If you have an email ending in @hotmail.com, @live.com or @outlook.com (or any other Microsoft-related domain), please consider changing it to another email provider; Microsoft decided to instantly block the server's IP, so emails can't be sent to these addresses.
If you use an @yahoo.com email or any related Yahoo services, they have blocked us also due to "user complaints"
^^ If the game rewards aggression and taking control for the vast bulk of its experience, the final engagement shouldn't immediately turn that on its head. The nature of the entry point means that, not only must you sprint to reach cover (and therefore only the assault class is useful for taking initiative, and even then only tentatively), but you have to do so in single file and can't see into the room.
My usual mode of operations for breaching interior positions was to set up my troops around a door, reload and then pretty much blitz it. It worked brilliantly until that final part of the final mission. But the structure of the game doesn't really support a boss battle anyway -- the damage-to-health ratio for both your own troops and enemies is too high for the kind of prolonged fight that characterises boss battles.
It just wasn't very strategic, I guess. There has to be a better way to generate challenging strategy than handicapping the player to such a significant degree during such a pivotal moment. Sure, if I could have brought all my firepower to bear, the enemies in the final room would have been pasted really easily, so allowing the player free roam that way wouldn't do. But what pretty much happened is that, on my breaching turn, I had the movement and freedom to send three soldiers in -- two of them immediately got mind controlled, which forced me to blow them away for fear of them killing everybody else, including my one Psionic soldier. So I was immediately down to four from six, and the two I had to paste were both my heavies. No more rockets, and only my support guy could suppress.
It's possible that I was just unlucky, but then again there was the very technical issue of two of the enemies spawning outside of my visual radius, so I couldn't tell what they even were until I got rammed by their psionic abilities. Between that, the funneled entry and the regular firing limitations, it was just downright frustration. Especially because two of those three factors were artificial difficulty rather than testing my strategies.
I worship Yume Nikki. It's my favorite game.
Ehh, we must've had very different experiences then, throughout the game I spent most of my turns looking for cover and only until the very end (with plenty of Assaults with Rapid Fire, Flying Suits and Ghost Armor) could I storm into places while being confident that whatever is left wouldn't murder me.
But yeah, that thing with the off-screen enemies is cheap, I think I got lucky that I caught sight of them through Mind Control or while invisible.
Oh, I forgot about Pokemon. Wow.
Yeah, that's my favorite game.
My usual mode of combat went like this:
I'd have to agree with you on the mainline SMT games.
I never really used Snipers. I know they get better after a while, but meanwhile they're mostly worse than everybody else at short (or rather, not-long range) and I'll forever hate the move-or-shoot thing (and I'll forever hate Snapshot).
What difficulty did you play at? I played mostly the same way so... *shrug*. Though despite skimpying on rockets and grenades I usually ended up needing more by the end of long missions. (If it matters, I played on Classic plus Iron Man.)
Maybe it also helps that besides one Heavy (who had died), my whole team was made up of Assaults and Supports with Sprinter, so I didn't have issues moving for cover.
Edit: Oh yeah, and to keep repeating myself, Flying Suits and Ghost Armor.
Normal mode. I used two heavies, two assaults, one support and one sniper. Assault and sniper classes are the real damage-dealers, with heavies providing additional accuracy via their special targeting ability. Support is really there for shits and giggles, probably being the black sheep of the classes.
I used the hell out of Supports, second only to Assaults. Rifles, Sprinter, extra Medi-Kits, smoke grenades and Rifle Suppression, all of which they learn early on.
Alrighty, actually I changed my mind. My favorite RPG of all time is Shiren The Wanderer (... though that actually falls under Roguelike).
Indeed, Supports are excellent jack-of-all-trades units. I use at least 2 of them coupled with Assaults,and 1 Sniper using the Battle Scanner. I stopped using Heavies after a while because Halo-Targeting matters less later on when hit-rates are good enough to ignore them, and Rocket Launchers being unable to catch up with more advanced weaponry.
^^^, ^ Also, is it just me, or does the plasma rifle heavily outperform the whatchamacallit cannon? With rapid fire and a plasma rifle, an assault trooper can still down most enemies in one round -- but they can still act competently from a distance.
Also, rocket launchers are the bee's knees. They've saved me so many times.
Yeah, by the time you get the Alloy Cannon your Assaults can probably just murder whatever without having to move too far into the fray.
As for Heavies, I guess by the end they're something of a support class, as grenades and rockets (and Shredder Rockets) never stop being good at destroying cover and finishing enemies off, plus Suppression and stuff. I tried to keep one for Sectopod wrecking, though.
Did anyone get the Blaster Launcher?
Hyrule Historia is amazing. Pretty wordy for an art book, but it is just filled end to end with designs and sketches and all sorts of behind the scenes fun stuff.
My favourite game is Terranigma, but I don't think it counts as an RPG
^^ Man, America even gets video game books before us? I still have to wait a week for my order. v_v
In FFIV news, reached the Lunar Subterrane. Can't decide if I want to risk Cecil's abysmal Magic Defense against Dark Bahamut so I can grab the Ragnarok or if I should just head straight for Zeromus.
so i played minecraft today so far it's a fun game and the first PC game I've tried.
^^ Definitely get Ragnarok.
In Final Fantasy games, the way to win is to have the bestest sword. which is kind of dumb, but anyway, you should do it!~ ummm I think there's a save point right outside where you fight that boss anyway.
Yes! So much yes!
> best JRPG
> no mention of Chrono Trigger
how is this possible
But ToPhantasia, TWEWY, Dark Souls, FFT, Paper Mario TTYD, Persona 3 and 4, and ToSymphonia have all been mentioned.
I'm sure there's an argument in there.
Wait...quick question.
@MadassAlex, what system did you play Phantasia on?
Mine would be either Dragon Age: Origins or Pokemon, yes.
Got into Dota 2. Game is pretty fun, and the community is pretty supportive unlike most MOBA-like games.
Game takes forever to learn to play properly, at least 50 hours worth of gameplay.
also when I said smart move for DmC to be a new IP, I meant specific to this instance. Most of the controversy was the fact it wasn't a DMC game, and going through it, its basically a new IP with the names tacked onto it. Regardless of how well it would have done, it wouldn't have had the massive hatedom if it hadn't advertised it as a reboot. But on its own merits, its still got godawful writing.
How computing-intensive is Dota 2?
I can't really say, but not very. It loads near instantly. Its easy to get into the beta, just say you don't have a lot of experience with DOTA-like games. Other than that, its easy-peasy to run and there are a ton of guides for new players and most are pretty easy to digest.
edit: if you don't want to bother with the survey, its 2 cents and I got some extra money from a market sale if anyone wants it, just let me know.