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IJBMer doodles and sketches
I like that demon wolf thing and the road rage chicken. CROSS THE ROAD NOW, MOTHERFUCKER.

Slow day at work last saturday. Holy shit was it slow.
This doesn't really count as a sketch, but it's my first real attempt at a painting. It's a little rusty, but I'm still getting used to the medium. It's based upon a Nathaniel Hawthorne story, for context.
Spooky. I like

I've... really gotta stop drawing the "cam whore" pose.
Sobs because I still don't understand how to do art.
(homestuck fanart warning)
Is that yours? That ain't bad.
Yeah, it is. Thanks.
Symmetry is hard. Straight lines are hard. Smooth shapes are hard. Shadows are hard.
^ @Fozare that homestuck picture you drew is your best
Am I doing the Steadman thing right?
Nice one.
I... it's beautiful....
I'm not quite sure what the second outline on the left figure's head is supposed to be, but overall it's a very nice piece of work. Simple but effective.
Drunk off my ass when I drew this.
Not wide enough.
Birds with arms are nice though.
"We can't stop here, this is Bat Country!"
What is this particular style of art called? It looks great.
^^^ By all means, do so :>
^^ MrW, you are a god.
so uh hi guys
I've been thinking of starting a new series lately and um
here's some of my concept art for it
like the main character's disembodied head
and the same about a million times so I can get a hang of how he emotes
and some sort of owl monster with disturbingly muscular human arms
so yeah
That owl monster feels vaguely familiar in a sort-of-but-not-really kind of way.
It reminds me of Wan Shi Tong.
Yup, that's what I was thinking of, although I couldn't remember its name.
So Blackmoon, what brings you back here after so long? Those don't look half-bad.
I drift in and out.