If you have an email ending in @hotmail.com, @live.com or @outlook.com (or any other Microsoft-related domain), please consider changing it to another email provider; Microsoft decided to instantly block the server's IP, so emails can't be sent to these addresses.
If you use an @yahoo.com email or any related Yahoo services, they have blocked us also due to "user complaints"
> see friend at uni, talking with some two guys
> come to say hi
> one of the guys looks at me
> "Holy shit, it's Sky Wikluh!"
Certain parts of the internet's fascination with the transsexual fetish notwithstanding, how does feeling you're in the wronger gender feel like? I am quite curious, and this isn't a subject I can just talk about with just anyone.
I know liking to old stuff is totally a cop-out, but I wrote a big long post about my gender dysphoria a while back. I think that probably does it more justice than I could do in a forum post.
Harry Potter and the misogynistic magic system.
As in the guy in District 9?
It's okay I guess I think maybe.
His coup against Carlos Andrés Pérez failed (he'd later get impeached anyways. Rafael Caldera succeeded him).
@Corruption talk: Meh, it's not like the peeps working for him didn't line their pockets too.
Edit: Also, some people including Nicolás Maduro (the vice prez) are suggesting that Chávez was infected with cancer by the US government.
^^ A Serbian alternative hip-hop/rock/dubstep musician. You may know him as the guy who did the soundtrack for A Serbian Film, heh.
According to that guy, I look like him, but I can't really see it that much.
I love watching big name people/organizations get upset over things on Twitter. Whether it's John Scalzi, who's (understandably) upset about Hydra's remarkably shitty publishing terms, or Kerrang! Magazine having a little chat with Blood on the Dance Floor, it just amuses me.
Turns out we're poor enough that Edison is giving us a free refrigerator.
also boosting this even though its not going to make 100k.
This has all of the aforementioned issues and a blatant right-grab.
From the comments section:
That's remarkably sad.
That this is such a major company makes this a lot sadder. Although I can't see anyone who sees these terms actually accepting.
Well, thing is, any independent writers who don't know much about legal terms may accept it simply because they don't notice the immoral things about it.
Is this a joke?
We are almost to a great page number.
We're only 100 pages away from Namco!
and another 111 from Banamu.
Today, on the way to school, I saw an advert on the bus for "Jack The Giant Slayer".
What the everlasting fuck.
What's with the craze of taking fairy tales and making them "darker and edgier"?
First we have "Snow White and the Huntsman", then "Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters." and now this.
> Snow White and the Huntsman
Snow White is Heavy? Snow White is Spy?
They were dark and edgy before they became fairy tails tales.
Yeah, the original Grimm tales, and especially the folk tales they were based on, had some really dark shit.
It was censored in later editions, and the fairy tales we know today have in fact passed through a lot of adaptations to make them more suitable for children.
And besides, that's what always has happened with folk tales, legends and the sort: They have a core theme, but it gets changed, rewritten and adapted over and over again. Folk tales are very transformable, and modern adaptions just continue that tradition.
Jack The Giant Slayer is not bad, actually. Kind of fun.
BLUEMARS radio stations are back online!
666, how did this Satan's call number
why the fuck do i procrastinate so much
According to their letters, the original version of "The Red Shoes" that one of the brothers heard was so disturbing that they actually had to tone it down significantly just to publish it. Given how messed up their version is, one can only imagine how monstrous the unrevised version must have been.
I have no idea how it could be more disturbing. And I quite frankly do not want to know.
That said, another origin presents itself;