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Guys don't seem to like seeing girls wearing (real) swimsuits



  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    I don't see the point of a waterproof swimsuit.
  • So it doesn't have to be washed I guess, and you don't have to wring it out or anything, and it's less likely to show your nipples when it snugs up against your skin.

    Thats the only not-issue I have with them.
  • edited 2011-02-04 16:52:07
    OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    "and it's less likely to show your nipples when it snugs up against your skin."



    What would the problem with that be?
  • form-fitting clothing :D
  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    ^^I know. I'm just disappointed that so many consider it an issue.
  • edited 2012-06-16 17:14:37
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    Pykrete: "Screw Theiss, sometimes it looks better if it doesn't look like it's going to fall off."
    INUH: "^Agreed. Except when it does fall off. I have no objections to that happening."
    Pykrete: "Meh.  Enough people outright show skin that I get jaded to it and think they're trying too hard.  Highlighting things works better for me."

    Quoted for agreement.

    INUH: "I agree. I'm just saying that I'm not against unexpected nudity."

    I don't find nudity that appealing.

    LouieW: "I am not sure I totally understand your point here. Are you saying that the only "real" swimsuits are one pieces or the like? I can agree that they tend to be more functional for actual swimming."

    There's one-piece swimsuits, tankinis, sport bikinis, and...well, actually anything that's meant for actual swimming.

    Then on the the other end you have extreme examples like tiny bikinis that are basically there just to minimum-satisfy decency laws, as well as some "swimsuits" that aren't even meant to get wet.

    "Still, I was under the impression people did not tend to wear two pieces for swimming functionality anyway. I thought a lot of the reasoning there was about showing off or something like that. I could certainly be wrong though."

    True.  But that doesn't mean I can't find it annoying.

    Not to mention that I don't understand why some girls object so much to their underwear showing, but bikinis are basically bra and panties, and they totally don't mind wearing bikinis.

    INUH: "What would the problem with [a girl's swimsuit showing her nipples] be?"

    Showing nipples, which is kinda unsightly in my opinion.

    Anonus: "form-fitting clothing :D"

    Oh yes.

    > waterproof swimsuit


    Possible TMI below: So I was thinking, if a guy were to, ahem, pleasure himself on a swimsuit-wearing girl, wouldn't the resulting mess risk getting her pregnant?  I ended up googling "swimsuit sex", actually, wondering whether a swimsuit would be an effective barrier (which it seems to be, to some extent, especially if you're in the pool, or not pushing the guy's dick in).  The notion of the swimsuit as a sort of defensive barrier against that stuff kinda seems similar to what you're talking about, a vinyl swimsuit that keeps out the water.  And if the vinyl were to be punctured, well...you know that "oh no" feeling when a floatie you're on gets a puncture and deflates?  I once thought of putting two and two together, and coming up with inflatable swimsuits, except that doesn't seem like a very practical idea, between not letting one's skin breathe, as well as the preference for "sleekness" in swimsuit design, though if you made the layer of air thin enough the latter might work.  But now that you mention that these swimsuits actually exist...though they're probably the extremely form-fitting and body-compressing type.

    Possible TMI section end.

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    I'm pretty sure it would be less likely than from unprotected sex, but more likely than from using actual protection.
  • edited 2011-02-04 19:41:08
    Unless the girl mashes her panties into her vagina and initiates some kind of liquid connection to allow the sperm to get inside within 5 days, even ejaculating on my panties isn't going to get me pregnant. And also comes timing. There are some times, some days where getting pregnant is somewhat difficult, due to weird things happening with the egg and the menstruation cycle.
  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    Indeed. The odds are quite low from anything but actual sex, from what I've heard.
  • By "guys" do you just mean straight guys?  I'm only marginally into girls myself, so I don't know that I'd prefer to see a woman in a bathig suit over anything else.  Those one-pieces are pretty nice though.
  • I am in a one-piece right now.
  • Black with a Magenta Flower design going down the sides.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    What's the back style?
  • Its bareback I believe, where my back can be seen but stops at least an inch near the base of my spine. (laconic: ass doesn't hang out but you can see the trampstamp area)
  • That's... very kind of you to share with us.  Is there any particular reason you're in a bathing suit?
  • I'm going swimming with my valentine's date in the hot springs up in East Glacier for the day.
  • (I wish I had your life)  Seriously though, that sounds awesome!
  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    Nice. Have fun.

    But isn't Valentine's Day in like a week?
  • If I had a date and lived near some hot springs, I wouldn't wait for Valentine's Day either.  I'd just wait for a week or two, or however long it'd take me to get into super awesome shape and get my complexion cleared up.
  • edited 2011-02-08 16:09:41
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    > going swimming
    > with date
    Well, two people are damn lucky.

    Though I kinda prefer back strap patterns over bare suit backs.
  • ...preferences?

    How dare you. You are only saying that to spite me glenn.
  • Meh.  How was the date, Tno?  Pretty awesome, right?
  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    You social people and your dates...
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Well, Tnoph, fwiw I only kinda prefer them.  It's a case-by-case basis, if you want to call it that.

    And not like you're going to post a picture of yourself anyway to it's kinda moot.
  • As an asexual, this whole business of which suits women look best in is vexing to me at best.
  • as a bisexual, the views applied by asexuals and their choice of lifestyle really confuse me.
  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    So we're back to this conversation again?

    That said, I don't get it either.
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