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Sexually aggressive women will turn you gay, Japan says.

edited 2012-01-11 19:34:10 in General


Do I even need to explain what's wrong with this?  The idea that portraying women as wanting sex and wanting control as being 'prejudiced' seems like either latching onto buzzwords or projecting of the weirdest manner.



  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!

    Um...isn't that news like a year and a half old, or did this happen twice, or...?

  • Glaives are better.


  • edited 2012-01-11 19:46:20

    ^^ No, this is new.

    Well sort of.  Japanese people being ultra-conservative in bizarre ways is nothing new I guess.

    But anyway, yeah, this is ridiculously silly.

  • No rainbow star
    ^^ If you're a woman then you'd better edut that. The fuck in it makes it obviously sexual and it could turn me 100% gay!
  • Glaives are better.

    My mother is a woman and I have an X chromosome so I guess that makes me half woman.

    But seriously, there are few things I find more repulsive in the bedchamber than a sexually passive woman. Sex should consist of the woman slapping the man, then the man slapping the woman, then passionately making out followed by tasteful panning shots of their dimly lit intertwined bodies and the sound of his stubble brushing against her silky skin.

    From what I've seen of Japanese porn, the woman in their porn seems to communicate in a near-language of shrieks and baby squeals as she lies prone on the bed, her body being slowly eaten by pixels as she yells "ONII CHAN DON'T WATCH ME PEE MY CUM OUT OF MY ASS WHILE YOU FILL MY COLON WITH YOUR BABIES" in the subtitles.


  • They're somethin' else.

    ... ... ...

  • edited 2012-01-11 20:27:02
    One foot in front of the other, every day.

    I think sexually passive women are fine (variety is the spice of life, and also sex), but goddamnit, Japan. Best stop this shit. I respect cultural diversity and all, but no-one should have to respect a cultural view that damages the perception of other people.

    Reminds me of this one time in my old socialist hangout. One branch was all "We have to reject Muslim concepts of homosexuality", and the other was all "No, that is culturally insensitive". I'm happy to be culturally insensitive once in a while if it means fighting unjust social phobias.

    But I should probably read articles before posting on them, huh?

    It seems that this is one particular view of one particular individual. While censorship boards tend to carry conservative viewpoints, especially concerning sex, I doubt this is honestly an issue outside the narrow purview of manga censorship. Like most men, I have a bright view of sexually aggressive women and I suspect your average Japanese man feels no differently.

    That said, Japan still needs to get its shit together in some respects. There's a long, long post I could make here about the disconnect between the social realities of Japan and the media they produce, but I'm sick today and most of the people I think would reply to it probably know what I'm on about anyway.

  • edited 2012-01-11 21:27:13


    Do I even need to explain what's wrong with this?

    I doubt it. That seems like rather strange censorship to me.

    What Alex said about being culturally insensitive to fight unjust social phobias seems a lot like a common criticism of moral and cultural relativism (i.e., the idea that it is hypocritical to tolerate cultures/moral systems that are not themselves tolerant).

    I do not have much to say about the sexual aspect of this, but I think the way that society at large, or at least American society, views passivity and assertiveness for men and women is a bit weird.

    On one hand, there is the traditional view (still rather prevalent today from what I can tell) that men should be the ones asking women out, proposing to them, or otherwise taking the lead. On the other hand, there is the more "progressive" view that women should be more assertive and be equals to men in both relationships and areas like work and school.

    I feel like the best option would be to approach this as someone's choice to be more assertive or more passive, especially when it comes to relationships, but I actually think that view is frequently passed over in favor of the traditionalist view or the progressive view depending on the person.

    I guess there is a possibility that what I just described is not really realistic or that more people agree with me on this than I think.

  • Not like it doesn't happen in North America. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homosexual_agenda)

    And oh hai, madonna/whore dichotomy. 

  • edited 2013-03-24 17:54:31
    law of silence


  • Japan seems kind of culturally insular in a lot of ways. I kind of wonder how often regular people over there actually take stock in stuff like this, and how often it's just officials making them look bad.

    I mean, here in the states we have plenty of absurd opinions being broadcast by the people in charge. Sometimes it's just them being nuts, but often it's them actually being an accurate representation of a lot of our people.

  • Woki mit deim Popo.

    "Japan seems kind of culturally insular in a lot of ways."

    You do know it's the nation that shut itself from the rest of the world for a few hundred years in an attempt keep foreign influences from messing up Japan's Wa?

  • edited 2012-01-12 11:41:04


    And oh hai, madonna/whore dichotomy.

    I think that can be annoying, especially when people point to some perfectly pure female character in a story to show that the story portrays women positively. It seems even worse to me when you have a bunch of clearly flawed male characters that are supposed to be the heroes while the only female characters are either temptresses or shining paragons of justice.

    That is not to say I dislike shining paragons of justice, but I feel like it can be difficult to relate to them and can make it harder for girls (or boys) to have realistic female role models in fiction when women are supposed to be perfection personified.

  • Reading the article, I wonder if what the person quoted was getting at was that "Sexually aggressive women in manga will often turn out to be lesbians and then all kinds of lesbian stuff will ensue."

    This is bigoted in its own right and I've no idea whether it's true to the genre, but its marginally more logical as an argument than "Oh, my God, those women are sexually aggressive! I'm so scared, I'd better go off and have sex with some men instead."

    Am I the only one to think the illustration to the article is hilarious?

  • Kichigai birthday!!

    ╔══════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ══════════════╗
    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ RIPOSUTO KONO IF ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ WHO NAI NIDO NO NIPPONJIN ~ ~ ~
    ╚══════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ══════════════╝

  • Vacasama: I believe that yes, I was aware of that, though I'm not sure that I know what a Wa is.

    I think it's fair to say that they aren't quite so dramatic about the issue anymore, considering they're pretty chummy with the only nation that ever nuked anyone and nuked them and only them twice.

    But my point was more along the lines of that I'm sort of ignorant about what Japanese are really like because I think there's possibly a tendency for them to try to put on a good face for what gets exported, and on the internet they seem to keep to their side of the playground.
  • Woki mit deim Popo.

    I'm talking this: 和  (wa).  It means "peace" or "harmony" although it does seem to imply "absence of discord".  It's one of those cultural quirks that you have to understand before trying to understand Japanese culture.  To me it kind of explains why there's a lot less crime and an obsession with conformity in Japan.

    I think the main reason that they don't go outside of Japan on the internet is just because they speak English very poorly.  I've seen Korean and Chinese posters pretty often and their English is pretty good but Japanese posters are just very rare on an English speaking forum.  The ones I do see, tend to use a translator.

  • Mm... Yeah, I do hear that English education is pretty poor despite it being the only language taught in public schools, IIRC.

    And if it means harmony, is it really so different that it warrants using the native word?
  • edited 2012-01-12 15:39:35
    OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!

    -nevermind, dumb obvious joke-

  • Woki mit deim Popo.

    Well, "wa" I find, tends to synonymous with Japan.  I mean, they named their largest battleship 大和, which generally means "Great Japan" or "Great Harmony" name we know better as the Yamato.

    The thing about the Japanese language is that meanings for words and concepts tend to be vague or general.

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    I think that tends to happen with different languages' terms for abstract things.

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!

    For example: "art." What does it mean? We may never know.

  • INUH, I don't think that there's a single post that could have trolled me harder as a student of language.

    There's quite a lot to say about that topic, but I suspect it would involve a great effort for minimal returns.
  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.


  • You can change. You can.

    I...don't get your point?

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.


  • You can change. You can.

    No, what I mean is that I get why that's art (composition this balanced shape that) so I don't see why it is...you know...impossible to see.

  • edited 2012-01-12 19:35:49
    No rainbow star
    ^^^^ One thing that was displayed at my school was an ice cube
  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    No, what I mean is that I get why that's art (composition this balanced shape that) so I don't see why it is...you know...impossible to see.

    That's not why it's art though :c

  • He who laments and can't let go of the past is forever doomed to solitude.

    It is art because at least one person considers it art?

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