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I want to join Something Awful now
That's somehow less disturbing than I imagined.
Either that, or it's so horrible that the part of my brain that's capable of feeling disgust committed suicide.
I'm not sure.
Oh, and penetration is visible, so not safe for work.
one of the dumbest threadschanged my mind: probably the dumbest thread to grace the forum. Even Fast Eddie took one look at it and killed it right then and there.Basically, the opening post was lamenting over the lack of Trope-Tan rule 34, then some people step in and make up some contrived porno situation about Trope Tan, then Ossan steps in and basically says she's going to produce some Trope Tan porn for real. Everyone in the thread either went quiet or posted something along the lines of "is it wrong that I'm looking forward to this?"
After a couple more pages of that Ossan posts the picture, followed by several people either talking about how great the picture was, and other people just sort of ignoring it, but really, at that point the thread descended into some sort of madness, A Trope-Tan sockpuppet got involved at some point, and it eventually accumulated with gems like "That's IJBM's penis raping her!" and "What would Trope-Tan's babies look like?" Then I reported it and it died. Some people asked where it went, but then those threads were removed too.
A weird and abusive relation. Google-tan seems to be a proponent of Rape Is Love
(or maybe not, as she expects that her "partners" do it for the money) whereas
an apparently knowingly Trope-tan tried to dull that significance by
deliberately invoking Happiness
In Slavery.
So...will everyone want to burn me at the stake if I draw rule 34 of Trope-tan?
^ No.
The Beautiful Heresy
Well, okay. But just remember, you asked for this.
It can be Trope-tan yuri tiem nao?
I'm sure many people will be able to do better than me, but if I start a chain
reaction of Trope-tan hentai then I'll at least be proud of myself for that.
hope you're not expecting anything too amazing. I didn't even spend that much
time on this. The reason I couldn't finish it yesterday was because of the
tablet issues.
But yes, I fully accept my status as a sick, sick fuck. ;D
I'll draw some Trope-tan hentai this weekend, maybe. Maybe even tonight. If I
get around to it that is. I'll probably forget.
For added sacrilege, I'll make it Trope-tan/Yotsuba slash.
I'm not sure where my digital camera is, either.
I'm sorry, I will try to get a better picture up of this later if you
REALLY want to see it better, but for now, here's
a shitty webcam picture (NSFW obviously)
Like I said, I didn't spend too much time on actually drawing this, so
there are a lot of little anatomy mistakes I didn't bother to fix...also, I can
draw vaginas better than I can draw hands, apparently.
So, you took a NSFW pic of Trope tan on a webcam? I guess
she's just another internet camwhore, amirite?
Trope-tan being violated by a futa! Just like in my 3DCG!
except, Ossan's version has the right
Yeah, I was afraid I made her breasts too big, but I didn't really think about
that until after I lined it unfortunately.
^^ But she does believe her breasts will grow one day. This could be
have to see this.
really. I must.
@evilneko: Hooray! Who knew I would get someone to love me by drawing
I took her virginity.
(Yes, it was consensual, even if her expression suggests otherwise. My
dick was just a bit on the big side for her.)
Because it's an enormous cock, I suppose?
Also, thanks guys, not the best picture I've ever drawn but I wanted to
hurry up and ruin Trope-tan
Win pic is win. That is all.
Aw no! The last few pages are missing. Oh well, you get the gist. (There's actually many pages of this, I'm just picking out some of my favourites)
(Also, Goons, the thread is safe to download, the picture in question was linked to, so you won't be downloading CP onto your computer)
^ Anybody got any knitting needles spare? I'm pretty much finished using my eyes now.
It was scary.
Way to ruin the joke though ._.
Fun fact: It's straight-out forbidden on Nico Nico Douga, in which things like Rapelay are allowed (as long as it's not explicit).
Patter Song posted:
But frankly I feel it doesn't get the point across. They should replace it with this:
I'd still prefer it if they were about metafictional tropes, though.
^ Ouch.
I still feel like putting tropes that describe the audience's reaction in a separate tab is a good idea at least in theory, and tropes describing the intention of the author belong on the works page.
The Something Awful thread got locked.