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Homestuck grocery stores Alice boobs statue



  • edited 2011-03-07 02:54:58
    B-but I was gonna do that!

    ^*grabs burlap sack, attempts to lift it, but deems it too heavy and takes the sack off him, running away with it to the laundromat*
  • Bob, I'm worried about you.  If you stop this now, I promise that you can co-star with me in my next hurt-comfort fic.

  • you're not shippingzombie
  • *uses Princess Magic to buy a Super Nintendo, because I'm out of ideas*
  • But which will I be? The hurt, or the comfort?
  • Knowing you, probably both.
  • Ooh, Munchausen's by proxy fic!
  • @Anonus: Feh, she has nothing on me.  You should see some of my work.

    @Central: Don't worry, everything will make sense soon.

    @Bob: Whichever you want, naturally. 

  • BobBob
    edited 2011-03-07 02:58:41
    ^^^You... you asshole! How dare you! ;_;

    It's okay, Bob. Don't cry, it's all going to be okay...

    -proceeds to sex self in standard shitty fanfic style-
  • That doesn't even make any sense!
  • It doesn't have to make sense, as long as I have her and she has me...

    Yeah, this sexy figment of my imagination is right! Up yours, Anonus!

    ...Wait, what?
  • -hugs Bob- There, there.  I'm sorry, I kind of feel like I'm to blame for all of this.  I mean, I just wanted to try out being a Tsundere for a while but... -sniff- I never meant to hurt you...
  • edited 2011-03-07 03:01:00
    Pony Sleuth
    ^^^mfw that's a Rarity quote.
  • Bitch, I was a Tsundere.

    Ooh, I like this word!

    Bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch!
  • This thread will never be the fuck

  • BobBob
    edited 2011-03-07 03:03:35
    You should have thought of that before you opened your mouth, random. Now, I'm going to have to ask you to get your hands off of her and leave her alone. I won't let you hurting her anymore.

    Ignore him, Bob. They just want to hurt you. I'm the only one who really cares for you...

    Anonus, please stop using that word in front of Bob.

    But, I like that word.

    Not anymore you don't, bitch.

  • Amusing thought: If this were the old IJBM, we'd all be saving this thread to our hard drives, because it wouldn't be there when we got up in the morning.
  • I can't give up, Bob's imagination!  Not until I've made things right!  Midnight, I know you're in there somewhere.  Don't let her control you!
  • What are you going to do with threads saved to your hard drive?
  • BobBob
    edited 2011-03-07 03:07:20
    ^^^Well, this isn't the old IJBM. The old IJBM is gone forever, along with all the nonsense and depravity it brought with it. Good riddance.

    Now, if only something could be done about new IJBM...

    ^^Give up. Bob is mine now, and I'm never letting her go.

  • @Bob's imagination: Really?  Because I'm not really sure how this sort of thing is supposed to work, but I just happen to know a nice, single imagination whom I could hook you up with. 
  • BobBob
    edited 2011-03-07 03:12:55

    H-help... me... please stay out of our business, random.
  • @Gelzo: Well, generally we would put them on RapidShare or something for everyone else to download afterwards and have a laugh.
  • is it safe for me to come play now
  • I see.  I think I understand now.  -hugs Bob's imagination-  It's okay, I don't want to be alone either...
  • No no no! Not...Two Four!
  • YES


    NOW, UH

    give me your fingernails
  • No! Then what will I bite off and chew on in inappropriate places?
  • oh god

    you have a toothed vagina, don't you
  • Uh...maybe? Here, give me a moment, I'll go check.

    *runs away down W. North Broadway*

    [Two Four + Rarity avatar = Hilarious.]
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