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Homestuck grocery stores Alice boobs statue



  • Midnight-sempai x Vorpy OTWTF
  • Yo, imma have some butter pecan wit tha caramel drizzle on top. Oh yeah...

    Ooh, ooh, I want bubblegum flavor with sprinkles and gummy bears and strawberries and bananas and- OH, WHIPPED CREAM! WHIPPED CREAM, WHIPPED CREAM, WHIPPED CREAM, YAAAY!




    Yeah, do they have, like, some sort of banana nut shit, or something, or... what was I just saying?
  • Got it!  You heard the ladies Orange, now get moving!  -grumble grumble- Typical Random, always having me do his dirty work.  -leaves for ice cream-  Sorry about that!  Now, all I have to do is break out that great cake recipe and-  HAY RANDUM!  Oh, crap.  Rember me?  I'm the side of you who flirts with Kino all the time!  And... hey, is that Midnight Velvet? 
  • BobBob
    edited 2011-03-07 05:07:38
    -gasp- OMG, is that gay Random? Haaaiii~! ^_^ Oh, I missed you so much! So, what have you been up to lately? Still lusting after random men? If you're looking for a guy, I can set you up with someone, as long as I get to watch...

    Ooh, gurl. And people think I'm the slut?

    You're both sluts. Filthy, dirty sluts.

    Hey Cobalt, what's a slut?

    Uh... Well, you see, Cyan, a slut is someone who... enjoys the company of others. A lot.

    Ooh, does that mean I'm a slut? Hey everyone, I'm a slut! I'm a slut!

    -uncontrollable laughter-

    That's not... er... -sigh-
  • Hey Midnight!  Yep, I've been helping Random satisfy his masochistic urges by making him hit on straight men, same as usual!  How've things been for you?  Hey gay me, while you're here, I feel like I should maybe apologize for lettign you all get brutally murdered...  Oh, you owe me a lot more than an apology after that!  But your punishment can wait for later, right now I'm talking with Midnight.  Hey guys, I got the ice cream!  (penis penis penis)

  • Cool, cool. Wait, what the fuck is dis? Man, dis ain't enough caramel! Take this shit back!

    Oh god, here she goes...

    No, when I ask for some caramel, I better get some motherfuckin caramel! This is pathetic!

    Guys? I think something's wrong with Bob.

    She's falling asleep, Cyan.

    Oh shoot, we've got to get her to bed. Well, see you later, gay random. Can't wait to speak to you again. ;D

    Oh, and you too, other randoms.

    Bai, random! Or, randoms! :3

    Later, bitches.

  • That's cool, we can hang out tomorrow!  Random and I have some "business" to discuss anyway! 

     Are... are you going to torture me? 

    You wish!  No torture for a month!  Now come along, we have to let Midnight get some rest. 

    Yeah, let's get outta here before I get a cap busted in my ass over a caramel deficiency!  ...Penis.

    Hey everybody, what's going on?  .....Guys? 
  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    How long was I asleep?!
  • ...Somehow this thread got even weirder after I went to bed.
  • Don't go to sleep
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
  • Uh oh, it's the principal!
  • Alice Margatroiddddddddddd
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Alice Metroid

    Ohh, please don't hurt me officer!

    Don't listen to him, Glenn!  Hurt us!  I long for the feeling of your nightstick against my ever so delicate skin...

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    [I should keep in mind that that image means something different to everyone else whom I use it on.  I just meant it as a general "WTF" image, lol.]
  • edited 2011-03-08 08:27:36
    Huh. Never thought I'd see GMH channel Doc Scratch, but there you have it.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    @Protega: That's actually from one of these videos, specifically "ZOMG! MY CAEK!".
  • Hm, so I'm not going to enjoy getting beaten, along with other forms of police brutality?  Lame!
  • The Rambunctious 8-Year-Old
    Well, I could call my dad, but he says beating civilians senseless isn't as fun as it sounds.
  • Ooh! I wanna beat people up!

    And I've gotta do it stone-facedly, like a real MAN does!
  • The Rambunctious 8-Year-Old
    I don't know if Father would approve of that, see. Something about salt and batteries.

    Still, I guess I could distract him by spilling Kool-Aid all over the kitchen...
  • edited 2012-07-22 16:43:38

  • I don't get this puppet a'tall.
  • edited 2012-07-22 16:43:43

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