site other than Steam, because I plan on not buying on Steam if I can avoid buying on Steam, until further developments may change this.

    > historic lows

    I've gotten a hunch that some games' publishers/developers seem to have a practice of timing their historic lows in off-season sales while not discounting as low during big sales events. I'm guess that that's a more conservative pricing strategy?

    > "open cart"
    > (about 75% of all customers will leave an item unpurchased)

    I wonder if these studies account for the possibility of someone making a cart, walking away, losing the cart's contents, then making a new cart with the same contents and then making a purchase.

    I know I've done this before sometimes.

    > Many retailers fix this common phenomenon by sending a friendly reminder email a couple of days later.

    I've specifically experienced some retailers send me coupons a day after I leave some stuff in my cart and walk away.

    > Consider surveying your audience and asking them on a scale of 0-10 if they would recommend the game to a friend and why or why not. This is called a Net Promoter Score and is a very powerful measurement for any product.

    I don't know if a 0-10 scale is some sort of industry standard for measuring this, but I've always found such a big scale too big to really answer with meaningful distinctions between the choices. I personally use a five-point scale (nominally described as -2/-1/0/+1/+2) for how much I like something (hate/dislike/meh/like/love) and I've seen psychology studies use a seven-point scale which IMO is about the limit of how far one can meaningfully differentiate stuff without the data getting too noisy. But this is just my opinions and personal experiences as a survey participant, not from studying survey results and responses.

    > I always wondered how anyone tries anything new. My hunch is that there are lots of people like participant J with a friend with “good taste” they are the ones who convince them to try a game outside of their comfort zone.

    This is a really interesting topic, and I've found that getting introduced to a new genre is a little like learning a new skill -- having a friend to show me the ropes makes it a lot smoother.

    For example, I learned to play RTS games only because some friends played Age of Empires in front of me.

    More recently, as a person who has played basically no WRPGs but nevertheless wants to break into the genre somehow, I've thought about trying to get into Dragon Age: Origins (which I received as a gift) and Neverwinter Nights 2 (which I know is well-acclaimed, and also uses D&D 3.5 which is a system I have used for non-video tabletop role-playing campaigns). DAO has yet to really capture me, though I am not sure I've given it a fair amount of time to simmer yet (though I did spend forever in character creation, which kinda annoyed me), and despite knowing D&D 3.5 on paper, I found myself playing only to the end of the tutorial of NWN2 and then stopping with the intent of researching how to get a certain character build and then dropping the game altogether due to having to wrestle a bit with its technical issues (a choppy animation bug that sometimes happens) and its controls that I'm largely not used to. And all that time, I was also thinking, "I really wish I had a friend here to play this with me."
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Shoebill Chozo
  • edited 2019-12-21 19:51:01
    So throughout my life I've played visual novels for a combined total of approximately ten minutes, but the other day I found a Let's Play of Danganronpa and I'm hooked.
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    I played all three DRs, they're pretty worth the time (terrible minigames and all).
  • edited 2019-12-22 06:25:50
    That's good to know.

    Say, do you (or anybody else) know if the anime is good? Would you recommend that vs. a Let's Play? (I don't think I'll get the chance to play the games in the foreseeable future.)

    Also I wanted to mention that if I hadn't just changed into this avatar I'd be using a Chihiro avatar instead. Chihiro reminds me a lot of my younger, weaker*, more insecure self.
    *Not that I'm much stronger now, but you get the idea.
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    know if the anime is good?


    I mean the VN is 6-8 hours long, but everybody who has seen the anime agrees that somehow is still unable to portray everything in the series. Plus, there are lots of interesting mechanics in the game. If you don't have the means to play it, an LP is probably the best option.

    Plus, there's no anime adaptation of DR2 or DRV3, just a backstory and side-story anime for DRV3.

    Chihiro's relationship with Mondo was probably one of the best parts of the game, that plus Kyouko's development and just a lot of other things.
  • edited 2019-12-28 04:39:59
    I haven't followed the LP further. Also I saw a couple episodes of the anime, it felt like watching a speedrun, wouldn't recommend.
    On related news, it took a while but I've managed to begin playing Danganronpa.
    Thoughts on what I had seen so far (spoilers obv):
  • edited 2019-12-28 01:42:43
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    The BBcode for the togglebox is just "toggle".
    [tog gle][/tog gle]
  • edited 2019-12-28 03:29:14
    Stormtroper and you grew a little closer today.
  • There is love everywhere, I already know

    Man this is making me want to play DR again. I still have my Vita and all three games, so it'd be extremely easy to do so.

    But that would involve getting back into video games in a big way.

    Bit of trivia; my favourite DR is probably 2. I just liked all the characters a lot, plus the setting was great.

    The map system from 2 should go die in a fire though.
  • But that would involve getting back into video games in a big way.
    I've noticed my interest in video games waning over time (too?), though unlike previous years this year I did try several new things, so there's that.
  • There is love everywhere, I already know

    I hope it's not too much of a hassle to revisit these things.

    Naw, it's fun to reminisce.
    I've noticed my interest in video games waning over time

    Well, I made a conscious decision to step back, and then my path back in was blocked by uh... "funding issues" for a while. Anyways, I'll probably give it a bit more time before diving in.
  • edited 2019-12-29 23:33:16
    Oh boy, this chapter starts super intriguing. (Well, some of it is the end of the previous chapter but whatevs.)

    That turned out huge, I guess that's the difference when writing something that's fresh on your mind. Also it occurs me that I'll actually enjoy seeing the Let's Player's reactions anyways after I'm done.
    my path back in was blocked by uh... "funding issues" for a while.
    Aww, sorry to hear that. I hope things improve on your end, if they haven't already.
  • There is love everywhere, I already know

    Aww, sorry to hear that.

    Nope, no sorries, it was my own fault. Right now I've become a bit trigger-shy re:purchases but my finances are much better.
  • edited 2019-12-31 01:42:03

    I sad'd.
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
  • In which I spend New Year's playing videogames.


    I'm curious about the rest of the Danganronpa universe, but I think I'll spend some seeing what else this game has to offer for the time being. Also I can now look things up with lesser chances of getting spoiled.

    Alright, so I have 421 monocoins I can spend on things one finds on the internet for free.

    Ooh, School Mode, looks interesting.
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    It occurs to me that you can't even fit Kyoko's hair in that mask.

    Anime hair always fits.
    This trial is having a case of the-point-I-want-to-bring-up-is-not-the-one-I-have-to-bring-up

    I feel like usually in DR it turns out you're stuck on a red herring or something insane that you probably couldn't logically imagine is happening, rather than the logical thing.
    I wonder what the rest of the setting has in store for them. I assumed DR 2 and 3 take place later in the same universe but I don't actually know.

    They do, but uh, V3 is (this is a really really big spoiler) .
  • I feel like usually in DR it turns out you're stuck on a red herring or something insane that you probably couldn't logically imagine is happening, rather than the logical thing.

    Something I noticed in cases like that is that who's saying something is often more of a hint than the details of what's being said, so when two characters are saying things you take issue with, you're better off trying things first with the character you're supposed to be discrediting at the time.

    Also I can never figure out the correct order of flashback bullet things.

    Aww, Closing Argument events can't be purchased. I like those.
  • edited 2020-01-02 01:08:41
    "I've come to the conclusion that this is a VERY STUPID IDEA."
    My haul from the past month of sales:

    Switch eShop:
    - GRIS
    - A Short Hike
    - Prime Mover
    - Kine
    - Gorogoa
    - a whole bunch of freebies

    Also last month, I actually finished a little puzzle game I've been working on since this summer. Terrace! It's free on itch.io, browser or downloadable versions.
  • edited 2020-01-02 02:01:03
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Interesting game, I didn't know you were a dev yourself. I'll have to check it out at some point.

    My haul from the past month of sales:

    * Spooky Ghosts Dot Com - a humorous platformer.
    * Social Justice Warriors - an internet argument simulator. The game's name raises red flags, but the game seems to be designed with an apt mind for satire, and the dev seems to not be a jerk, far as I can tell.
    * American University Life ~Welcome Week!~ - a visual novel, seemingly meant to be the first chapter of a larger whole. Made by a U.S. American dev, and starring American university students rather than Japanese high schoolers, for a hopefully refreshing change.
    * Camera Obscura - a puzzle platformer. This has been on my wishlist for a while now.

    Humble Store
    * Elliot Quest - a 2D metroidvania platformer, I think.

    * Grandia II - a JRPG.
    * Wasteland 2 - I'm not sure what this is but it was a freebie from GOG.
    * Wasteland 1 - the prequel to Wasteland 2. This one's an old game. Not sure of the genre. Also a freebie from GOG.
    * Chasm - a 2D metroidvania platformer. Each playthrough's layout is procedurally generated, though if you didn't tell me I might not even notice that this is the case since it seems really well put together -- much better than the also procedurally-generated 2D metroidvania platformer roguelike Rogue Legacy.
    * Bio Menace - an action platformer, I think. Also a freebie from GOG.
    * Tower of Time - an action RPG, I think. Also a freebie from GOG.

    * 100% Orange Juice - Toy Store pack - a character pack DLC. its campaign became playable by mistake and I actually played it before I bought it. So I was kinda morally obliged to buy it. Anyway this was a Steam key, because all the 100% OJ DLCs are handled on Steam.

    * 1 Screen Platformer - a platformer, I think. This was a freebie from the game's dev, because he wanted me to do a short survey for him.

    I did not buy anything on Steam. I also didn't pick up anything from Epic Game Store, even its freebies.
  • edited 2020-01-02 02:32:38
    "I've come to the conclusion that this is a VERY STUPID IDEA."
    Interesting game, I didn't know you were a dev yourself.

    It's something I've wanted to do for a while, but I just started this past year, if only to give me something to do since graduating university. Terrace is my first proper project, a lot of learn-by-doing and generally figuring out Unity and C#. I'm hoping to find an actual game dev job in the coming year.
  • edited 2020-01-04 23:43:33
    Ahh, interesting game you've got there, I got to level 24 before I had to stop. If you don't mind some hopefully-constructive criticism, it wasn't obvious to me what the goal off the puzzles were. I think a one-line explanation on the page or a label to tell the player those tiles on the right side are the level goals would be good enough.
    I didn't know you were a dev yourself.
    Me neither but then I remembered the Game Jam thing.
    I'm hoping to find an actual game dev job in the coming year.
    Good luck!
    graduating university.
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    Square-Enix is publishing a lot of Final Fantasy light novels in English, including one of Short Stories from I, II and III at the end of this month. Personally, I wish there was one about V.
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