If you have an email ending in @hotmail.com, @live.com or @outlook.com (or any other Microsoft-related domain), please consider changing it to another email provider; Microsoft decided to instantly block the server's IP, so emails can't be sent to these addresses.
If you use an @yahoo.com email or any related Yahoo services, they have blocked us also due to "user complaints"
In very important news, Warren Ellis is returning to comics and doing an Avengers "graphic novel" (I hate the term but hear me out cuz this is important)
I've mentioned before that in my opinion, ideally, DC and Marvel would soon do away with the serialization format for their characters. While I'm fond of serialization, I've found that overall, the business model tends to cause way too many logistic problems that leave both companies far and away from the profits they could easily reap if they moved into a more self-contained format such as "graphic novels" produced by a-list talent.
After all, truth is that people prefer to buy trades than following a title monthly. And people certainly prefer to read a story that doesn't require them to read 300 issues or hell, just five issues that are not exactly to track outside of Comixology.
Granted, there are solutions to these problems, but none of them tackle the fact that floppies are selling around 200-500k copies per issue, which is...pretty much nothing. Hell, the only two comics that have managed to reach the 1.000.000 threshold were X-Force #1 (Speculator's market ahoy!) and Justice League #1 (Again, a number one which probably made speculators go nuts, and the fact that there was a huge marketing blitz helps)
So yeah, the fact that this is the first in a line of these makes me excited. Hopefully, Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely's latest collab will get here as soon as this hits the stands and they both do well enough to make the Big Two reconsider their current distribution method, which kinds fucks with international markets anyway.
Grant Morrison's doing a Wonder Woman thing I believe.
That too (With Cam Stewart, I believe) And they're inking it too!
But I'm mostly excited bout Multiversity because come on, it's Grant Morrison doing both the Question and Blue Beetle
my body is ready
I've been waiting for Multiversity for years. YEARS.
That said;![sa](http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/13/133921/2780268-abyss_and_thor.png)
I wouldn't trust the psychotical and nihilistic goth girl's judgment of a god.
but for real, as Alk said before, Thor's godliness is as canon as whether Schrodinger's cat is dead or alive.
Okay, so I've read New Teen Titans #1-48, but those and 50 are the only issues Comixology has. I'm currently trying to work my way forward and read all the Teen Titans stuff from there to the present. Should I get 50 and then jump ahead to New Teen Titans vol. 2 for now?
Yeah, I went ahead and did it.
50 was pretty interesting because it's the one superhero wedding where villains don't attack.
Also, I find it kind of questionable that Beast Boy is able to host a wedding. I mean, isn't he kind of known as a member of the Teen Titans, since he can't really hide his identity? And people like Clark Kent are there.
Anyway, also jumped forward to vol. 2. It's really clever that they'd been gradually changing Raven's appearance to look more evil throughout the entirety of the first run without anyone noticing.
BTW, there's a series called Tales of the Teen Titans that carries on the numbering of vol.1, but I'm not quite sure how it all slots together.
I'd be more than happy to knock together a release order for Titans books for you though.
And any one else btw, if you want a quickly done reading order for anything just let me know.
Yeah, I know. Comixology just has them as one series.
That would be pretty awesome. Thanks!
Shit, I only just got your reply. I'll start this today. Are you interested in "all" the Titans or just the various incarnations of the New Teen Titans?
All of them except for the original one, so starting with the New Teen Titans.
Aye, aye!
Should be ready by the end of today.
-Edit: Wait, there's gotta be an easier way to do this. Clockwork have an e-mail address I can send this to?-
So, the other day someone in /co/ posted the first issues of some Captain Marvel (Marvel's Captain Marvel) run that involved him being in tune with the universe and then going insane, it seemed pretty cool, so I wanted to know if any of you knew which one it was, and if it remained being cool.
Yeah, the dude was called Genis.
Yeah, it was Genis. He started fucking around with the Punisher for reasons and then went sane and crazy and sane and crazy.
Also his son would have become a Hitler so he strangled him.
He didn't even strangle him, that wouldn't have worked.
And yeah, the whole story was Captain Marvel volume 4, apparently. And it was good fun, Genis sort of grows on you. Pity it got cancelled, though.
So speaking of Captain Marvel, I read The Thanos Imperative
holy shit
did all of that even happen
it was just so fucking
and genius
but mostly bonkers
For some reason, I bought a New 52 Flash figure, even though pretty much my only exposure to Barry Allen has been an episode of Batman the Brave and the bold. But hey, the lightning bolts he comes with look pretty cool (note:not my photo).
-Initiating Necro-
So I'm reading comics again! Right now it's Transformers MTMTE but I'm planning on starting on He-Man, Meridian and All-Star Superman soon.
Also maybe I should finish The Young Avengers 2 but ehhhhhh