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General writing discussion.



  • Hey, so I remembered this and thought I'd show it here.

    Not only does it make cool word clouds of your writing, it can be used to check the prominence of words in your stuff!
  • No rainbow star
    ^^ Well I think I'm more in the middle. My attempts have plenty of issues but at least it's readable
  • ^^ That's awesome. Thanks.
  • Feeling SUPER awesome today for finishing a colossal chapter in my long-runner fan fic, so now I get a nice relaxation period~...as I think of what to work on next. ~///u///~
  • They're somethin' else.
    Because the Writer's Block subforum is being a bunch of circlejerking butts, can i count on you guys to help critique what I have written down here so far?
  • edited 2011-12-01 14:28:10
    No rainbow star
    Bluh. Figuring out a superhero is tough, especially one who makes wisecracks

    How do the writers of Spiderman manage the puns!?
  • Hey all~.

    My huge ongoing fan fiction is getting further and further along, so I figured if anyone is in the mood for a long yuri love story, I'd pimp it here.

    It's totally no pressure or anything, and I won't be upset if no one wants to read it, but that's not to say I wouldn't love any feedback on it thus far. <3

    Anyway, things to know:

    -It's a Vocaloid fan fic
    -The pairing is Neru/Haku
    -You should probably be familiar with the Story of Evil saga, specifically Daughter of Evil, Servant of Evil, and Daughter of White, particularly the latter-most.

    But again, no pressure, just throwing it out there. I know how people feel about fan fiction. XD
  • They're somethin' else.
    My only motivation to read it is for the yuri, so I'll see if I can give you some feedback tomorrow ~.~
  • Oh wow~, thanks.
  • law of silence

     Neru/Haku fanfic? I'll read it. <3
  • You can change. You can.
    Ijbm: i cn't bring myself to wrtite fiction, even though i've enjoyed doing so before.

    Somebody poke me till i wanna
  • No.

    Poking's Facebook shit, son. 
  • Till shade is gone, till water is gone, into the Shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath, to spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the last Day.
    I keep trying to sit down and write, but I always become almost instantly distracted.
  • You can change. You can.
  • edited 2011-12-02 19:19:46
    Dang it Juan.

    I'm gonna kick your ass!
  • No rainbow star
    Hey Hank!

    ...PROPANE SUCKS! *runs for cover*
  • Inspirational quote time for all those stuck in a writing rut~.

    The faster I write the better my output. If I'm going slow I'm
    in trouble. It means I'm pushing the words instead of being pulled by

    — Raymond Chandler

    Man, Raymond Chandler was awesome. "I'm going to create one of the most awesome fictional archetypes of all time, have one of the most evocative prose styles, and be incredibly quotable on writing advice. Oh, also my novels don't make any sense."
  • You can change. You can.
    I thought Sam Spade and the Operative by Dashiell Hammont (I know that isn't correct) created the PI archetype.

    I still like Chandler better, though. The Big Sleep is probably one of only three books I've reread
  • Quote time again for all with writer's block~.

    Writing comes more easily if you have something to say.  ~Sholem Asch

  • They're somethin' else.
    Can someone be a dear and read this story arc?
  • Oh and by the way Sadie, thank you so much and I hope you like it~.
  • edited 2011-12-14 19:09:06
    Has friends besides tanks now
    I feel like I should write something and get back into the groove, but I want to save the concepts I already have in mind for college. Can you guys toss random ideas at me so I can make them stick?
    What kind of ideas do you want?


    A vampire hunter learns his wife has been turned

    A group of scurvy pirates learn the gold they found was cursed

    A man meets a beautiful elven woman and after a night of passionate lovemaking she disappears and he spends his life searching for her.

    Or are you looking for something less genre?
  • Has friends besides tanks now
    Less genre, I think. Certain world concepts, I'm okay with (vampires, elves, and pirates are all fine), but I want a couple of smaller plot points that I can turn into one story.
    You know, come to think of it, heroic fantasy meets pirates isn't done all that much. I mean, the closest things I can think of are The Princesss Bride and kind of One Piece.

    I think I have a story idea.
  • edited 2011-12-14 19:38:29
    So for those who have watched The Wire, what did you think of Omar Little's death? I'm asking because a lot of the deaths in my story are like it, completely anti-climactic ends to long-running and heroic characters.

    For example, one character escapes gas and even kills a few men, which he's never done before. He's about to escape when he's killed by a random grenade, making his heroic escape completely pointless. It's my attempt to show the chaotic and random nature of war. 
    Hmmm, it's a difficult balancing act. We're a lot more demanding of fiction than we are of real life. Even when we're trying to re-enact the pointlessness and randomness of violence it seems hollow. I think you should check out the original No Country For Old Men novel. While it's far from perfect (in fact I think it's kind of crazy that such hokum produced the Coen brothers film) it does cover senseless death in a good way and wouldn't be a terrible thing to crib from.

    On a personal note, since I can't focus on a single story for long, I started another today with the idea of heroic fantasy pirates and cranked out a page and a half in slightly less than an hour. Not much has happened yet, but tell me what you think.


    The island of Apollo's Nest is one of
    the most recent colonies of the Atlantean empire. It lies far to the
    west of the capitol of Zeus' Eye. It wasn't long before the place
    became overtaken by pirates, some even retiring and finding
    themselves in favor of the duke there.

    There's not a place in the Atlantean
    empire more corrupt and full of evil than this one.

    It was also where I met the woman I

    My name is Horatio Norway, duke of
    Apollo's Nest. I'm late enough in my life that I fear no retribution
    from the Emporer at this point, my children are protected enough that
    even the demons of Hell would not come after them.

    This is the story of how I came from a
    crewman to a captain and eventually to your esteemed Duke.

    It's also a romance of the wyld and

    Things began in a shoddy tavern that
    sadly no longer exists named The Green Squid. Our noble Captain
    Askeladd, man of the north asked along a small bit to help him with
    some mysterious work we all had yet to find. Of the group that came
    Garret, our ship's best wizard who could be noticed by his huge black
    beard and the shock of white hair through his otherwise black hair,
    Alexander Two-Hand who is still the best swordsman I have met, Kenny
    our ships' navigator, and me.

    At the time, I would never have been
    thought of been called Duke Norway. No, this lowly crewmember who had
    joined a pirate crew was content to be known as Norry. A boy who saw
    his own modest magical talent being threatened to be squandered by a
    life in the church. Unlike the others I was not there for any
    incredible talent I had. I was there to prove that I could indeed be
    useful to this crew.

    The captain came in and the tavern was
    not the lively and rowdy place of which I heard in the songs of
    two-copper bards, though one of those was in the tavern as well,
    poorly attempting to get people to listen to his song hailing rum. It
    was a quiet place where people sat to forget and be forgotten. The
    perfect place for a pirate to get something he didn't want others
    knowing about.

    In the corner sat a hooded man with an
    obviously fake hook for a hand, the sign of which Captain Askeladd
    had told us. Captain Askeladd and Kenny took seats while Alexander,
    Garret, and I stood watch. Alexander kept his eyes trained on this
    mysterious man while Garret and I kept watch on the others.

    “Let's hear it, Shanks.” Askeladd
    said in his voice, sounding exotic enough to be foreign but still
    familiar enough to sound refined and familiar. “What is it that was
    so important that you had us port in this hole.”

    “Oh don't worry Asky.” replied
    Shanks which was odd to me. Clearly these two pirates had a history
    together. A history that ended fondly: rare that for a pirate. “This
    is about the crew member of a lifetime.”

    Garret let loose a laugh that echoed
    through the tavern. The glares from Alexander and I seemed to be
    misplaced as no one even bothered to look up at him. “A new crew
    member, laddie?” he said, his thick Highland accent coming through.
    “This is Cap'n Askeladd ye be talkin' about. Crew members come
    seven a copper to him.”

    The man chuckled. “I like him, Asky.
    Where'd you find him?” he shifted to make it obvious that he was
    looking at Garret though it was clear all of us couldn't see his

    “He found changing employers
    preferable to the midget saw.” Askeladd replied dryly.

    “A practical man. Always good to
    have on a ship.” said the hooded man. “But no, this is a sailor
    like no other. A woman for the start of it.”

    Female pirates were by no means
    unheard of, but still rare enough that superstitions of women sailors
    still abounded among sailors.

    Askeladd, though, was a man who
    trusted in his own ability over the trifles of the Gods.

    “A woman? Interesting enough. Having
    a single woman on my crew would be asking for nothing but trouble.
    Surely you can give me reason to take her onboard other than that.”

    “Oh but I can.” he said, letting
    out a wheezy laugh afterwards. “Because this woman... she can lead
    you to the land of Tir Na Nog, the last great city of man and elf...
    and the great treasure that lies there.”

  • One foot in front of the other, every day.
    A vampire in conflict with his own pacifism, a vampire hunter with a silver sword and a strict code of honour, and a private, Sherlockesque investigator become entwined in the same serial murder conundrum and reluctantly join forces to find the true murderer.

    ...was that a dare?
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