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Guys don't seem to like seeing girls wearing (real) swimsuits



  • Also, I don't know if those are my "factory settings".
  • In real life I'm kind of a manipulative, lying bitch that would doesn't care what is morally wrong with what she's doing to get what she wants.

    After reading the laconic version in the 4e book that seems to describe me pretty well. You can't be Chaotic Evil in a forum without getting banned or hacking everyone, at least. :P

    Chaotic was chosen simply for my posting style.
  • edited 2011-02-08 23:47:45
    I haven't interacted with many furries, so I guess I wouldn't know.  I'm sure a lot of people wouldn't mind more attention, so you really shouldn't be blamed for actively and successfully seeking it.

    Edit: Ninjas everywhere today.  I guess I'll just take your word for it since I don't know you in person.
  • edited 2011-02-08 23:47:05
    OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    Those definitely aren't my factory settings. I was really cheerful and extroverted as a kid.

    @Tnoph:Really? I wouldn't have thought that at all.
  • I'm trying not to be, but the temptations to do so get really annoying when they present themselves in ways that allow you to get away with them perpetually.
  • @AU: "Factory settings"? I don't know what you mean.

    In real life I'm kind of a manipulative, lying bitch that would doesn't care what is morally wrong with what she's doing to get what she wants.

    I used to think of myself like this, but I realized I'm probably not.
  • @Anonus

    You liek redheads? :>

  • Hmm.  Do you hurt people?  Do you really want to be evil?  I guess I just don't see it.
  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    I think the main reason I can consider myself nonevil is that I'm too afraid of social interaction to hurt anyone.
  • I don't really do that many good deeds, which is why I have a hard time identifying as good.  I like to help out when I can though, and I love people.
  • edited 2011-02-08 23:53:38
    Tnophelia told us those were our "factory settings". I really didn't know how to fill in the blanks as such, as I don't think most of us are born with those sort of things (like what we consider sexually arousing), nor did I think about half these things before.
  • -reads back over skipped posts-

    Oh, ok. Personally, I'm pretty sure my custom configuration is better than my factory settings. Mainly because my factory settings would be a greedy, bratty manchild who doesn't care if he hurts people as long as he gets what he wants.
  • Well I didn't list my Factory Settings, just current settings. I remember most of my factory settings except my Demeanor.

    I hurt people for some pretty shitty reasons, that I get ashamed for shitty reasons, or are indifferent to for shitty reasons. In high school or walking home I would gladly fight everyone that I didn't like, even if they didn't want to that day, or offered peace. Extortion felt awarding, or at least getting money from the girl who was talking shit about you to avoid having damage be done to her clothes or being disfigured beyond beauty-standards. Most of us were in this mentality so it was okay to us. If you lost and didn't want your hair ripped out or your clothes torn off of you, you either give them money or beg for them to stop at their feet. Most people with shitty attitudes that refused to give money OR beg went back to school ugly looking and were teased about it. I've lost plenty of fights and had to do this, and was also one of the avenues that led me to enjoy servitude more than I should have. One of the girls that kicked my ass even became my semi-girlfriend for awhile.

    A lot of this came back to haunt me, though, as I am still not out of the "fighting ring" for that high school, so new freshman girls jabber about "who's ass should I kick to get some cred?" and my name is mentioned, and leads to bullshit, as presumed. Which is why I went on a personality rehaul to try to work that mindset out of me.

  • -takes notes-  Mm hm, mm hm.  Thank you for sharing this, Tno, I'm really rather honored.  It sounds like you had a difficult time growing up, and are still reeling from it now.  I don't really think that makes you evil. 
  • edited 2011-02-09 00:05:58
    OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    Thanks for sharing. I'm not sure I have the courage to tell my life story, even though it's much blander.

    I don't think you can call yourself evil if you're trying to change your mindset.
  • Then, I am simply...errr,,,Semi-Chaotic Neutral.
  • :)  Hooray, Tno and I can be in a party together now!  (Though I'll admit I'd have liked to have a cool evil friend.)
  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    I'll try to post my life story at some point. Not now. It's not as interesting as yours, but sharing is good.
  • Yes it is INUH. I know you like pianos, are in college, and don't feel too strongly about sexual drama or perceptions.
  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    All correct. I'll post more tomorrow after my CS test.
  • edited 2011-02-09 00:11:13
    Wouldn't Semi-Chaotic just be Neutral?

    I don't know if I want to post my life story. It's more an embarassment than anything else.
    And yet I feel like I should post it anyway.
  • Well I guess it's just Chaotic Neutral, without the negative ring happening in my head. For some reason when I think of Chaotic Neutral, I think of Scientists gutting people in a catatonic state "FOR SCIENCE" or pessimistic people.
  • edited 2011-02-09 00:14:59
    Chaotic Neutral just means you mainly serve your own needs, but don't go out of your way to make things crappy for people. 

    My life story has had a few interesting bits, but nothing too incredible.  I might actually try posting it sometime to see what you all think.
  • edited 2011-02-09 19:30:22
    as a bisexual, the views applied by asexuals and their choice of lifestyle really confuse me.
    I thought the general idea was that people did not typically choose their sexual orientations, but I suppose that people have different definitions of what asexual means.

    I am going to do this jokingly since no one probably cares about my actual answers to this and I do not feel comfortable giving them anyway.

    Sex: Male (I think)
    Gender: I do not think this really applies.
    Sexuality: Neutered.
    Mindset: Very happy since I live a FUN filled life.
    Mental State: Dog
    Physical State: Dog
    Fetishes: Bones apparently.
    Political View: It does not matter. I am not allowed to vote.
    Emotional Stability: I go from low to high from time to time.
    Morality: Chaotic Good though supposedly I am a "killer."
    Demeanor: Cheerful. Dude, I have my own mini leather chair. How can I not be happy?

    I hope I did not sound too much like an idiot there.

  • Oh, morality for a dog, that made me laugh. I at first thought "Wha? LouieW got neutered?" and then I saw "Dog" and laughed.
  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    Yeah, I missed the "jokingly" and read the first few answers with some confusion.
  • He had me goin' for the first two answers, the third one was a little "huh?", and then "Dog".
  • edited 2011-02-09 00:38:59
    Sorry, I cannot take credit for that. It comes from here. I liked it the best when it mentioned my blinding bangs.

    Anyway, clearly my role as a "GREAT KILLER!!" must be a result of the sexual frustration related to being neutered.

    Sorry, I have been strangely snarky today for some reason.
  • You poor thing.

    Also I am rather private about my RL.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Sex (biological gender): male
    Gender: either male, or "I don't really care that much", depending on your viewpoint.  I don't believe gender exists separate from biological gender, and I believe that gender identity exists as just another part of one's personality, which is decoupled from one's biological gender, so make of this what you will.
    Sexuality: hetero.
    Mindset: Now that I have a degree, what do I do with my life?
    Mental State: meh
    State: mostly healthy but probably not getting enough exercise
    Fetishes: women in swimsuits, basically.
    Political View: moderate progressive on average, but it really depends on the issue.
    Emotional Stability: okay, I guess?
    Morality: neutral (occasionally non-abiding) for rule-abiding-ness (though I tend to follow my own rules), good for morality
    Demeanor: okay, I guess?
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