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Okay, normally, I'd be waiting until the issue was over to post my thoughts, but then the third page happened:
And I just wanted to say HELL YES.
the more you talk about this thing the more i want to read it, man
Seriously, this series is awesome.
Anyway, issue 13 is basically all the shitty out-of-character stuff she did at the start of Civil War coming back to bite her. She's still pro-reg, but she's actually acting like herself now, so it's all good.
I may actually finish this series in the next few days. I'm over half done already >.>
I only have the Dark Reign issues because I haven't found any links for the rest of the series
And I can't use comixology. Like every time I try to sign up, it doesn't let me, even though I only want the free stuff
Ah, that sucks
A regional thing, I take it?
Most likely. They don't say why, though.
That would make things too easy, of course.
Anyway, I think I'll be talking about New X-Men here because it's been grabbing my attention because of lol Grant Morrison
I'm on 132 and I'm kinda bugged by the fact that only until now the Genosha attack is really "felt". Like, during the actual incident, it just kinda happens and we see Emma surviving. It doesn't feel like the big tragedy it is. But now that we're revisiting it and seeing the ruins and such, it feels damn powerful.
Ms. Marvel 14: Good job of compromise between the need for Carol to atone for past mistakes and the need to avoid a silly "oh, you're sorry about what you did? Yay! I forgive everything!" plot. Lots of great character moments for everyone involved. Also: "I want a minicarrier." "Maybe when you're older."
Have Machine Man and Arana started working with her yet? I loved that Aaron had his Nextwave personality and Anya seeing Carol as a big sister/mother figure was really sweet.
Yeah, they teamed up with her right at the start of Civil War. I especially like Anya.
Anya's cool. I have to read Tobin's Spider-Man stuff.
So, the Doctor Who/Star Trek crossover comic’s first issue is…okish, I guess. The dialogue feels right and such, but it’s also kinda meh-ish. The art is like a sort of Granov/Ross’ style, but it lacks their liveliness and the expressions feel lacking, except for the Doctor’s.
But on the other hand, it feels way too bland. It lacks that certain spark that makes Doctor Who special. It’s quite hard to put.
I know this is a petty gripe but I really like how Marvel does it's preview comics on the comics apps better than DC. Marvel gives me some pretty pictures but gives me the big thing I really care about. A monthly release list broken down by weeks. DC gives weekly previews that are loaded with pictures between each thing and it's just like... all I want is an easy to carry list I can download on my phone to check when I go to the comic shop on Wednesday.
So, Snyder is working on a Joker story for the Batman title.
So, someone has gone and leaked what is meant to be the aftermath of Avengers vs X-Men: Namely, the Uncanny Avengers. Whether that's true or not is up for debate. But here is a drawing of the supposed new team.
So, guys? Does Captain America: Reborn happen during Dark Reign?
Ms. Marvel 15: Okay, first off, the dream fakeout at the beginning is one of the funniest ones I've ever seen. From there, we get into the AIM stuff that's been being foreshadowed for ages. Cool supercrime internal political stuff. Very interesting, even if I've lost track of how many factions there are because half the people in AIM wear the same face-concealing outfits.
Also, I neglected to mention this after I think issue 5, but Carol has a cat named Chewie. After Chewbacca. Because she apparently wasn't already awesome enough.
Juan - it happens right at the end of Dark Reign and goes straight into Seige.
Amazing Spider-Man #1 is free.
As in Amazing Fantasy #15?
Nope, the one after that, the first official Spider-Man proper issue.
oh wait there's a link. i'm a dork
"Just make out the check to Spider-Man!" Okay, this is the best free thing ever.
For those with Comixology accounts, it's free there too:
Just finished reading it. Quite good. A few things about it are obviously pretty dated, but it's mostly period stuff, i.e. the Cold War being a thing. The stories themselves are quite solid. After establishing his origin in his Amazing Fantasy debut, they spent this issue defining his status quo and establishing his place within the Marvel universe.
Incidentally, J. Jonah Jameson is actually more of an asshole than I thought he was. I'm pretty amazed by that.
Stan Lee modelled JJ Jameson after how he thought people thought of him
Because, you know, when your name is "Smilin' Stan Lee", you think "Greedy media asshole"
INUH - but sometimes his asshole-ness loops around into crazy awesome. Like the time Jonah shouted at Godzilla and our favorite nuclear giant lizard left the Daily Bugle alone.
And man the new Infernal Man-Thing mini really blew me out of the water. Dat art and seeing a writer pour so much of himself(and not just the good bits) into a character is surprisingly powerful. And I started Demon Knights since INUH and Malk seem to like it. Picked up issues 8-10 because that was as far back as my LCS had and 8 seems like a decent enough starting point. If covers are anything to go by Etrigan seems to be the star of the book. Then again...
>Trusting Covers
>Thinking it's anything besides presenting a recognizable and distinct character to make the book stand out.
As an aside I hope DC drops the whole New 52 logo on their comics by September. It's almost been a year for fucks sake.
Place holders for reviews with snarky place holders.
Animal Man #11 - In which Buddy becomes a super saiyan and beats up his corpse after shooting out of the gore horror show heaven. It's like some serious speed version of the heroe's journey up in this book.
Demon Knights #8-10 - Lets see how cool the Medieval team book is.
Angel & Faith #11 - In which Angel, Willow and Faith talk a lot. And Connor has become one of those good natured jerks you kinda want to punch. But Connor will always be punchable. And hoodies have become the new trenchcoats. I blame Assassin's Creed.
Ultimate Spider-man #12 - Well that's a way to play off the classic Spider-man origin story. I will give Bendis credit for street level books with a small cast. He can make the decompression work to make their big moments stand out... wait fuck, that's why the guy can't write team books worth a damn. Too many people to keep talking and relevant plays hell with his decompressed cinematic aping storytelling conventions.
Amazing Spider-man #689 - Man that big numbering looks weird next to all these other series. But yeah Nice work on squishy Lizard. Really kinda odd that the plotline that was written to be based on the same villain as the guy in the movie is going to turn out to be a better Lizard plot than the movie itself. And Julia Carpenter is a great Madame Web. The whole psychic momings.
A vs X # 7 - In which Scott Summers the guy people have been ragging on fore years as a tool and Magneto lite shows himself better at following Xavier's dream and not blowing up shit than other people give him credit for. The other Phoenix Five on the other hand... kinda justify the Avengers being jackboots to them. Kinda building up that this whole Phoenix things is related to M-Day and... I really just want M-day to be overwritten. Or something. It's haunted the X-men books for years and they need a new place to branch out towards.
The Infernal Man-Thing #1 - This mini I bought on a lark really blew my mind for reasons I explained in the intro post.
Invincible Iron Man #520 - Tony Stark doesn't really get how to pretend to act like a rich jerk beyond shouting "I'll sue!" a lot. The twist at the end was kinda bullshit, but it explains some stuff that has seemed off about this arc. And I really like the new black void + tron lines and face plate Iron Man suit. I hope it sticks around a bit.
Uncanny X-men #15 - In which the X-men spend their whole issue building up to what the covers and the promos promised them doing. Crashing Sinister's retro underground London knockoff selfcest clone kingdom and wrecking shit. And all these plot points about Unit and Mr. Sinister's scheming for the Phoenix? Totally better ideas for the event than the X-men and the Avengers over/under reacting to a giant flaming space bird and beating each other up.
X-Factor #239 - A gag on how it has the same title as the talent search show and more magic stuff. I swear, X-factor gets up to more supernatural hoo-hah than Dr. Strange.
When I first saw an X-Factor comic, it had all the characters in black suits and I thought it was a tie in with the reality show.
Btw, Marvel seems to love handing out free digital downloads for their comics that expire the next day. Since I already ahve the dead tree versions it's kinda moot for me, but if any of you folks want the latest Marvel comics for a free digital copy I'll share it with you. Just PM me.
Animal Man #11 - Buddy punches his own head off, and then crushes it underfoot. That is all you need to know.
Swamp Thing #11 - Okay, Abigail is pretty awesome and all, but she really needs to work on not getting kidnapped. Seriously, it's getting out of hand. Thankfully, this time she's saved...just in time for the crossover to start.
Why are my reviews so short this time? Because my thoughts on both issues are summarized thus:
Crossover time.
This is going to be awesome.