If you have an email ending in @hotmail.com, @live.com or @outlook.com (or any other Microsoft-related domain), please consider changing it to another email provider; Microsoft decided to instantly block the server's IP, so emails can't be sent to these addresses.
If you use an @yahoo.com email or any related Yahoo services, they have blocked us also due to "user complaints"
The computer/OS/interface/webpage annoyances thread
Plume is a laggy piece of shit, and so is TweetCaster. I hate Android Twitter clients.
Need to use dropbox to upload some materials, Part 1.
Search: can I have more than one dropbox account on one machine?
Result: no.
Dig up existing dropbox account.
Password incorrect.
(before asking for password reset!) Dig up linked GMail account.
GMail says I'm signing in from an unusual location. Big questionnaire follows.
try different password for dropbox account.
Maru! Success!
Need to use dropbox to upload some materials, Part 2.
Logged into dropbox account. Okay.
Can't access associated GMail account, so I'll have to consider that a lost cause. Get a new e-mail account.
Have another live.com account already, so I'll try to get another one.
For some reason, live.com is not an option, but live.co.za is.
Discover that country/region field defaults to South Africa. Country code defaults to South Africa (+27). In fact, URL includes "EN-ZA", which means for some reason, the site thinks I'm in South Africa, or read some sort of language setting that says that.
I'm trying to figure out when the heck I would have put that. I'm pretty sure my system language is EN-US. My region setting is United States and my display format is English (United States). I know my IP address geolocates in the United States.
@fourteenwings what have you dooooooooooone~
I'd be a little less averse to dual-booting Windows and Linux if it weren't for using Dropbox :V No I don't want to have two of each file on the same hard drive.
So whenever I have to do Linux stuff (mostly just programming), I just fire up VirtualBox in Windows.
I solved that problem by pointing the Linux Dropbox app and the Windows Dropbox app to the same folder on the NTFS partition. Seems to work well enough...
Any time I see a Gyazo link I cringe, because images hosted with it are sandwiched between two banner ads. It gets worse with smaller images.
For this reason I defected over to Puush for my screencap-hosting needs, and later ShareX.
I just use Photobucket. If I didn't want to be tracked I probably would just use...whatever site that was that Naas was using where he said he was apparently auto-logged-in as like two other people or something.
I have ShareX set up to upload to imgur, which has always worked for me.
What's ShareX?
Unrelated: Ask.fm refusing to tweet an answer I posted if it contains swearing. This does not produce a notification nor is it mentioned in the help files, which is why it's so stupid.
Another screenshot-related gripe:
In Windows, PrtScr takes a screenshot of the entire screen and copies it to the clipboard. Alt + PrtScr copies a screenshot of just the active window to the clipboard.
Windows 8 added the shortcut WinKey + PrtScr to save a screenshot of the entire screen as a PNG file in a default "Screenshots" folder. That's nice, because it saves me the step of pasting the screenshot into Paint.NET or something.
But...why didn't they add WinKey + Alt + PrtScr to capture just the active window as a PNG file? That would have made it much more useful, since very rarely do I ever want to save MY ENTIRE DESKTOP to post a screenshot...
I reinstalled Jitsi so I could use Jabber again, since my friend rather dislikes Skype (which I agree with) and would rather use Jabber.
Then I remembered why I uninstalled Jitsi, aside from the abysmal popularity of any non-Skype, non-LINE IM service today: Because holy shit, even when idle, Jitsi consumes 300 MB which is WAY too much memory for an IM client; to compare, Skype only uses 135-160 MB.
Switched over to Swift, and although it lacks a lot of the bells and whistles Jitsi has, it generally consumes no more than 15 MB of memory.
(shameless plug: my Jabber is raydere@palemoon.net if anyone wants to chat with me.)
Perhaps most keyboards (or possibly even the OS?) can't properly recognize pressing WinKey + Alt at the same time? I can't figure out a way to test this though.
Media players that have album categorization, but will split an album into multiple entries if there are different artists tagged on the album. This becomes a problem very quickly for those who have compilation albums or soundtracks (game or otherwise), as demonstrated below in Banshee, and it looks ugly as sin.
presumably, that's the point of the Album Artist field.
Yeah, Banshee definitely lets you set album artist and track artist differently and Does The Right Thing when you do.
I'm fairly sure it is, but I'm kind of spoiled by Foobar2000's title formatting feature.
Semi-related complaint: When this forum resizes images, it only scales them horizontally, making them appear all squashed.
I'd blame Vanilla but HH doesn't do that so I'm not sure what's up
I changed the album artist fields on those tracks to "Various Artists" and the problem doesn't seem to be fixed.
This looks fancy. I will have to turn this off.
Current version of Firefox allows for drag-and-drop to re-order tabs, as it has for a long time. However, the new way it shows this is not by appending a little box to your cursor and then showing an arrow for where the tab is going to fall when you lift your clicking finger, which is how it used to do it. The new way it shows this is by actually animating the tab moving around, and moving other tabs around behind it.
The problem with this is that the animation ALWAYS ends up choppy and laggy. But unfortunately, there is not yet any way I've found to disable this.
So I downloaded Tree-Style Tabs extension, and noticed that the way it reorders tabs is similarly animated. The animations involve much less movement, so maybe they'll be better, but still...makes me worried.
@Raydere: Ah, sorry, I don't have any compilation albums in my library atm and forgot that it doesn't actually DTRT by default. Go to View -> Browser Content and check Show Album Artists and it should work.
I just got a Photobucket error message as a Captcha question.
not as much an annoyance as a laughable stupidity:
In case you're wondering, that last one is actually not a gossipy piece about Gmail doing something stupid. It's actually a blog post advertising something called Sanebox. This, despite
...okay, I guess it's a subtle advertisement.
My phone's been prone to frequent crashes lately, so I'm gonna try busting out stock 4.3 followed by Gravitybox.
File too large for transfer onto flash drive.
> take a lot of things off flash drive
File too large for transfer onto flash drive.
> take more things off; check to see that it has space
File too large for transfer onto flash drive.
> it should barely have enough space
> take even more things off
File too large for transfer onto flash drive.
> almost clear out entire flash drive save for a few files of small size
File too large for transfer onto flash drive.
> format drive
> lose about 20 MB of space (7.44 GB to 7.42 GB)
File too large for transfer onto flash drive.
> do a web search on problem
> check flash drive filesystem format
> FAT32
Just found out that Swift (see my post earlier on this page) doesn't have the option to log conversations.
I like its minimalism but this is too minimalist for me.
Now using Instantbird instead for my Jabber needs and it does what it needs to do and, despite being a Mozilla-based application, hasn't tipped the 100k memory mark. Yet.
My YouTube "Watch Later" list has a "2" permanently next to it
Because apparently at one point there were two videos on the list which were removed before I watched them
And now the counter is stuck at 2 >
> Google search
> first search result has text I want
> start editing search term to use that text
> search results disappear, because instant search.
Edit: and this is why using a search box is better
Also, Google's instant searching does not play well with browsers' (including Chrome's) drop-down history lists -- the kind you get from clicking the back button. I suspect the same applies to history lists in general.
For example, I just clicked on one entry that was supposed to be (based on listing order) a search for a certain item that I was looking for, but the entry was titled with the search for the next item I was looking for, because I typed it in and I think the page title changed to try to reflect this.
This seems to happen anytime the page title changes without the page changing. Youtube is another example where this is a problem -- currently-playing videos have a little "play" arrow appended to the beginning of the page title, and it causes at least Firefox to make multiple back-button-drop-down-menu listings for a single video. (I haven't tried it on Chrome.)
I just use DuckDuckGo and put in "!g" (the bang command to redirect a search query to Google) in my query.