If you have an email ending in @hotmail.com, @live.com or @outlook.com (or any other Microsoft-related domain), please consider changing it to another email provider; Microsoft decided to instantly block the server's IP, so emails can't be sent to these addresses.
If you use an @yahoo.com email or any related Yahoo services, they have blocked us also due to "user complaints"

I want to join Something Awful now



  • Mr. The Edge goes to Washington

    Pennywise the Dancing Clown of course!

  • Only somewhat here
    Who knows by this point?
  • When in Turkey, ROCK THE FUCK OUT
    Sometimes I don't regret not posting in these threads. 
  • 'kay.

    One reason that I think the mods are unwilling to do anything about Troper Tales, beyond putting them in a new format that everyone knows does jack about keeping bad entries out, is that they're afraid that deleting TT will cause editors to leave. Way back when, after the deletion of I Am Not Making This Up, there were a bunch of people that flounced, and since TT has a lot more supporters than IANMTU did, they're afraid that it would cause a lot of people to leave.

    Of course, TT itself is causing people to leave, and that doesn't seem to bother Fast Eddie et. al. that much..
  • Quit being a whiny bitch and man up.
    It's funny when people get into the Absent troper thread and post:

    "I'm leaving because of the direction the site has taken..."

    Way to be fuckin descriptive.
  • edited 2011-08-02 13:29:36
    You can change. You can.
    Wait, are we talking about SA, TV Tropes, or Juan Carlos' avatar?

    We're now talking about Namtab's most recent post. Why? Because I command it. 

    On Troper Tales: the problem is that 50% of these are honestly terribly boring, a borderline example of the relevant trope applied to someone's life to make it seem more interesting. The other 50% breaks some rule or another, usually the "don't wedge tropes into a fantasy life" or"don't be creepy". I honestly think that, if shutting down troper tales completely isn't an option (and it should be the only option), then at least get rid of any troper tales which are about personality.

    I agree. I wish we could delete it, but consensus opposes it. I decided to at least help it become respectable, but the new system presentation is not helping as the thread has pointed out. 

    At least, I wish we could also get rid of so-called "Self Aggrandizing tropes", such as Badass X and the like. 

    On sci-fi/fantasy tropes: I like anime and manga as well, but I also recognise that it (mostly) isn't very intellectual. However there are plenty of tropers willing to defend to the death the "superior storytelling" and "deep characters" of the unnamed anime or any other lolipedo show. 

    I can't talk about those shows as I haven't seen 'em. Perosnally, I think they're just based in pandering to a fetish, and as such, they shouldn't be oh-so-higly-regarded, but that is an opinion. As such, I can impose it on others, let alone edit the wiki to reflect such. 

     Also, there's the defence of any tropes with Japanese names because no english word or combination of words can accuratly discribe such awesome tropes as nakama (Family of friends), tsundere (bipolar bitch) or yandere (loving psycho). 

    I've been for the rename of any trope that uses a non-English word as long as the word in question isn't a reknown loan word in English. As such, I feel the -deres should go. I've discussed this before, but, I know shit about the definitions. Not only that but I'm also not really that invested in discussing this in depth enough to bring it up again.

  • edited 2011-08-02 13:21:20
    Mr. The Edge goes to Washington
    Why do you even care why people are leaving?
  • He who laments and can't let go of the past is forever doomed to solitude.
    I disagree, the character type of Tsundere may have existed since antiquity but it was codified by the japanese, and they made a term for it. Yandere can be argued to be a type that exists since women scorned exist, the other deres can go fuck themselves.
  • When in Turkey, ROCK THE FUCK OUT
    Actually, now I may join SA. 

    And yeah, I hate most of the non-English names too. They can be saved for the non-English version of the site, thankyouverymuch. 
  • 'I like this guy.

    On Troper Tales: the problem is that 50% of these are honestly terribly
    boring, a borderline example of the relevant trope applied to someone's
    life to make it seem more interesting. The other 50% breaks some rule or
    another, usually the "don't wedge tropes into a fantasy life" or"don't
    be creepy". I honestly think that, if shutting down troper tales
    completely isn't an option (and it should be the only option), then at
    least get rid of any troper tales which are about personality.

    On sci-fi/fantasy tropes: I like anime and manga as well, but I also
    recognise that it (mostly) isn't very intellectual. However there are
    plenty of tropers willing to defend to the death the "superior
    storytelling" and "deep characters" of the unnamed anime or any other
    lolipedo show. Try that poo poo here, you will get banned, because
    there's only one reason anyone watches these shows. Also, there's the
    defence of any tropes with Japanese names because no english word or
    combination of words can accuratly discribe such awesome tropes as
    nakama (Family of friends), tsundere (bipolar bitch) or yandere (loving
    psycho). Also, as I commented earlier on in this thread. What happens
    when the campaign to rename these tropes reaches lolicon (paedophile) or
    otaku ().

    Cherrypicking: I'd be lying if I said that some goons in this thread
    don't cherrypick the worst tropes/members/threads. But the fact is that
    this poo poo is still available for public viewing. People always
    emphasise the most negative aspects of anything (you have a trope for
    this, natch), and if it's a decent site with an undercurrent of people
    saying "this troper secretly is a deadpan snarker who wants to gently
    caress his sister", then the site will be labeled as a haven of socially
    inept creeps. Again, this is why we ban any particularly creepy poster,
    because we don't want that poo poo here.

    So it's pretty much a case of what is best to emphasise the worst
    aspects of tvtropes? Troper Tales: All Women are Prides or Troper Tales:
    Ahem. A forums thread devoted to cybersex or a forums thread for word
    association. Fast Eddie being a terrible person/bad administrator or
    some generic member posting something about his socks.

    Also, one of the other key problems with TVTropes is, as mentioned
    before, the constant fear of criticism. You're afraid to call out
    self-confessed lolicons or self-diagnosed aspies on their bullshit
    because someone might call you a nerd, or worse, a bigot. You're afraid
    of negative reviews because that actually means that some things are
    objectively bad. No such thing as notability again means that you
    document every terrible fanfiction, every perverse website, because
    someone may like it and who are you to say that pokegirls isn't an
    acceptable literary endeavour.

    No such thing as notability is one of the worst things about the main site.

    E: good things about troper tales: Anytime I come across Edgy.'

    You've got a point about no such thing as notability. Sadly, most of the people attracted to tvt tend to have...I guess you could say clumping interests.

    Hmmmm, there are two other things that bother me on TvTropes. One is the large amount of tropes that have no relevance to plot, really, and thus leads to a fastpaced work like Homestuck having so...many...tropes to sludge through....

    And the second is the assumption some people make that having Asperger's means you're smarter or better then neurotypicals. I have Asperger's, and people consider me smart, but that doesn't mean the Asperger's caused the intellegence. Corelation does not imply causation, and I simply do not have enough data to go on.

    I don't think Madrugada is a bad mod, though, just overworked.
  • You can change. You can.
    I disagree, the character type of Tsundere may have existed since antiquity but it was codified by the japanese, and they made a term for it. Yandere can be argued to be a type that exists since women scorned exist, the other deres can go fuck themselves.

    So they have a word for it. We also have words for it:

    > Hot And Cold
    > Lover/Hater

    etc, etc. But whatever, it really doesn't matter anymore. It's not gonna change even if all the starts in all the worlds align. 
  • He who laments and can't let go of the past is forever doomed to solitude.
    Neither of those are words, they are phrases. Not as simple.
  • edited 2011-08-02 13:37:36
    Clean your room little Billy

    - looks in thread -

    - sees juan's avatar -

    - sees fear generated by avatar -


  • Electric Boogaloo
    The Japanese codified it? Really? "Psycho bitch" has been around since the early days of the Bible.

    "And Adam said to Lilith, 'What is thy problem, you psycho bitch! Lord Almighty, please bring forth me another ho!"
  • edited 2011-08-02 13:41:16
    You can change. You can.
    Eh, we could discuss this all day. But there isn't a point to it. We just have different preferences when it comes to how the wiki should name their tropes and I'm OK with that. I learned quite a while ago that how the wiki looks/acts/whatever doesn't matter to me. I just contribute to the bigger subjects, such as Nakama's rename or Troper Tales reestructuring because I sometimes feel like being helpful and because of inertia, actually.

    Anyway, continuing on...

    Cherrypicking: I'd be lying if I said that some goons in this thread don't cherrypick the worst tropes/members/threads. But the fact is that this poo poo is still available for public viewing. People always emphasise the most negative aspects of anything (you have a trope for this, natch), and if it's a decent site with an undercurrent of people saying "this troper secretly is a deadpan snarker who wants to gently caress his sister", then the site will be labeled as a haven of socially inept creeps. Again, this is why we ban any particularly creepy poster, because we don't want that poo poo here.

    the thing is, that in my opinion, regardless of how creepy a person is, they shouldn't be banned. Whether they're an unproductive/unhelpful/whatever creep should determine that. 

    I don't like such people, mind you. At least, I don't like that part about them, but people are complex. People are not just their fetishes. And I feel that making a person be all about their fetish is a bit...off.

    That's just me, though and I'm speaking for myself. As Juan Carlos, rather than as a Troper or an IJBMer. 

  • He who laments and can't let go of the past is forever doomed to solitude.
    I was talking about Tsundere, not yandere, that came to be since woman scorned and before.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    @Scrye2 > On a related note, tropers self identifying as 'cool' tropes such as
    Deadpan Snarker and Yandere: It's fucking stupid, and those tropes were
    never meant to apply to people in real life, either. Plus, a real life
    Yandere would be terrifying and massively unstable, and any real life
    deadpan snarkers are not going to identify themselves as such, because
    if you're really that witty, you don't NEED to advertise it. Another bad
    part of TvTropes.

    People will do this wherever they are.  Besides, it's just on their own contributor page or signature line.  I don't think this is really a problem at all.

    @Scrye2 > I don't think it helps that a vast majority of the tropes on TV Tropes..... aren't tropes! The
    Lord of the Flies isn't going to have some crap like Meganekko in it,
    not because it didn't have some kid with glasses, it did, but because
    Meganekko isn't a trope, it's a entry made because tropers wanted to
    gush about their favorite glasses-wearing character in anime and manga.

    Here's the problem: You have fans who pay inordinate amounts of attention to things like this (as well as girls wearing high stockings with skirts, and more), and then creators respond to this by taking this into account when creating and casting characters.

    (Not to mention that there are certain personality types typical of animé girls who wear glasses, which also makes the phenomenon tropable.  But what I said above does apply directly to the whole zettai ryouiki (spelling?) thing.)

    So you could call this a "fanservice trope".

    @Scrye2 > @Elbeem:
    I don't think Something Aweful's mission statement is to catalog
    literary tropes and cliches found in all forms of media, new or old.
    That's exactly what TV Tropes claims to do, but instead, it's become a
    fanpage. Even Fast Eddy admits they're only supposed to like stuff on
    the wiki.

    I think that almost everyone agrees that TV Tropes doesn't have enough coverage of older and/or more classic works.

    That said, lacking coverage in one department doesn't seem to be a sufficient reason by itself to hold back coverage of another department.

    @INUH > I'd say "girls wearing glasses" is probably tropeable in that the
    creator has to make a conscious decision to make that part of their
    character design.  Now, the amount of interest that page gets is vastly disproportionate to its importance.  ^We're not actually supposed to gush about stuff there either, but hating gets harder crackdowns because it tends to start shit.

    Actually, one idea of how to deal with this is to challenge examples that seem shoehorned.  Another idea is to limit the maximum number of examples on a trope page, and then have people vote to put the best examples on the page.

    @INUH > Realism and PSOC aren't related at all. PSOC means "elements that weren't included for any particular reason."

    You bring up an interesting perspective on PSOC.

    That said, if what you say is true, PSOC really needs a rename, since its title implies "these are assumptions of normal people based on real-life experience, and thus are not notable when not made a point of."

    @Scrye2 > I think the most character/story significance glasses can really offer
    are when they play a central role to the plot or character's relevance
    to it, or pretty much Velma just can't see without her glasses.  Everywhere else, it's either fetishism or a bitch just has poor eyesight, like many do.

    Not necessarily.  As I said above, when work creators are casting characters with certain appearances to reflect certain personality traits, it becomes a trope.

    @someone_on_SA_named_namtab_or_something,_probably > On Troper Tales: the problem is that 50% of these are honestly terribly
    boring, a borderline example of the relevant trope applied to someone's
    life to make it seem more interesting. The other 50% breaks some rule or
    another, usually the "don't wedge tropes into a fantasy life" or"don't
    be creepy". I honestly think that, if shutting down troper tales
    completely isn't an option (and it should be the only option), then at
    least get rid of any troper tales which are about personality.

    No, the problem is that you bother to read it. :P

    Serious answer: I've called for it to be moved to a separate site for a long time now, the way Fetish Fuel has gone.

    @probably_the_same_source_as_above > Also, there's the defence of any tropes with Japanese names because no
    english word or combination of words can accuratly discribe such awesome
    tropes as nakama (Family of friends), tsundere (bipolar bitch) or
    yandere (loving psycho).

    1. Nakama has been renamed.  It is now called True Companions.  (I once advocated for it to be renamed "Band of Brothers".)
    2. This could use a rename, but "bipolar bitch" is not a suitable name when some creators portray this as a positive trait while "bitch" implies that it is negative.
    3. I agree with this one, though I think "the psycho lover" is probably a better way of phrasing it.
  • You can change. You can.
    See? Glenn understands me. and we all know Glenn is always right. 


    People will do this wherever they are. Besides, it's just on their own contributor page or signature line. I don't think this is really a problem at all.

    Troper Tales. 
  • edited 2011-08-02 13:46:53
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Holy shit I got massively ninja'd.

    @Juan_Carlos > the thing is, that in my opinion, regardless of how
    creepy a person is, they shouldn't be banned. Whether they're an
    unproductive/unhelpful/whatever creep should determine that

    better rephrasing: People shouldn't be banned solely based on being creepy; their creepiness should only be an issue if it interferes with other things, such as their ability to contribute productively.

    ^ Oh, Troper Tales.

    Well, as I said above, it should be split off onto its own website.  Problem solved.

    Wanna retain some connection to TVT?  Put a link on TVT to it somewhere.  Maybe the stub page that used to be the hompeage of Troper Tales.  Then disclaim responsibility for content.  Problem solved.
  • edited 2011-08-02 13:50:01
    ʍɥɐʇ po ʎon ɔɐll ɐ ɾoʞǝ ʍıʇɥonʇ ɐ dnuɔɥlıuǝ
    Can someone sum up this thread so far? On vacation and my iPhone is shit.

    Also, I too have an SA account and will probably join those who've jumped ship, considering.....sort of recent events. (Though trust me, it's been coming for a long time) *waves at posters over at SA*
  • Electric Boogaloo
    Glenn: It boggles my mind how someone would try to justify "psycho bitch" as a positive trait.

    Also, if glasses and shit are a fanservice trope, lump it in with Fanservice! All it takes is one little line of "Some people like people who wear glasses, a la the naughty librarian." Or if that's not specific enough, "Some people get turned on by glasses, and so many creators work in glasses to their characters' designs as a way of fanservice" and leave it at that!
  • You can change. You can.
    Can someone sum up this thread so far?

    Sa had been following us around for a while as we're a splinter off TvT. It mostly became "That place where Chagen makes another shitstorm" to them. But as time went by, we started to communicate with them more, especially as many of use were growing dissastified with TvT's direction both in terms of demographics and in terms of general wiki management. 

    As this happened, we somehow decided to jokingly post and talk directly to SA, and we got replies, so we decided to establish communication and debate the direction of the site (IJBM) and how to improve it. We decided to redo the ban policy, or at least, create a new reestructure thanks to them, and we've had Vicas, Shlapintogan and Miijhal join over.

    Also, there were a couple of shitty derails that I've decided to creat threads for in order to maintain this thread on topic. 

    And I think that would be all.
  • You can change. You can.
    It boggles my mind how someone would try to justify "psycho bitch" as a positive trait.

    Not necessary a postive trait, so much as a person who has issues and is not really that bad, but should try to fix them, nonetheless. At least, that's how I see it.

    Also, some tsunderes are not exactly all Passive Agressive against their romantic partner. They can be just jokingly agressive and treat him as a friend. 
  • Quit being a whiny bitch and man up.
    Chagen is still around?
  • Mr. The Edge goes to Washington
    ^He's banned.
  • You can change. You can.
    Chagen was temp-banned just now. For a month, specifically. He returns in 1/09
  • ʍɥɐʇ po ʎon ɔɐll ɐ ɾoʞǝ ʍıʇɥonʇ ɐ dnuɔɥlıuǝ
    Who all has been banned and junk? I don't get the Activity page. YAY SHITTY MOBILE SITES
  • You can change. You can.
    Chagen has been banned for a month. Soti coto was also banned for a month, Vivi was banned for one month, then ban evaded and her/his sentece was increased to...i dunno lol. 

    and that's it, I think. 
  • ʍɥɐʇ po ʎon ɔɐll ɐ ɾoʞǝ ʍıʇɥonʇ ɐ dnuɔɥlıuǝ
    Ah, gotcha. I already knew about the other two. Haven't been gone for that long.
  • Quit being a whiny bitch and man up.
    I was going to ask what he did, but I can probbaly guess.
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