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So surprise surprise Dark Knight Rises was pretty great.
It wasn't as good as The Dark Knight (the one where he doesn't rise) and had a few problems but it's still a must see.
I guess if I had to articulate my biggest complaint about it, it would be that the movie managed to stuff a lot of Batman mythos into the plot and juggle it well, but was surprisingly light on the actual Batman.
My biggest problem was some of the political aspects, plus a few odds and ends but nothing that broke the movie.
I do like how the lies about Harvey Dent eventually bit everybody in the ass. One wonders if Blake will become popular and work his way into the comics somehow.
Alk: Given the reveal about Blake at the end...I doubt it.
^^I actually really hope not. =|
like i wouldn't expect him to be anything other than a GCPD member if he did get popular.
Hellblazer 293: This looks to be the next big arc, informed by the previous trip to Hell Constantine took and the mysterious disappearances happening during a protest in London. It's kind of a dated story by now, what with the Occupy issue having ended, but that's what happens when stuff is written months in advance. Maybe with TDKR out it will feel more relevant. It also has faeries in it so that's cool.
Daredevil 15: There's not a lot I can say about this comic that doesn't spoil anything or isn't just 'it's still the best comic Marvel is releasing, go buy it'. It basically covers DD's attempts to escape Latveria with hindered powers. As usual the art and writing are stellar.
Wonder Woman 11: I wonder if releasing Captain Marvel the same time was on purpose. Regardless I'm sure the stands could take two well-written female lead books. It's a book that's pretty high on action and seeing Wonder Woman go toe-to-toe with the gods is pretty awesome and it's good to see things influencing each other in this political mythology. This could turn out to be Azzarello's best work.
Captain Marvel 1: Well that was a first issue. Don't get me wrong, it's good but it is pretty text book of how first issues with lesser-known characters go, with lots of action during a team-up, explaining of powers, and introducing the family life. It's a great introduction but doesn't yet give us a solid idea of where the comic is going. Also, despite the otherwise great art, there's a needless panel focusing on Captain Marvel's ass... because you need to get guys to read it somehow I guess and can't trust good writing?
Saga 5: Continuing the solid fantasy-Star Wars hybrid we get some insight into the character of the will and tv-headed robot IV. Special mention has to go Fiona Staples is incredibly good at depicting things with single panels and the use of the tv screen heads to show what the characters are thinking is really an excellent touch.
The Invincible Iron Man 521: Tony Stark is now the prisoner of the Mandarin as the Mandarin tries to get him to create his ultimate weapon. Meanwhile the remaining members of Stark Resilient are soldiering on and trying to figure out the identity of the new Iron Man. It's a very quick-paced and compelling story, as it should be since this seems to be the point Fraction was running up. As usual though, I wish there was a better artist.
Fantastic Four 606: Huh. Thought that arc would be longer. Well, whatever. Ignoring the silly jungle bikini Storm is wearing on the cover, that was a pretty fun issue. It's more mystical and spiritual and much more simple than his Mad Gods arc but it's still good. One has to wonder if Hickman will just be doing small stories until he eventually leaves FF for Avengers. (Which I can't wait for)
Runaways #12: Um. See my post on #10 up there where I said "good action issue, but this story arc amounted to nothing?" Well...pretty much that
I suppose that doesn't matter if I enjoyed it, but I was really expecting something more dynamic out of an 18-issue series.
Runaways #13: See, that's more like it. We find out large chunks of what the hell is going on, then we get an interesting cliffhanger that can't possibly not lead to stuff happening.
Runaways #14: Much less game-changing than I was expecting, since it mostly relates to what the parents are up to, but still a solid issue.
Runaways #15: This one manages to both advance the plot and have a whole bunch of cool stuff happen, so that's all good. Alex continues to be remarkably suspicious as a possible traitor and there's an ending cliffhanger that wouldn't stick if this were any other series, but in an 18-issue limited series, it's always possible. Unlikely, but possible.
Runaways #16: Yeah, no, it didn't stick. What a shock. Then there's a neat fight scene, and then, well...called it. I love the smug sense of superiority I get from predicting obvious plot twists.
It feels weird because I didn't see it coming when I read it but I wasn't surprised either. I was just like "huh"
Anyway, Runaways wasn't 18 issues by choice. It got cancelled and then it got revived through the sexy power of TPB sales.
Oh. Huh. I just figured it was supposed to be that long because it ends when the story ends. Knowing that makes the pacing make a lot more sense.
Runaways #17: That right there? That is how the second-last issue of a story arc should work. Explanation of why things are happening how they are, another cool fight scene, stuff blowing up. And then at the end of the issue, what looks like an excellent lead-in to some denouement.
Runwaways #18: Good ending for the moment (I'm probably going to wait awhile before starting volume 2). I like how Captain America's response to the media questions is pretty much "they're kids. It's none of your damn business. Anyway, this issue had more action than I expected (i.e. any at all), but not at the expense of a final bit of character development and closure (albeit open-ended closure, if that makes sense). Good series. Will look into more of it later, but for now, I'll catch up more on Ms. Marvel.
Or I could be productive or something, but screw that.
So proud of you~
So, The Man of Steel trailer(s!) have been released online, and they... look absolutely nothing like anything I've seen of Zack Snyder's usual "super-slo-mo" crap.
I already bitched about this on Tumblr but basically, my big issue with the trailer is that it seems to attempt to have Superman loath who he is at first and have him travelling around the world.
Those who have read my Earth One liveblog know why this sucks
Birthright did it right by having Clark travel around the world, helping people out and using his powers. My issue here is more the first thing. I know Hollywood's in love with the Brooding Hero archetype but that's not who Superman is. He's about our strenghts and the things we wished we could do, not about our flaws.
I am assuming that's what it's going to be. And well, that's pretty much how Earth One operates. And to not go on much about it, it sucks.
Honestly, I am not even sure if it's going to suck as badly as I think it would but the previews and the people behind it are not making me excited over it.
Also we really don't need yet another secret origin.
yeah that's another thing. Superman's origin's pop culture lore by now. And even if it wasn't, you can still do a Grant Morrison and just explain it as shortly as you can.
I think the latest Hulk movie went about it fairly well. Blah blah blah scientist, blah blah blah experiment went wrong blah blah blah green rage monster hunted by the military. It took all of two minutes and gave people enough of Hulk's origin to get on with the movie.
Morrison's leaving Batman Inc and Action Comics as well as superhero comics for the time being.
Huh. Not sure if there is some bad blood with DC or just a desire for more creative freedom. DC's page says he is on Batman Inc until at least Octorber though.
NVM, read the article. Yeah as long as he wraps up Batman Inc nicely I'll be happy and I want to see what he churns out next. Because as much as the man does love his superheroes, he does seem to have done and said everything he wants to do with them.
yeah he says he leaves Bat Inc at issue 12 and AC at issue 16
http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page=article&id=40014 # source.
Reading a bit about what he said for Happy!! sounds kinda fun. I mean Morrison is one of the few writers I would trust to pull off My Little Pony meets grim gritty noir and make it something more than a giant joke.
Also things I get to look forward to this week.
Pretty good week I guess.
forgot the "Psychedelic" bit
then again, it's Morrison. So it's there by default. And yeah, I wanna check it out too.
Although question: I thought The Invisibles and The Filth were creator owned?
Morrison's Batman epic is the best series of Batman stories created, so this strikes me as sad news. His last non-super thing, Joe The Barbarian, was pretty underwhelming.
I suppose I just need to wait for John Hickman to start on Avengers now.