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  • Has friends besides tanks now

    Wait, what? You mean the typical sleep schedule is actually a deviation?

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!

    Yeah. People naturally sleep for two periods, with about an hour in between.

  • Has friends besides tanks now

    Huh. That sounds pretty silly, and I'm glad we don't do that anymore.

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!

    Really? Because now we spend more time asleep and are less rested from it.

  • Has friends besides tanks now

    Well, ya coulda mentioned the part where we needed to sleep less, and also the thing about being better-rested. I was assuming it was still eight hours, just with an hour in-between wherein I sit there thinking, "what the fuck do I do with this hour?"

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!


    "what the fuck do I do with this hour?"

    Conveniently enough, the fuck was one of the most popular solutions to that.

  • Has friends besides tanks now

    How fortunate for those people, then. >_>

  • He who laments and can't let go of the past is forever doomed to solitude.

    You are killing me with your ignorance on the subject.

  • edited 2012-12-02 02:27:13
    Has friends besides tanks now

    Why would I know about any of that stuff, though? Assuming you mean the sleeping stuff.

  • He who laments and can't let go of the past is forever doomed to solitude.

    I meant how your ignorance on the subject of sleep patterns got to you fall directly into the fuck reference.

  • "social experiment"

    Nothing makes me think of the "joke's on them I was just pretending" macro more than this phrase. Not even "I was trolling you".

  • edited 2012-12-02 05:36:03
    If that don't work, use more gun.

    Ugh, fuck programming. Especially when the program you're using to make programs doesn't fucking work properly. God I just want to shoot myself right now. Why does programming have to be such a pain? Ugh.

    @Sleeping: Huh, that's actually interesting. So what, we're supposed to sleep for 4 hours, stay awake for 1, and sleep for 4 more?

  • Lazy historians, the lot of you.

    AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA after all this time Apricot has finally fallen.

    Aaaanywho, I'm sending this PM out there if only to get some closure. It should firstly be duly noted that I will likely never be returning to IJBM... as myself (I got bored after all).

    I did indeed make the Princess quite quickly after my ban, and for a specific reason: There was a series of experiments (or due to the lack of scientific method, "practice"), involving the creation of identities which have separate personalities from my own. Unlike regular sock puppets, these were created for the purpose of highly specific goals, and were never intended to be broken from character.

    My ban (geeze, why did it take so long, I'm an idiot who blows up forums :/) gave me the opportunity to go ahead and focus on the beginning what I have dubbed the Mayfly project.

    Why? Humanity is like white noise on a television screen. There are so many colors, and countless unique shapes flashing in and out of existence - but all anyone really sees is static. I have taken it upon myself to do something a little more interesting with my existence than most, and have begun to research what makes certain people into memorable heroes, as well as how small actions can ripple through society.

    Princess Apricot was the first of my "children", and thus I basically botched her creation. Nonetheless I learned a great deal, and even began to like "her" personality a bit (I originally intended for her to be like me, but standing for things I loathe).

    Interestingly, the simplicity of her personality meant that she possessed a very significant presence - at the cost of her appearing fake. This was pointed out incessantly, even though she still had a few "fans". I must admit I'm rather peeved that nobody accused me, but oh well, I guess I did better than I thought.

    I gave up on her, and allowed the IP to float in cyberspace while I wonderposted, but it took forever to be caught.

    The experiments have been a great pleasure. Rather than seeing from a given point of view, I have actually adopted the goals of said views. Men, women, Atheists, a pagan, quiet people, angry people. It would have been near impossible otherwise, but now I can understand the heart behind these beliefs and characters.

    I also got a ton better at writing. I caught on to all kinds of flaws as well as improved my character dialogue. Poor Apricot, shame to see her fall into oblivion.

    Fare thee well; I'm curious to see if anyone can catch my other creations without the sloppy IP address giveaway. Ahhh, the joys of human experimentation and social engineering. I'm going OWN my marketing class; I hear the teacher plays favorites - a fitting target.


    (The YouTube link goes here.)

    Then that spawned a huge PM "thread".

  • One foot in front of the other, every day.

    Why? Humanity is like white noise on a television screen. There are so many colors, and countless unique shapes flashing in and out of existence - but all anyone really sees is static.

    Have at you!

  • if u do convins fashist akwaint hiz faec w pavment neway jus 2 b sur

    Somebody has watched too many cartoons, it appears.

  • The thing about this kind of sockpuppetry is that it's really not as clever as these people think it is. Given the amount of good faith that an internet community requires to function, if a new user just comes up and says "Hi, I'm X" people will generally not assume that they are secretly Y. You're not being a deceitful trickster or a fantastic roleplayer, you're just being an asshole that abuses the trust of people that generally have nothing more than your word to go from.

  • I'm a damn twisted person

    My only take away from that rant is that TMA would be incredibly hilarious to listen to while he is drunk or stoned. 

  • If that don't work, use more gun.
    Wow, that is just pathetic.
  • After posting that, I spent 3 hours reading PM threads drama.


  • ^ I don't even have enough PM threads to read for that long. At least not here, I think.

  • edited 2012-12-02 12:42:34
    One foot in front of the other, every day.

    Hey Alkthash.

    Let's rumble. 

  • a little muffled


    Ugh, fuck programming. Especially when the program you're using to make programs doesn't fucking work properly. God I just want to shoot myself right now. Why does programming have to be such a pain? Ugh.
    Care to elaborate?

  • One foot in front of the other, every day.

    Programming is the process of making a machine understand human thoughts.

    Good luck, hombre.

    See you on the other side of insanity. 

  • edited 2012-12-02 13:58:10
    a little muffled

    Programming is the process of making a machine understand human thoughts.
    Depending on the language and what exactly you're programming, it can require a good deal of the reverse as well.

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    Rule #1 of computer programming:

    The computer has no sense.

    It cannot guess what you want it to do.  You have to tell it exactly what you want it to do.

    Corollary #1.1 of computer programming:

    However, people who make languages and scripting things try to guess what you want to do anyway, leading to a clusterfuck of assumptions.

  • One foot in front of the other, every day.

    I recall seeing an amusing image on this topic, but I can't find it now. It was two identical pictures of someone sitting as his computer, each with a different macro:

    "Code doesn't work, no idea why."

    "Code works, no idea why."

    Ain't it the truth. 

  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"

    Computer experts are like socialists, they bravely fight problems that would never happen if not for them in the first place.

    - such a thought struck me not long ago, when I saw some of my buddies trying to set up a server. It's a play on an old saying, if you're curious.

  • If that don't work, use more gun.

    Care to elaborate?

    Basically, the program I was working with to write programs, jGRASP, shat itself, and refused to run what I had written. It compiled properly, but wouldn't run. So all it would tell me, was if my program had any errors or not. Not that if it worked the way I wanted it to. So I had to write things completely blind. Somehow, I managed to pull it off, as I found out later, but oh god that was a painful experience.

  • I'm a damn twisted person

    Computer experts are like socialists, they bravely fight problems that would never happen if not for them in the first place.

    Wait, how could socialists have created capitalism?

    Alex - well. That's a thing. Kinda annoying. Especially the line about there being many different ways to shoot a bow. There are many different ways to build a bow true, but in operation every archer is going to want to pull back the arrow to the nocking point, aim and release. Okay there are a few different ways to release your fingers from the bowstring, and even mechanical releases, but it's still basically the same.

    And the line about how archery disappeared after the invention of gunpowder. Sure it was phased out, but not over night. And the idea that it was revived as a sport and nothing else is lame, especially since archery's revival (at least in the states) was brought about by hunting concerns*. And there is a large population of people in the US who do use bows primarily as a hunting tool.

    Okay for this Lars Anderson guy, it's neat that he mastered a bunch of trick shots, but he is basically cheating and setting up the challenges to overcome the downsides of his method. Yes not pulling back the arrow all the way will let you draw and shoot faster, but it significantly cuts down on the power you can put behind the shot. Which slows down the arrow and cuts it's range severely. Notice how all his challenges were set up within like 30 feet at most? A typical shooting range for sport is 30 -90 yards. 

    Not using a fixed anchor point is possible, but it's also pointless and a little dumb. You want to use the fixed anchoring point to maximize the force you can put behind each shot and the ease with drawing the arrow and using the bow. Which leads into how punching through chainmail isn't that impressive. A fully drawn back arrow on a typical 60-70 pound draw strength bow will easily pack enough force into a small area to punch through chainmail. It might skew wild off plate armor depending on how thick it is, but otherwise yeah no.

    Okay and the guy talking during this video has like the most boring voice ever combined with a really weird speaking rhythm. 

    *Specifically a law after the Civil War that forbade military members of the former confederacy from owning guns. So these two brothers when faced with this law, but stuck hunting for food, took up archery. 

  • And then Alkthash was Alex.

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