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  • One foot in front of the other, every day.

    Even bad pizza is good. It's just one of those foods. Don't doubt pizza. 

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    sorry, can't hear you, closing the lid on the garbage can

  • Man, I feel like I'm part of a budding internet phenomenon thing. I'm also glad I didn't post in that thread.

    Is it wrong that I wish that gawker article mentioned this site so we could get some free publicity?

    If it helps, they linked to Anime News Network, which links to (and has thumbnails from) us.

  • @MadassAlex You've never had truly horrible pizza?

    @Stormtroper You mean Anime Reality, right? I don't see any ANN links there.

  • There is love everywhere, I already know

    *gives an internet hug*


    Oh that sucks.  I hope you're feeling better now.

    I hope what remained of your day was better, wings.

    Ugh. Sorry about that, wings.

    I have deadly allergies, but I've never had a serious reaction. Sorry to hear that :c

    Thanks. I'm okay now, actually. I've avoided it most of my life (peanuts are okay, thankfully) but sometimes it will happen. I'll probably start carrying around one of those tiny anti-allergy injections.

    Some of you people have had it rough. I mean face swelling sucks, and I'm sure I've heard of worse stories from others. Why do you people have such shitty luck?

    because i regularly sell parts my soul for japanese animu bds and regularly suffer holy retribution, i thought everyone knew this

    "Eric Draven"

    This won't end well.

  • One foot in front of the other, every day.

    You've never had truly horrible pizza?

    Yeah, but it was still pizza. A gourmet pizza is all well and good, but there's nothing quite like shitty, cheap pizza shared with a few cheapskate friends over drinks and smoke. 

  • @Stormtroper You mean Anime Reality, right? I don't see any ANN links there.

    Yeah, that one.

    You've never had truly horrible pizza?

    I had one that tasted like someone had let a butter bar melt over it.

  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"

    Heh, in there I found a link to Tumblr Social Justice Dictionary. Some of the entries - and while I'm at it, this whole social justice on Internet thing - feel so familiar.

  • Give us fire! Give us ruin! Give us our glory!

    Even bad pizza is good. It's just one of those foods. Don't doubt pizza.

    You've obviously never had American elementary school dishwater square pizza.

    That stuff single handedly made me hate cheese until I was about 13 or so.

  • No rainbow star
    Oh god Draven

    Draven Draven Draven...

    ...Are they interviewing Chagen next?
  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"

    That would be fun to read.

  • Fun would not be the word I would use.

  • Huh, I thought he was a teenager, but from his quote at the bottom, he's older than me (26 years old as of tomorrow).

    Also, I've recently taken a liking to reading dumb Tumblr posts. Not sure if Ok with that.

  • That's because Draven claimed to be a teenager.

  • Has friends besides tanks now

    Huh. He wasn't even a teenager?

    (Jesus, what a creep)

  • Give us fire! Give us ruin! Give us our glory!

    Aaand if he couldn't get any worse.

  • if u do convins fashist akwaint hiz faec w pavment neway jus 2 b sur

    Didn't he post a picture once? If it is him and he is 26 years old, he has to be the most baby-faced 26-year old ever.

    On another note, mom's washing the dishes while hedbanging and singing Ace of Spades. I found it incredibly funny, for some reason.

  • Article says he's gone on a Delete Fucking Everything spree, so he's gotten at least a bit of common sense out of the spotlight. In sadder news, I found out the lolicon dude from my previous study has his internet handle for his Facebook name, thus connecting his meatspace and internet identities. I'm tempted to PM the sadsack and tell him to clean up said shit.

  • Okay, so where exactly are you guys seeing Draven's age being listed as twenty-six at?

  • On second thought, I assumed GaiaOnline's Cougar Draven is him. If he is, quote at the bottom of the article (the Soulbond one) mentions that he was born 19 plus six months after Layne Staley (Alice in Chains' vocalist), making that his age.

  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"

    We can make a wager he probably believed he was trans-aged or some other shit like that. That'd explain the seven-year difference.

  • Looking up stuff at GaiaOnline, he (yeah, he's our Draven) knew very well not to proclaim he's a pedophile since back then at least. I guess he just thought we'd be totes chill with that.

  • if u do convins fashist akwaint hiz faec w pavment neway jus 2 b sur

    Then again, he apparently hasn't touched his Gaia account since 2008. Back when I was a kid and used the internet, I also lied that I was older than I really was, which I think is fair to assume here too.

    Considering that he posted his pic on Tumblr and talked about that friend of his from school, Stephanie or whatever is her name, I'm pretty sure that he's a teenager.

  • New Mass Effect DLC, an OOTS side story, all my favorite threads and webcomics kicking things up a few gears...even if real life is exasperating the internet is being very good to me this week.

  • hen again, he apparently hasn't touched his Gaia account since 2008. Back when I was a kid and used the internet, I also lied that I was older than I really was, which I think is fair to assume here too.

    Considering that he posted his pic on Tumblr and talked about that friend of his from school, Stephanie or whatever is her name, I'm pretty sure that he's a teenager.

    Good point.

  • He's not twenty. He's still a teenager.
    (We totally doxed him on BTL-- down to his address.)

  • I just tried mustard for the first time. It's kinda gross.

  • You've obviously never had American elementary school dishwater square pizza.

    That stuff single handedly made me hate cheese until I was about 13 or so.

    Is that the stuff they tried to pass off as a vegetable dish?

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    FWIW there's a difference between trolling for attention and trolling for lulz.

  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"

    I just tried mustard for the first time. It's kinda gross. 

    *overused "lol first time" joke*

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