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Man Dr. Strange's gift is some seriously powerful stuff. Or to put it another way, could you die content with the knowledge of exactly how you impacted the world? I'm sure everybody reading this has a few big regrets in our lives and we aren't even close to living out half the average human life span yet.
I think the most meaningful part about Strange's gift is nost just how important the Surfer was in keeping the whole world alive from annihilation, but simply giving him the one he never had and always wished: Knowledge of the thing, the people and the world he saved.
For me, the best part was Galactus turning Norrin into a star and swearing to protect his planet.
So no This Week in Ink this week as I'm going down to a concert. I'll have double-time next Thursday.
Also, 666 posts. Nobody else post ever again.
So, I bought some comics.
Ms. Marvel 1: Good introduction to the character. Exposition about who she is, character development, action. This is how a first issue should work. Also, kinda meta in that she feels like she really ought to be an A-lister. Some obvious references to stuff I don't know about, but it didn't really get in the way. And finally, a cliffhanger. I might just go ahead and buy the next issue >.>
Action Comics 4: Finally, an issue with a backup that's actually worth the dollar. Anyway, here we get origins for a villain and a side-hero. I...can't comment on them fully because I don't know how, if at all, they've been changed, but I like these versions either way. Also, I noticed that he has a different Superman shirt than the other one he's worn. How many of them did he have printed, and did whoever he had do it notice that he's now running around vigilanteing in them?
The Flash 3: Wherein we finally find out what the hell is going on. Also, more info on just what Flash can do. They're spending a lot of time on establishing for the new readers that his powers are more than "runs really fast." As a new reader, I'm very thankful for this. The art, meanwhile, continues to be really good. On the other hand, this issue also contains what may be the least likely cliffhanger to stick in the history of comics.
Wonder Woman 3: And...more exposition. I don't mind, though, because it's interesting exposition. We get an explanation for the contradicting backstories, and that's why she becomes Wonder Woman. Good stuff so far. So I guess next issue we'll actually see her as a more traditional superhero. Looking forward to that. Also...not to sound puritanical or anything, but this series continues its trend of having nudity in every issue. I mean...I'm not against it or anything, it's just kinda weird and once I noticed it I can't stop noticing.
It get's really disconcerting once you start realizing how many costumes look not like fabric of some sort hanging on the character's body, but like they were painted directly on their skin.
Spider-Man's the best example of that.
Ms. Marvel 2: This issue gives the reader a good estimation for her power level. She can kill the Brood with only slight difficulty, but she's not Superman-tier, and Cru beats her without much difficulty. Also, I already knew this, but civilians in the Marvelverse are kinda assholes. The cliffhanger, much like the one in the Flash issue I just read, is definitely not going to actually happen.
Ms. Marvel 3: Um. Nevermind, that totally did just happen, albeit not as bad as it seemed. Don't tell me I'm going to get the next Flash issue and he's actually going to be dead. Anyway, good issue. I like how she's fighting in space, but keeps having to pop back to Earth for air. Also good: she wins against an opponent way out of her weight class by being clever. That's always fun. Incidentally, I saw a mention of the Superhero Registration Act, so I guess this is right before Civil War then?
Anyway, overall, good story arc, and I may have to try to finish this series before her new solo series that apparently starts next month.
Ms. Marvel 4: I get the impression this issue would benefit a lot if I'd read House of M. That said, all the relevant stuff is sorta explained so I didn't mind, though it did make me wonder if I should read House of M at some point. This is also the first I've seen of Doctor Strange, who seems pretty interesting. Anyway, the overarching plot of Carol's publicist continues with said publicist committing some really blatant invasions of Carol's privacy because Carol didn't read the contract. Sounds about right.
Wonder Woman 4: The take on the amazingly screwed-up family known as the Greek pantheon continues to be good, though this series does kinda take things slow. I don't mind, though, as each issue so far has been worth reading. Speaking of "each issue so far," I should note that this issue does not contain nudity. Technically. Hera wears a cape.
No man, do yourself a favor and skip it. It is kinda boring and plodding and nothing much happens until the last issue and then when it does, the big change is a kind of "throw your comic at the wall stupid".
* The Scarlet Witch is stable after her mental breakdown that lead to her killing some of the Avengers and fucking shit up. Her friends the Avengers are debating if they should kill her or not.
*Quicksilver(her brother) freaks out and rushes to her and tells her to wish for a world where Mutants are in charge and no longer oppressed and to grant all of them their greatest wishes.
*She rewrites reality so Mutants are the dominant force and are totally awesome and elseworld's stuff.
*Unfortunately since Wonda is bonkers, the reality revision isn't stable and stuff is coming apart at the seams.
*Thankfully the wish restored Wolverine's greatest wish, to get his memory back. So he remembers things how they used to be and starts gathering Avengers and X-men to fix things.
*Eventually Layla Miller shows up to speed up the slowly moving plotline via exposition.
*Big fight out and Wonda still being cuckoo bonkers decides the whole mess is the fault of mutants existing and uses her powers to say "No more mutants". Which rids most of the world of the X-gene. Which is also a convenient way for the staff at Marvel to pare down mutants to some iconic characters and try not to think about how their status as an actual minority population and various subcultures would impact their universe.
So right big changes from the event. Carol realizes she could be an A-Lister and steps up her game. Layla Miller comes into being and joins X-Factor. Wolverine gets his memory back and starts stabbing folks. And the shit just hits the fan for the X-men when a population of a few million mutants is whittled down to a few hundred via editorial mandate reality revision.
Good to know.
Ms. Marvel 5: This one...isn't bad, though most of it happened in an alternate universe, and the villain pretty much just got put on a bus. And the ending...is a lead-in to Civil War, which I've heard some bad things about...:/ Not that I'm going to stop following the series; I'm just somewhat...concerned.
Don't worry. Tie-ins are kinda annoying, but they don't rely on you reading the main event. At least, not most of the time.
Having said that, I haven't read Reed's Miss Marvel, so I can't tell you how fucked up it is or anything, but for what is worth, all you need to know is that registration passes, Captain America dies (for your sins) and Tony Stark becomes director of SHIELD after Nick Fury ran away because of ~reasons~
Ms. Marvel 6-7: I...don't like this story arc as much as the last two. It's not badly-written or anything...it's just...there's something that just kinda bothers me about all the superheroes taking a break from superheroing for a few weeks to arrest other superheroes.
You're touching on the reason why Civil War bothered me. That and the Dickhead Coalition (Reed, Hank and Tony) were strangely and annoyingly out of character (And suddenly fascists)
Well spoilers, but that Hank was actually a collection of Skrulls. Kinda amusing to see some characters use that same excuse to get off with their dickery from the past few years, even when they weren't part of that mess.
I know, but still. Dickhead Coalition.
It just occurred to me that "Batman Inc" is actually a terrible idea. Now Bruce Wayne is liable for any criminal who wants to sue him because he and his friends took it upon themselves to go around brutalizing people.
Lawsuits are definitely a possibility, but I think the end goal was for Batman to survive his fight against Leviathan.
Survival first, legal matters later.
^^I'm not sure any case brought in by Lord Death Man would be given much due.
Hey, Hawkeye's getting his own on going series DIDN'T SEE THAT ONE COMING. Cause it's not like he just had a four issue miniseries alongside Captain America, or became leader of the Secret Avengers, or was the main character in an insanely popular movie. OH WAIT ALL THAT STUFF DID HAPPEN
But it's being written by Fraction so it must be good!
Also, The First X-Men looks idiotic. The idea seemed cool at first, Professor X building up a team of X-Men consisting of him, Wolverine, Sabretooth, Magento, Namor and a few hitherto unknown characters. But then I found out that the team was going to be founded by Wolverine...and that makes zero fucking sense
Finally: The Gambit series looks like it could fun
The Hwekeye series has Kate Bishop as a deuterogonist so I'm totally interested even if I dislike Clint Barton.
Okay is it me or is Marvel trying to make Wolverine more like Professor X now?
Making him wear a suit, teaching, and now crippling him?
I think the idea is to put him in a position similar to Xavier so he gains sympathy for good ol' chuck.
They didn't need to cripple him, though.
Sniktbub's school for gifted youngsters
I forget what were the exact details. I think his legs's bones were bent and got fucked up in a mission and he can't regenerate the legs properly because of the bent bones or something.
Yeah, he went gambling in an intergalactic casino with Quentin to get money for the school because they were broke, and before they got away he got shot at by security with a matter-configuration ray that made his adamantium legs turn to jelly, and after that the metal turned back to being indestructible.
So now he's in a wheelchair.
So, guys, I downloaded Dark Reign.
the whole damn thing
I need to know what I should read, what I should not read, etc
Juan gimme a list and I'll tell you what to skip.