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Images you know you'll never use. (Now NSFW)
Ryu doesn't have a flame Shoryuken /nerdynitpicking
^^^ I assumed they were radioactive Skittles.
Almost everything about Rob Liefeld, summed up in one image:
oh god whyyyy
^^Look on the bright side, you can only see 5 pouches max!
Yeah, and most of the weapons are smaller than humans. I did say "almost."
I actually have to give this one to Twilight.
Twilight's worse. It involves an actual abusive relationship, while CAD merely features a weird, somewhat pathetic one.
^^ Artifacts: The Image
I'd say it's a somewhat abusive one, or at least a depressing mother-disabled son one.
Yeah, but it's at the very least not "oh, he's stalking me! That's so sweet and romantic!" abusive.

The Rob Liefeld Image:
Jeez, I don't claim to be a great, or even good, artist, but I'm pretty sure I could draw a human more realistically than him...
Just look at the motherfucking feet.
Just...fucking look at them.
they are like
and this is the guy who managed to sell a million copics of a shitty comics about mutans shooting and murdering things.
So I want you all to live with the fact that a mediocre artist is going to die more succesful than any of you will ever be.
The worst part of that picture isn't actually the way the characters are drawn.
Well, I assume, since I can't actually tell what the fuck is going on in that picture. I get that there are, like... people standing and there are text bubbles and stuff...
but then I try to make any sense of it and my brain shuts off.
Everything is like... at the same depth and there's not really any contrast (because absolutely everything including the background is absurdly bright) and every single point in that image is competing to get your attention (it's not even that there is no clear focal point. Rather, every point is trying to be the focal point) and it makes it actually difficult to even read any of the text without your eyes shooting over to somewhere on the other side of the image because the composition is so fucking terrible.
I've seriously tried to read it like 10 times and I have not been able to get through a single sentence yet.
You're better off that way. Liefeld is much better at drawing than at writing.
And that's not much of an accomplishment, really.
Buckley's not really that successful.
Can't tell if you're joking or not, so I'll just go ahead and say that he's talking about Rob Liefeld, who has made millions of dollars drawing and occasionally writing, both significantly worse than Buckley does.
FFS even I have a better handle on perspective than that guy. It's like he says "You need to see more muscles! How about these on the back? Fuck Euclidean space, we'll just draw them poking out of the side like a cyst."
Like, I want to see one of the redline artists do this picture
But with a frontal perspective. It'd probably involve having three pecs, two six-packs, and an ass almost as big as his torso.
Liefeld probably knows perspective. He just doesn't care.
A lot of his problems come back to the root problem of being really, really lazy. He never erases anything, ever. If something looks wrong, he'll just sort of draw more of it to make it a bit less wrong, or just go "fuck it." I saw one page where he'd very obviously forgotten a character was holding a gun, then gone back later and drawn the gun hovering behind the character's open hand.
Oh right, covering things up with "shading lines". Look, I'll admit my art is craptastic enough that I can't get Liefeld quality without erasing anything, but...I mean I have an eraser and dammit I'm gonna use it.
Here's an in-the-style-of: