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IJBMer Updates



  • But you never had any to begin with.

    ...Looks like? Well, old British sci-fi is made of cardboard? And when it had a truly huge budget, polystyrene?

  • You can change. You can.

    British TV does actually seem to have better cinematography these days than American TV. Or at least, when it comes to public UK TV vs public American TV

    unless I've been deceived all these years and BBC/Channel 4/et al are not public in which case fuck da police

  • But you never had any to begin with.

    ITV and Channel 4 have been attempting to reduce their PSB obligations due to digital telly.

  • You can change. You can.

    is that a yes, no, maybe, or what

  • No rainbow star
    Form: Except I'm seeing real life like this. Not a single tv in sight

    It's disorienting when everything looks like tgat
  • But you never had any to begin with.

    ^^ It's a "they're officially PSB, but whining that they shouldn't have to be in the current market."

  • Icalasari: Lay off the cat drugs.

  • edited 2013-02-22 19:07:39
    "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"

    Yep, they are one of the best proofs that an anarchist/communist society actually is possible. [...] You could say that the goal of the radical left technically is returning society to its primitive form, free of inequalities and oppressive relations. 

    It also makes for quite a number very interesting points. I even kind of pity that I didn't know enough of it back in the day. 

    I'm inclined to guess that it would never cross the mind of your typical anarchist, that these societies were often lawful to the extreme - the Somalis have a common law called Xeer, of which they say, "you can change your religion, but not the Law", and keep in mind this religion is Islam, which is known for being hard on apostasy - and their fierce collectivism was at times quite at odds with an individual's liberties - all decisions were unilateral, so if you disagreed, you were beaten until you did. 

    But at least, we have to admit Heathen guy was pretty consistent, he was pretty overt that his idea of anarchist law enforcement was pretty much good old clan feud.

    That's also keeping in mind these societies didn't exactly have to be paragons of Tumblr-level social justice, either. For example, the Longobard law assigned women the same status as the underage. Not to mention how most anarchists would probably see a problem in having a tribal king. The final sentence can be read in two ways, actually: "...returning society to its primitive form, free of inequalities and oppressive relations" (implying the primitive form was better) or "...to its primitive form, BUT/AS WELL AS free of inequalities and oppressive relations".

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    I just tried mustard for the first time. It's kinda gross.

    I read this as

    I just tried mustard gas for the first time. It's kinda gross.

    I've been reading too about the Arab Spring protests and military actions.

  • Yo, people. Get in on the Jukebox and have an online movie party with us.

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    Sorry, I'm busy with some stuff right now.

  • yea i make potions if ya know what i mean

    I just downloaded Tiny Plumbers tho.

  • yea i make potions if ya know what i mean

    I should not have downloaded Tiny Plumbers.

  • edited 2013-02-22 21:35:58

    ^^^^ How do I use that without letting any of y'all see my Google or Twitter handle?

  • edited 2013-02-22 21:50:14

    Plug.dj doesn't show your handle to anyone else. It shows your name as some generic alphanumeric string until you go and change it to something else.

  • Fuck. The girl before us made a song out of Nicktoons themes, and the audience is participating. This is gonna be a hard act to follow.
  • ITV and Channel 4 are commercial entities.

    The only big public broadcaster in the U.S. is PBS; the largest over-the-air networks (NBC, CBS, ABC, Fox, and The CW) are all commercial entities owned by large media companies.

  • Now everyone's doing the Harlem Shake.
  • ^ referring to...?

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    A new meme wherein a room is first videotaped involving people going about their business except for one person acting very oddly, and then the same room is subsequently videotaped showing everyone in the room acting oddly.

    Acting oddly may occasionally include sexually-suggestive actions.

  • But you never had any to begin with.

    ITV and Channel 4 are commercial entities.

    However, they are still considered public service broadcasters.

  • A new meme wherein a room is first videotaped involving people going about their business except for one person acting very oddly, and then the same room is subsequently videotaped showing everyone in the room acting oddly.

    Acting oddly may occasionally include sexually-suggestive actions.

    So that's the Harlem Shake, huh? I was under the impression it was some sort of new dance/exercise craze like Zumba. Kinda disappointing, really.

  • edited 2013-02-23 00:20:21

    ^^^ I meant where is this everyone he's referring to.

  • At this club we're playing at.

  • yea i make potions if ya know what i mean

    The Harlem Shake is a dance.

    It's also a song and corresponding meme, that have nothing to do with the dance. Baauer (the man who created the song) has actually been seriously accused of cultural appropriation, because the actual dance called The Harlem Shake used to be a pretty big thing in, well, Harlem.

  • Well, we lost by one vote. :)

    But I got lots of comments on my mohawk.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    Your turnout operation was insufficient?

  • if u do convins fashist akwaint hiz faec w pavment neway jus 2 b sur

    It also makes for quite a number very interesting points. I even kind of pity that I didn't know enough of it back in the day.

    I'm inclined to guess that it would never cross the mind of your typical anarchist, that these societies were often lawful to the extreme - the Somalis have a common law called Xeer, of which they say, "you can change your religion, but not the Law", and keep in mind this religion is Islam, which is known for being hard on apostasy - and their fierce collectivism was at times quite at odds with an individual's liberties - all decisions were unilateral, so if you disagreed, you were beaten until you did.

    But at least, we have to admit Heathen guy was pretty consistent, he was pretty overt that his idea of anarchist law enforcement was pretty much good old clan feud.

    That's also keeping in mind these societies didn't exactly have to be paragons of Tumblr-level social justice, either. For example, the Longobard law assigned women the same status as the underage. Not to mention how most anarchists would probably see a problem in having a tribal king. The final sentence can be read in two ways, actually: "...returning society to its primitive form, free of inequalities and oppressive relations" (implying the primitive form was better) or "...to its primitive form, BUT/AS WELL ASfree of inequalities and oppressive relations".

    True, but when talking about equality in primitive society the usually cited model are the most primitive of the primitive - pre-agricultural hunter-gatherer societies. The patriarchy, for example, came with agriculture - earlier, women would go and hunt or gather plants alongside men, but due to agriculture being much more physically intensive, they ended up staying at home and forced to abide to their gender role, which gradually led to their worse position. The origins of monogamy also come with men attempting to make women their property, and forcing them to stay at home at make sammiches (at the dawn of monogamy, adultery was punishable for women but not for men).

  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"

    So what exactly is the point here? I was under an impression that only anarcho-primitivists wish for humanity to return to hunter-gatherer phase, and you don't seem to belong to them. And by the way, I wouldn't be so quick painting hunter-gatherers as harmless and polite noble savages.

  • if u do convins fashist akwaint hiz faec w pavment neway jus 2 b sur

    The point is to, more or less, recreate the social structure that existed in hunter-gatherer societies. While deviations were indeed caused by civilizational advances, anarcho-primitivists are the only ones who believe it can be done only by the complete destruction of everything we call civilization, while everybody else is against that.

    There is actually an anarcho-primtivist cell in Belgrade (called blok45), and they're kinda creepy from what I've seen of them.

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