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  • I just tried mustard for the first time. It's kinda gross.

    Get out, and never return.

  • a little muffled

    Definitely read that as "I just tried murder for the first time. It's kinda gross."

  • No rainbow star
    ^^ ...And take the mustard to the dump as that's where that foul substance belongs, right?
  • Give us fire! Give us ruin! Give us our glory!

    I just tried mustard for the first time. It's kinda gross.

    Get out, and never return.

    ^You too.

  • No rainbow star
    ^ You're trying to punish me by removing me from mustard lovers

    There is a logic breakdown here
  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    Mustard's kinda gross, but then again, it doesn't really go with anything I eat regularly.

    Still sucks though.

  • edited 2013-02-22 12:36:03
    Has friends besides tanks now
    Mustard smells too gross for me to ever consider eating it. So do a lot of things, actually.
  • I can understand hate for generic yellow mustard, but that is just a small sample of all the mustards out there. I'm fond of Beaver's Honey Mustard myself. 

  • No rainbow star
    ^ Generic is what I usually mean when I say I hate mustard
  • "I will grant you two wishes; one for each testicle."

    Generic mustard is kinda gross. Honey mustard isn't too bad.

  • Mustard is fine.

  • You can change. You can.

    Generic mustard is good and if you don't like it, well uh sorry man. I'm so sorry you can't enjoy good things.

  • No rainbow star
    ^ I'm so sorry you consider that garbage good :D
  • How the hell is this something people flame war over? Some people like mustard. Some people don't. Get over it.

    Oh, and for the record, I love mustard.

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!

    Do you actually think they're being entirely serious? Really?

  • Nope. Still gotta get my bollocks in, though.

  • No rainbow star
    ^^^ Well of course we're serious!

    I've already rented the pistols and everything
  • You can change. You can.

    Words that the internet seriously needs to stop using: "Flame war"

  • But you never had any to begin with.

    No Jokes. Serious Mode Only. Final Destination.

  • Honey mustard is good stuff.

    But regular mustard? More like regular musturdOhhhh!

  • Best birthday header ever:


    Introduction: As the years go by, celebrating one's birthday shifts from a happiness to a hassle. After 21, adulthood brings responsibilities, in-laws and liver problems. The invitation list becomes a landmine of spiteful exes, friends know you so long they run out of creative ideas for presents, and the booze consumption is inversely proportional to the magnitude of your bank account.

    Theme: In this vein, I propose an ironic birthday party, since I really don't want to be reminded that I'm 24 soon. The playlist will be nicked from Pitchfork, the booze will be fashionably low-class and for outfit choices, look no further than http://lookatthisfuckinghipster.tumblr.com/.


    Q: Gift suggestions?
    A:Glasses that do not fulfill the primary function of glasses, hats, anything that falls under the label 'cultural appropriation', hats, disturbingly androgynous clothing and more hats.

    Q:Can I bring my SO/fuckbuddy/stalker/friend who needs to get out more?
    A:'S cool, we welcome every free spirit as long as they're not free of spirits. Greenlight it with me beforehand so I know how much stuff to stock.

    Q: I'm not sure if I'm coming because I have a frail constitution/difficulties managing my free time/a popularity problem. What should I do?
    A: Just say you'll be there and in case you aren't, send me your guilt-ridden texts on the day itself.

    Q: What if I'm navigationally challenged?
    A: Phone ******** if you get lost.

    Q: But there is this really awesome thingie on that date. Can't you move your party?
    A: The only thing that will be moving will be my foot towards your posterior.

    Q: I don't really know you that well, why have you invited me?
    A: Probably because I blathered about my brilliant theme to you while tipsy and thus it would feel dickish to not invite you. See it as an opportunity to get know me better(not in the biblical sense, you humongous perv).

    Q: I know you really well, why have you not invited me?
    A: Because I'm forgetful. Or I secretly hate you. Or some of my closer friends secretly hate you. Or because I know you don't feel comfortable at these sorts of parties so you don't have to go through the motions of politely declining. But by all means come, in the worst case the drama will be hilarious.
  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"

    Now, what this thread still lacks, is Weaver to provide us a comprehensive list of mustard brands in the Balkans and Alex to lecture us on XVth Century German habit of smearing a longsword with it.

  • No rainbow star
    My eyes entered Mexican Soap Opera mode

  • You can change. You can.

    are you crying or

  • edited 2013-02-22 17:07:25
    "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"

    So, for something completely different: I have heard, Classical historians have a specific reputation. Allegedly, anything happens, they have a ready example from ancient history, together with a comment that it's nothing new under the sun.

    So, I've read a book on barbarian societies of Europe, and you know what? Remember (those of you who spent time on TVT/BTL) Savage Heathen, the crazy anarcho wanker of TVT's On-Topic? Because I was struck how much did these tribes resemble the anarchist vision of society. Collectivism, local rule, direct democracy, decentralised law, yadda yadda yadda. About the biggest structural difference is that they weren't industrialised.

  • if u do convins fashist akwaint hiz faec w pavment neway jus 2 b sur

    Now, what this thread still lacks, is Weaver to provide us a comprehensive list of mustard brands in the Balkans and Alex to lecture us on XVth Century German habit of smearing a longsword with it.

    The most iconic  and famous one is manufactured by Centroproizvod...

    oh wait you're not serious


    So, I've read a book on barbarian societies of Europe, and you know what? Remember (those of you who spent time on TVT/BTL) Savage Heathen, the crazy anarcho wanker of TVT's On-Topic? Because I was struck how much did these tribes resemble the anarchist vision of society. Collectivism, local rule, direct democracy, decentralised law, yadda yadda yadda. About the biggest structural difference is that they weren't industrialised.

    Yep, they are one of the best proofs that an anarchist/communist society actually is possible.

    The advance of technology helped create a surplus of resources, which were appropriated by the most powerful members of society, and that eventually led to the formation of the state and capital. You could say that the goal of the radical left technically is returning society to its primitive form, free of inequalities and oppressive relations.

  • No rainbow star
    ^^^ I mean how suddenly everything looks like it's going really fast, like a mexican soap opera (is it their fps or...?)
  • That's motion interpolation, where your TV generates frames between existing ones to make animation look more fluid. You can usually turn it off if you've got one of those new-fangled TV sets.

  • Ridi, Pagliaccio, sul tuo amore infranto!

    Can someone explain in words what looks different about British television compared to American?

    Like, actually describe in words what it looks like. I've seen it, I'm just trying to put it into words.

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