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IJBMer Updates



  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    I just noticed I have a writing board brand ISIS.

    Well, it's Daesh's fault for stealing an Egyptian goddess's name.
  • edited 2016-08-25 09:46:19
    Apparently Huckleberry Finn is about his father kidnapping him and various murders.

    Thank you pop culture osmosis for sucking.

    I forgot all about that and I actually did read that book (in middle school though so of course I forgot everything by now).
  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"
    Interesting: I've just come home from vacation and I'm already beginning to Wojak out. Not complaining, just found it an interesting enough observation to post about it.
  • Sup guys? Long time no see. 
  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"
    Always a pleasure to see folks come back.
  • Howdy, nice to see you again.
  • Hope you are all doing well. I noticed Vorpy was unbanned. Sweet. Can we not unban everyone and get the gang back together. I miss Chuggles.
  • "In a mad world, only the mad are sane!"-Akira Kurosawa, Ran
    Perhaps the dude can make a fresh account? Since the internet is a small world after all, he's now a topic on Kiwifarms, which has his most recent alts on it. 
  • He who laments and can't let go of the past is forever doomed to solitude.
    Hello again, the conductor.
  • I've been having all day long that thing where I smell cigar smoke even there's nothing around that should smell like it.
  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"
    I'm told olfactory hallucinations are a symptom of schizophrenia and certain kinds of cancer.

    Alternatively, it doesn't mean anything special, that's also possible.
  • I'll keep that in mind. It's probably nothing, though, I remember having it a couple years ago as well with no symptoms of anything else that could be causing it.
  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"
    I had that weird dream that I was pretty sure could be a great New Weird romantic story, except I can't write and don't remember it anyway. Funny.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    What's New Weird?
  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"
    A literary genre, or you could say a movement within the fantasy genre, that strives to move beyond fantasy staples and more generally stale genre boundaries as well. Though most cases that I know of settle down for something like steampunk with magic, heh heh.
  • Vorpy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <33333333 Yes please do get "the gang" back together. In the meantime I'll keep earning shmup world records, playing DDR, hosting lucrative Twitch streams, and making out with my rich and sexy s.o. Not to mention being the prettiest girl on the planet. God I turned out to be so fabulous.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Glad to hear you're doing well lately!
  • Glad to hear you're doing well lately!

  • edited 2016-09-10 23:54:02
    So I haven't been here a whole lot lately, and I guess that's been because after I got on HH and most of the people here are also there, I just kind of started devoting all my discussion time to those forums.

    But now I've been prevented from logging in there, which I don't know if it's a permaban or a temp ban or what. So I'm back.

    Now I know what the logical thing to think is, and it might not be wrong. It's a variation on "If you keep getting into arguments with people, maybe the problem isn't them, maybe it's you." So if I get banned from TVT, and then get banned from HH, maybe the problem isn't the mods, maybe it's me? I don't know.

    I started to write this big long post about what happened and then decided not to. I'm just gonna say this: part of the reason I didn't get along with a mod there was because I said exactly how I felt about Israel/Palestine (if anybody hasn't seen the posts I've made here, I'm very pro-Palestinian), and he disagreed. I didn't expect to have that problem there, since I've talked extensively about Israel/Palestine here and nobody's had an issue as far as I know. Maybe I shouldn't have assumed that just because several of the same people were on HH as were on IJBM didn't mean they were similar environments.

    Okay, during the pause I took between paragraphs I think I figured what the problem might be with me: I'm pretty up front with people about exactly what I think about issues, and if it matters a lot to me then I don't want to agree to disagree. I'd much prefer to just avoid the person and pretend they don't exist as much as that's possible. This isn't common, I realize. Maybe it's a bad approach to life. But it's how I've turned out, and if it changes then that won't happen anytime soon; changing something like that about yourself is hard.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    I started to write this big long post about what happened and then
    decided not to. I'm just gonna say this: part of the reason I didn't get
    along with a mod there was because I said exactly how I felt about
    Israel/Palestine (if anybody hasn't seen the posts I've made here, I'm
    very pro-Palestinian)

    Wait, who's anti-Palestinian on HH?  I don't know who is, or at least who actively is, and I've mentioned the Israel/Palestine issue enough times that I would think I've have noticed it by now.

    Though it's not an issue that I primarily fight over.  Besides, if an argument seems to be going the way I'd like it to go I usually just let it continue without jumping in myself.

    Maybe I shouldn't have assumed that just because several of the same
    people were on HH as were on IJBM didn't mean they were similar

    Yeah, IJBM and HH are surprisingly different despite their similar appearances and userbases.  I think there's a bit more sense of letting things just happen here on IJBM as far as raising controversies and arguing about stuff goes.

    I'm pretty up front with people about exactly what I think about issues,
    and if it matters a lot to me then I don't want to agree to disagree.

    Ehh, sometimes simply trying to argue/convince/guilt/etc. people into agreeing just doesn't work, and occasionally if you get it wrong, the more you do it the worse it gets.  Plus, sometimes it really is a matter of opinion, especially on basically anything that involves a value judgement.

    Rather than trying to make people agree with my opinions specifically, I'd much rather try to make their opinions point them toward supporting the results I want.

    And sometimes even that doesn't work.  Lately I've run into a situation where I'm the lone Clinton supporter on a thread that's now dominated by a Johnson supporter (and obnoxious libertarian type) and a Trump supporter (who thinks that Trump will be a harmless, cloutless clown, and thinks Clinton will start wars with wild abandon) who won't stop responding to me no matter what I say, so I was like, screw it, not worth my time.  Not a great feeling to have, but sometimes some battles just aren't worth fighting.

    if it changes then that won't happen anytime soon

    And more than likely, that change won't be something you'll notice until afterwards, anyway.
  • I was also banned from Heapers Hangout after being too belligerent and stubborn, apparently. But since this site has about the same people anyway, it doesn't bother me too much.

    I am a bit annoyed that HH has more traffic than this, though. >:|
  • I'm actually laughing here. Apparently everyone is banned from heapers who doesn't agree with the admins' political views. Not just me. Actually that knowledge alone is vindicating and makes me feel a little bit better about the time I spent there. :,) It's not you guys; it's them.
  • Nah, Kilgore and I were banned because we kept pissing people off.

    Speaking as myself, they pretty much agreed with both of us (including Palestine and Israel), but we were just unlikable.
  • It's still an echo chamber sort of thing. Don't buy into it. You seem friendly enough.
  • Uhh, you clearly do not know me much. I have a reputation on forums.
  • I do too. :3
  • "In a mad world, only the mad are sane!"-Akira Kurosawa, Ran
    Now that the topic's being mentioned, DAE think the treatment of the Palestinians is actually a zionist plot to keep those leftie secular American/European Jews from wanting to return to Israel, thus safeguarding the country from the milquetoast values those pesky conspirators spread elsewhere?
    probably not a good idea, on second thought.

    Speaking of Frankfurt School conspiracies, I love how promotion of binge-drinking is apparently one of its tenets, along with sex-having. Sooner or later being invited to parties and going out of the house will end up in there somewhere too.
  • edited 2016-09-11 08:46:16
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    What's the Frankfurt School?

    I'm actually laughing here. Apparently everyone is banned from heapers who doesn't agree with the admins' political views. Not just me. Actually that knowledge alone is vindicating and makes me feel a little bit better about the time I spent there. :,) It's not you guys; it's them.
    Let it be known for the record, that opinion on an issue and delivery of that opinion are not one and the same, and a quality or faulty delivery, tailored to or against a people's preexisting notions, may cause people to react better or worse to it and may be more or less convincing.
  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"
    Who are the mods on HH, anyway? (Wait a minute, I checked.) Hmph. I have no memory of folks there being particularly ban-happy. But then, I might have had too little experience with them to know.

    Trout: sometimes it happens that we think we are arguing calmly, but that still steps on someone's toes. The worse if that someone is the mod. The more so if what we argue for seems self-evident or obvious to us, or the other position obviously bad, or something like that. But in any case, it boils down to mods.

    In other news, we have weird-ass politics too. I told you that the choice we've got in here is between the thieving, the stupid, and the crazy. Currently it's pretty much the last in charge. They're also doing what technically could get them into the first category, but their reasons mean that it only strengthens the crazy classification (ie. while the outcome is pretty much identical, the reasons are closer to "we want total control so we'll place faithful nobodies everywhere" than to "cousin Bob flunked out of school and needs a job").
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