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Sexually aggressive women will turn you gay, Japan says.



  • edited 2012-01-14 20:06:25
    Till shade is gone, till water is gone, into the Shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath, to spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the last Day.
    anime gif =/= pedophile gif


  • "You must be new to the internet if you think that counts as a pedophile gif. The character is high school age."

    No, she's really 1000 years old, so it's okay! 

  • Till shade is gone, till water is gone, into the Shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath, to spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the last Day.
    She doesn't even look like a little kid though
  • edited 2012-01-14 20:11:26
    Has friends besides tanks now

    ^^ Even just in that gif, it should be apparent that the character isn't meant to look underage, and in the work itself, she's not. Perhaps there's too much focus on her cuteness, but I sure as hell never got the impression that K-On! promoted pedophilia.

    I wouldn't defend the use of pedo gifs in this thread, but I see none at the moment.

  • It takes the Japanese 1000 years to grow tits, anyway.
  • edited 2012-01-14 20:14:01

    Eh, I guess. Still pretty fetishistic though. Irritatingly so.

  • edited 2012-01-14 20:19:49
    Has friends besides tanks now

    I'd agree, there; as much as I like K-On!, it's often quite blatant in its pandering. But I can tolerate maid fetishism as long as child sexualization isn't factored in.

  • "For example, other IJBMers have mentioned the problems with so-called "action girl" characters before and sexism is not always as easy to measure as one would like it to be."

    The problem with them is that often, they miss the point. In the most concise way I've seen it put: "They thought the feminists meant [Strong Female] Characters. The feminists meant [Strong Characters], Female."

  • ^ Nice article.


    I think the reaction to that K-On! .gif is mostly guilt by association. Aside from it being her in a cute maid outfit it's really not all that sexual. While there's a lot of cutsiness in K-On! and I can uinderstand people not liking it or having problems with it, it's not really that noteworthy as far as hypersexuality goes.

    Also, Juan had inspired me to write Punisher: Uguuu Zone.

  • edited 2012-01-15 00:38:28

    K-On! is apparently tame enough to air on Dinsey Channel in Japan. So yeah, not all that much hypersexuality. Not that that prevents anyone from developing PSL, but still.


    Dragon Ball had a bunch of shots of a naked underage boy, and a plethora of needless skinshots including a bunch of sexual harassment of Bulma.

    Dragon Ball has been consistently popular since it's inception

    and for all the complaints about that, I've almost never heard it about the needless nudity and sexualization of Bulma.

    K-On has nothing on that level but everyone bitches about how sexualized it is. 

    And this is rather ranty but whatever.

  • Dragon Ball has been consistently popular since it's inception

    it's inception

    Cobb! What does the top say about the dream level?!

  • *crushes totem* It's entered LIMBOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

  • edited 2012-01-15 02:52:45

    ^^^ Don't quote me on this, but I'd figure it's because these people are more sick of the current moe craze than they are of Dragon Ball. Not that that's fair or even justifiable, but there it is.

  • One foot in front of the other, every day.

    All that said, I recall Mio's breasts getting a lot of attention. Accurate to reality, mind, especially amongst young women, but far from lacking sexual content. The difference is the sexuality of K-On! is used in more of a social context than a physical one in most cases. I mean, you don't get male characters drooling over Mio's breasts or anyone trying to cop a feel, but they're discussed in context of female beauty hierarchy.

    And that's about as much discussion of the breasts of a 15-year-old as I'm willing to partake in.


  • I choose to not read the word "discussion" in that last sentence.

  • edited 2012-01-16 13:32:21


    I agree with Firebert about that article. I thought it was definitely worth a read and made some good points about characters having their own goals.

    As for what Hatter said, I do think that writers occasionally make female characters who heavily curse and drink in an effort to break gender stereotypes. I feel like that can get annoying because it does not necessarily make the characters more interesting, just more mean.


    K-On! is apparently tame enough to air on Disney Channel in Japan. So yeah, not all that much hypersexuality. Not that that prevents anyone from developing PSL, but still.

    Yep, K-On! has some pandering (especially in its first season), but compared to overtly fanservice shows, I would think it would seem pretty tame. Honestly, I think that even among slice of life shows, it is not that bad in that department.

    It seems to me like Hidamari Sketch is significantly worse when it comes to moe stuff/pandering, since it has an obvious "Ms. Fanservice" character, a generally really pure/innocent cast, only one male character who really gets much attention at all (the elderly principal) despite taking place in a co-ed school, and features other miscellaneous fanservice.  

    I hope it does not seem like I am completely bashing Hidamari Sketch since I do think it has its good points. I just believe that K-On! is not bad about the way it treats female characters compared to how some other similar works do.

  • edited 2012-01-16 13:51:54

    KyoAni actually toned down the fanservice a lot from the manga, too.  Not that the manga was exceptionally fanservicey either, but there was a bit more Mio-groping, and the pantyshot from the first concert was actually shown, plus the front pages for individual chapters tend to be fanservicier than the actual manga or anime.

  • Kichigai birthday!!

    While there's a lot of cutsiness in K-On! and I can uinderstand

    Them subliminal messages

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