If you have an email ending in @hotmail.com, @live.com or @outlook.com (or any other Microsoft-related domain), please consider changing it to another email provider; Microsoft decided to instantly block the server's IP, so emails can't be sent to these addresses.
If you use an @yahoo.com email or any related Yahoo services, they have blocked us also due to "user complaints"
I want to join Something Awful now
(I'm going to regret asking this, I know)
Also good to know that the questionable image on page 7 wasn't linked "unironically" and just as an example of a disturbing manga, and was removed.
EDIT: Page 8. Unfunny edit of image. Wipe?
like every other forum anyway), SA is a genuinely decent forum?
I see things like the link posted in the comment beneath yours, and read the text linked to, and decide that that's not the case. And it's not about the language; it's about the attitude of smugness and "I'm better than you ignorant doofus noob".
The people might be decent people elsewhere, but that doesn't mean I'd enjoy hanging out with them there.
That said, I admit there are pretty awesome threads elsewhere--people have mentioned a MtG thread before, and another thread that someone linked to has quite useful and meaningful posts about the tattooing business. They're just not enough to convince me to part with ten dollars, which I could far more usefully spend buying Metroid Fusion from a Gamestop, donating to a political candidate of my choice, or picking up a useful music score published by Dover.
Also, image macros are funny in small doses. For those who prefer big doses, we have a shitposting category.
not read it either. I'm just saying that I expected some amount of
support for AHR here, since AHR has been an active member of this
This is the first I've heard of it.
That said, as a moderator I have also told people to stop doing it in excess.
Please keep that shit to yourself, guys."
For the record, at this point, I wouldn't mind banning certain topics, as well as issuing instabans for anyone posting like evilneko did from here on out.
And heck, I think even the one that's not banned (DYRE) could benefit from some professional help.
We can wait, Juan_Carlos, if you want delicious recipes for bacon cake you'll have to pay
E: Also let's play should be veiled too.
You know, if it hadn't been for the tattoo threads being out in the open, I probably would not have decided that SA was worth the 10 USD.
Just sayin'.
Wait, it hasn't?> bacon
Good stuff.
> cake
Good stuff.
> bacon cake
You're doing it wrong.
> let's play should be veiled too
That reminds me, that's one of the bigger reasons I dislike SA. So some people on SA came up with this really cool idea of presenting a game with audio commentary along with footage of themselves playing the game. Awesome!...except they look down upon everyone else who isn't a goon who does LPs, as far as I can tell. Individual SA LPers may differ on this, but that's the sense I've gotten from the LPing community as a whole. One notable example of this: There's a page somewhere that lists every LP and as far as I know, when I last checked, they don't include LPs by people outside of their site. Do please correct me if I'm wrong.
That said, I don't really care to read their LP threads; I just watch the videos, so a veil wouldn't affect me one bit.