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Sexually aggressive women will turn you gay, Japan says.



  • You can change. You can.

    ^ e: Could you not use homophobic language? That would be appreciated.

    sure sure, although quite frankly, the word hardly means that anymore, but whatever.

    I feel like I should point out that yuri can be targeted towards straight women, straight men, and lesbian women. 

    um, how do we know it's not just simply aimed at people who like lesbians?

  • edited 2012-01-12 22:08:32
    law of silence

    um, how do we know it's not just simply aimed at people who like lesbians?

    Well, it's aimed at people who like seeing cute girls in love, for sure. I could go on about the readership percentage and serializations, but... >_>

    In the end, yuri's a very niche genre. 

  • edited 2012-01-12 22:21:23


    I feel like I should point out that yuri can be targeted towards straight women, straight men, and lesbian women. Most yuri isn't aimed directly at males and the genre as a whole is nowhere near considered to be as objectifying as yaoi, and the majority of it doesn't include obvious "male/female" partner roles.

    Those are both good points and I am glad you mentioned them. I had heard that Yaoi tended to be more sexual while Yuri was usually more romantic, but I am not sure if that is just a big generalization or not, since I have not necessarily heard Yaoi fans echo that sentiment.

    If Yuri is a niche genre, then why do you think that Yaoi seems to be a lot more popular/different from Yuri? I am not sure if you want to answer that or if you really are able to, but I am definitely interested in your thoughts about this.

    I wonder if some of the stuff that vacasama mentioned about people who are gay being treated poorly in Japan is related to homosexuality sometimes (if not often) being presented as part of a fantasy in works for people who are heterosexual.

    If so, then there might not be the belief that the real deal (i.e., people who are homosexual in real life) deserve much respect in the same sense that fetishes tend to not be talked about in public. Another likely possibility is that I do not really have a clue about what I am talking about.

  • You can change. You can.

    Well, it's aimed at people who like seeing cute girls in love, for sure. I could go on about the readership percentage and serializations, but... >_>

    That would be lovely.

  • "backwardsness in regards to females and sexuality"

    I nearly get the sense that this implies that there's any culture that can't be interpreted as backward in that regard by cranky feminists.
  • edited 2013-03-24 17:41:46
    law of silence


  • You can change. You can.


    "backwardsness in regards to females and sexuality" I nearly get the sense that this implies that there's any culture that can't be interpreted as backward in that regard by cranky feminists.

    What exactly is backwards to you, Gelzo?

  • I clench my fists and yell "anime" towards an uncaring, absent God, and swear solemnly to press my thumbs into Chocolate America's eyeballs until he is blinded, to directly emasculate sporting figures, to beat the shit out of tumblr users with baseball bats, and to quietly appreciate what Waylon Smithers being gay means to me.

    Fine then, I mean backwards as in regards to backwards by even first-world nation standards.

  • I'm just suspicious of seeing a given culture's standards as backwards because that implies that there's something fundamentally different and alarmingly damaging about it.

    But I think I can agree that their culture's sense of equality and tolerance for behavior that deviates from the norm is generally lower than Western culture, if it can be left at that.
  • He who laments and can't let go of the past is forever doomed to solitude.

    So, basically, you are applying moral subjectivism on the discussion?

  • Glaives are better.

    If it stigmatizes harmless behavior, then it's backwards. Homosexuality between consenting adults is perfectly fine. Anyone who says otherwise is a dick. It's that simple.

  • No rainbow star
    One day, people won't care who other people see, marry, etc.

    That's because we'll all be dead
  • edited 2012-01-13 02:42:59
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    This sort of homophobia seems similar to those secretly gay political moral conservatives.

    Y'know, the kind that gets caught by police soliciting sex in a men's bathroom and then insist they're not gay.

  • sure sure, although quite frankly, the word hardly means that anymore, but whatever.

    I suggest you try telling some gay folks that. See how far you get.

  • I just think backwards is probably too strong a word to apply to the whole of a culture's perspective on a topic. You could surely say specific aspects of that perspective are awful, but it's not as though being a member of the culture necessarily makes you sexist.
  • You can change. You can.

    I suggest you try telling some gay folks that. See how far you get.

    Some have agreed, others have disagreed. --shrug--

    Your point?

  • Context matters. Juan isn't a homophobe and he uses sarcasm in his speech.

  • Please don't say things like that, even if you're kidding. I'm kind of on edge due to troper-related shenanigans and I would really hate getting banned from this site early due to going off on you violently about Japan's horrifyingly backwards culture in regards to females and sexuality.

    Threatening misbehavior in order to shut down a specific line of discussion is poor form. If you feel that you won't be able to control yourself if a thread covers a certain topic, it's probably best to stay out of that thread until you cool down.

  • You can change. You can.

    One day, people won't care who other people see, marry, etc. That's because we'll all be dead

    >Implying humanity's ability to be massive dick can be stopped by such menial and earthly concepts as "death"

    Threatening misbehavior in order to shut down a specific line of discussion is poor form. If you feel that you won't be able to control yourself if a thread covers a certain topic, it's probably best to stay out of that thread until you cool down.

    Agreed 100%. If you don't like the topic, it's ok to not post in it. Nobody will look down on you. 

    Not like we're going to discuss moeshit again. Unless we're going to discuss "Batman: Moeblob or not" or, in a best-case scenario, "Punisher: The moest of the moe"

  • But you never had any to begin with.
    "Travis Touchdown: King of moe?"
  • You can change. You can.

    oh god what have i wrought

  • Woki mit deim Popo.

    Is that a magical girl maid anime?

  • While that would be awesome, no, it's K-ON!, so it's just a tea and cake anime.

  • What in the name of @$$?

  • Wow, all the rethread topics seem to synchronize. Some scattershot opinions:

    *Japanese culture is by no means a monolith. Nitpicky, but I'd rather formulate as certain cultural aspects or segments of the population are backwards.

    *Having another reaction to problematic fetishes than "let me vocalize in loud terms how disgusting and morally reprehensible I find it" does not automatically make a person an enabler.

    *Tracing patterns of homophobia and misogyny in something does not automatically condemn the piece of media in which it is found, it just shows that traces of societal sexism/homophobia have seeped into it. It's never entirely harmless, but it's a symptom, so focusing excessively on one text is useless.

  • InsanityAddict,

    I definitely agree with your first point and I think the third one is fair too.

    Generalizing what Japan "thinks about women" is probably not the best idea because I doubt every single Japanese person has the same beliefs about that subject. True, there are probably some general cultural trends, some of which are pretty unsavory, but those are only one part of it. I guess one takeaway point is that idolizing an entire country's culture does not make much sense since it is bound to have its bad points.

    The homophobia/misogyny stuff seems a bit tougher to tackle to me, partly because of improvements over time (i.e., being sexist and especially being intolerant of people who are gay used to not be considered wrong in many circles) and partly because it can sometimes be tough to determine if a work was created with a harmful intent.

    For example, other IJBMers have mentioned the problems with so-called "action girl" characters before and sexism is not always as easy to measure as one would like it to be.

  • Glaives are better.

    I hate it when people try to write "strong females" and end up writing bitches.

    Like Robert Jordan's female characters. With the exception of Min, I wanted to throttle every single one of them. 

  • I clench my fists and yell "anime" towards an uncaring, absent God, and swear solemnly to press my thumbs into Chocolate America's eyeballs until he is blinded, to directly emasculate sporting figures, to beat the shit out of tumblr users with baseball bats, and to quietly appreciate what Waylon Smithers being gay means to me.

    Generalizing what Japan "thinks about women" is probably not the best idea because I doubt every single Japanese person has the same beliefs about that subject. True, there are probably some general cultural trends, some of which are pretty unsavory, but those are only one part of it. I guess one takeaway point is that idolizing an entire country's culture does not make much sense since it is bound to have its bad points.

    The homophobia/misogyny stuff seems a bit tougher to tackle to me, partly because of improvements over time (i.e., being sexist and especially being intolerant of people who are gay used to not be considered wrong in many circles) and partly because it can sometimes be tough to determine if a work was created with a harmful intent.

    This person speaks the truth!

    Also, I would feel much more comfortable if the pedophile gifs were kept out of this thread, thank you. I don't care if they're "ironic" or not.

  • You must be new to the internet if you think that counts as a pedophile gif. The character is high school age.
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