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The nurse went into the back rooms, then emerged again, holding Snow.
"Here you go."
"Um...we'll only be a moment. We just need to stop by town..." Greg took a step back.
"Okay." She smiled at them.
"WHAT THE--?!" Shit! Must be a Trainer's. "Typhoon, return!" She returned Typhoon to his pokeball and backed up as far as possible while feeling for Mercer's ball.
Charles smiled and hugged Snow, who cuddled into his arms. "We're going to fight a dragon!"
Before Snow could respond, Charles ran out to go for the dragon
Greg then heads back to town to look for the others.
"HEY! ANYONE OUT THERE?" Jackie suddenly decided not to get Mercer involved; wasn't sure what he could do to help.
There was a resounding chorus of silence.
Jackie gritted her teeth to stay her conscience, rounded the tree trunk, and took a swing at the Swablu.
The blow is strong enough to send the Swablu to the ground, unconscious.
Charles continued to head to where the dragon was reported to be (>
Greg waits to be sure they're well away from the person who may or may not be the gym leader, then turns to Ray. "What do you think was going on there?"
Oh God oh God oh God. Jackie brought Mercer out shakily and moved away from the unconscious Swablu. Mercer followed. She moved near the sleeping Swablu; about a meter away from it. "Wait for my command." She cracked her knuckles and stood over it, hands out in a now-familiar peace gesture, making Mercer slightly uncomfortable.
The Hypnosis wasn't going to last much longer. And, surely enough, in a few moments, it wore off.
As soon as it saw Jackie, it launched itself, attempting to Peck her.
"RAH!" Jackie went for an uppercut as it went to Peck her. Mercer just kinda watched, head-body tilted, waiting for something to do.
The blow certainly staggered the Swablu. It didn't knock it out, however, and it Pecked at her arms in retaliation. (That is... 9 damage.)
Ray sighed. "I don;t know about psychic powers. We might be being paranoid. Perhaps Gym Leader Misty is psychic and has defenses... or perhaps something sinister is going on. She might be a Rocket mole." Ray looked around. "Investigating the cave at the least, might provide insight though."
"But I heard her when we were looking for her, otherwise we wouldn't have found her...and sending us to the cave to prove we're trustworthy doesn't even make sense..."
"Ow!" Jackie went for a right hook this time, hoping it would just back off.
The blow landed squarely on the Swablu's face, knocking it straight into unconsciousness.
Ray nodded. "It definitely smells. Do you think she's a mole? Or perhaps simply corrupt and selfish?" Ray sighed. "No offense, but I was hoping your psychic abilities would be particularly useful here. Like I said, we should report our findings to the others, and perhaps inspect the gym again."
"Hrm. What sort of jerk just throws these things at us, Mercer?" He hovered up and down, his way of shrugging.
"Well, they were useful. They told us her thoughts were disguised from psychic abilities at some point between us figuring out where she was and getting to her."
"Greg frowns. If that really was her, that is."
Ray nodded. "I think double-checking the gym should be a priority."
"Sure. Let's head there."
Greg went in the direction of the gym.
Ray followed.
The Gym was, predictably enough, slightly less empty than last time. Three women were doing laps in the pool-type area.
Ray looked to Greg. see if you can scan for thoughts of the gym leader.