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Not-Call of Cthulhu interest check
what time are we talking here?
Hmmm...not sure. Maybe sometime in the afternoon? Is there a particular time that works best for you?
Well, I was thinking that 11 PM wouldn't work for me, specifically, but I somehow don't see that being the hour you were thinking
With that said, I think that somewhere along the lines of...4-3 PM would be pretty good for me.
That could work, if there are no objections from Everest, Ica or CompassionateSadist.
Anyway, once I get Saigyouji and Delta's scheduling info, I can get the Victorian game scheduled too.
All times are Pacific time. Tuesdays and Thursdays I am open from 11 am till 3 pm. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays I should be open form 8pm to 11pm.
Hm. That might be difficult, but some revelation might occur once Malk, Sai and Alex post more detailed descriptions of when they're available.
No problem for me
I do want to start the Victorian game first if possible (to make the causality thing work), but I guess you guys could start creating characters for the modern one. Do you want me to walk you through it, or...?
Any help would be welcome.
Okay, first step, rolling characteristics.
First off, a note on dice notation. I dunno if anyone here doesn't already know it, but a simple explanation would be good in that case. Dice notation looks like, for example, "3d6+3." The number before the "d" is how many dice you roll, the number after is how many sides they have, and the last number is added to the result. If anyone doesn't have actual dice, I recommend this utility.
Right, so first off, you roll 3d6 once each for these characteristics (in order):
then 2d6+6 once each for these:
then 3d6+3 for this one:
And did you decide how modern "modern" is?
I'm thinking earlier this decade or something. 2009 or 10.
And both campaigns will be taking place in London, FYI.
OK, so I've got
Strength: 11
Constitution: 12
Power: 9
Desterity: 8
Appereance: 5
Size: 13
Intelligence: 13
Education: 13
Whoa...those numbers shouldn't be possible. For one thing, the highest number rollable with 3d6 is 18, and you've got strength as 22...
Did it again. Got an 11, fwiw
Yeah, but I think you might have been using the wrong die rolls for the first set there as a whole. Could you redo the others as well?
Fair enough. I'll do it and edit them in.
there. Turns out I accidentally added a +6 modifier to the first set roll.
That would explain it.
Anyway, just from where those numbers fall, do you have a general idea of a character you'd play that would fit into them?
Seems like a low-on-magic intelligent fighter, maybe?
Er. Not really what I meant. Bear in mind, this isn't a combat-heavy game. If a fight's breaking out, there's a very good chance of characters getting killed. And if anyone gets magic, it'll be a few sessions into the campaign and at the cost of large amounts of sanity.
What I meant was: what sort of person would you want your character to be?
Point taken.
gimme a few to come up with something.
Strgt 9
Const 9
Power 6
Dexte 14
Apprn 7
Size 7
Inte 10
Educa 11
I don't think random.org likes me (these are before the added +6 bonuses. Still though,
^^If you don't like your character options from that at all, you can reroll and pick the set you like better >.>
^After the +6 bonuses to size and intelligence and the +3 bonus to education, that's a pretty solid character, I'd say.
Really? Alright then
Intelligence is almost at maximum and Education is pretty solid, so I think you've got yourself a successful college student or something like that (not to limit you to that, though)
I'm guessing high intelligence and education are useful in this game then?
I'm GMT, but I can be around pretty much any time that isn't 7-10AM PST. (Which is pretty silly times anyway. :P)
Intelligent, fast, reasonably good-looking... shame this isn't a pirate campaign. In any case, my character's the lazy son of a well-to-do family whose major skill has always been scrounging up money from somewhere. He's bored, though, and is financially set up enough that there's no need to do anything in particular to safeguard his survival. Yet. His only displayable skill has been at fencing, the only activity he ever particularly took to with any sort of academic focus.
(inb4 "you don't fence with Lovecraftian nightmares", which I am aware of :>)
Juan, the Lovecraftian setting is one in which magic is evil and science is evil and humanity can never win. It's like a survival horror where your death is inevitable. It's what you do with that time that's given to you. /gandalf