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Guys don't seem to like seeing girls wearing (real) swimsuits



  • I didn't really choose to be an asexual, it just sort of happened.  If you'd like to be less confused, I guess I could try and explain it to you, though I only have a vague understanding of it myself. 
  • edited 2011-02-08 23:01:41
    OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    ^^I'm pretty sure we've talked about this before at some point... Maybe it's just deja vu.
  • Sorry, I haven't been here that long, so yeah.
  • edited 2011-02-08 23:02:25
    Considering like half of TVTropes is asexual (LOLHYPERBOLE), I'm sure we've had this discussion before.

    Doesn't necessarily mean we can't have it again though.
  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    @DYRE:Yeah, but I mean just on IJBM II.
  • Whatevs.  Sorry if I was redundant.  The offer to explain myself still stands, but yeah.
  • Most of the asexuals who tried to explain it to me came off to me as "I give up on romance/sex", so I never really understood it or translated it beyond that.

    I understand some people are born with their attractions. Some are gay, straight, both, or neither. As are fetishes.

    Although I made every choice when it came to orientation and fetishes, I wasn't born with anything.

    If I went into the world based on Factory Settings, I would be a homosexual catholic girl with a more introvert personality, no fetishes, and a timid personality.
  • edited 2011-02-08 23:08:43
    I never said I gave up on romance, I'm actually biromantic, I just don't think physical attraction has any meaning if there isn't something more involved.  And yeah, like you said, you're born with some attractions and gain others later in life, though it's more difficult to choose them for some people than it is for others.
  • edited 2011-02-08 23:09:08
    -wonders what would happen if he reset himself to factory default settings-

    And I don't think I've ever consciously chose any... things I'm attracted to.
  • It's possible DYRE, you just have to know what your factory settings were and be willing to revert back to them. Some people are stuck into the mindset that they can never change certain aspects of their person, so they just live with them.
  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    Any guesses on my factory settings?
  • Hmm.  I wasn't aware that people could really change what they are/aren't attracted to without some serious mental repression.  I may need to look into that.  (Please note I'm not being sarcastic, this is honestly a subject that interests me.)
  • edited 2011-02-08 23:17:28
    List your current settings.

    Mental State:
    Physical State:
    Political View:
    Emotional Stability:

  • Did you know the posts cut off after a certain amount of lines?

    Mine are:
    Sex: Female

    Gender: Female

    Sexuality: Bisexual

    Mindset: Negative/Pessimistic

    Mental State: Over Emotional

    Physical State: Healthy

    Fetishes: Lingerie, Blood, Mythical Creatures, Sensation, Electricity, Cold, Voyeurism, Narratophilia, Food, and the color Purple.

    Political View: Liberal.

    Emotional Stability: Low

    Morality: Slightly Positive

    Demeanor: Violent
  • edited 2011-02-08 23:23:08
    OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    Mental State:Stressed+Avoidant Personality Disorder
    Physical State:Okay, I guess
    Fetishes:I know I have some, but nothing springs to mind.
    Political View:Somewhat libertarian, but too disgusted with politics to care.
    Emotional Stability:Somewhat low
    Morality:Neutral Good

    I'll try to think of my fetishes, but for some reason, I can't right now.
  • Oh, I love doing stuff like this!

    Sex: Male
    Sexuality:Asexual, biromantic
    Mindset:Super happy funtime
    Mental State:OCD and pretty much off my rocker
    Physical State:In pretty good shape, but a bit malnourished.
    Fetishes:Mostly just mental stuff
    Political View:UGH
    Emotional Stability:Not good
    Morality:I love everybody!
    Demeanor:Submissive and friendly as all get out unless cornered, and then Heaven help you you poor [expletive]
  • Yes, bonding is the best!  After we've shared facts about each other, we can talk about each other's facts!  And afterward, tree house!
  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    Bonding is awesome.

    But I still feel weird that I can't think of my fetishes right now. I know I have them.
  • edited 2011-02-08 23:28:20
    Sex: Male
    Gender: Male
    Sexuality: Heterosexual
    Mindset: Usually mostly optimistic
    Mental State: Bored.  All the time.
    Physical State: SO GOD DAMN HEALTHY even though I don't do anything healthy.
    Fetishes: LOLIS and wincest and... maybe urination... and... some other stuff that I actually can't remember so I guess it's not too important.
    Political View:
    Emotional Stability: Enough.
    Morality: True Neutral/Neutral Good, like most people.  Or, by 4e rules, Unaligned (or whatever it's called)
    Demeanor: Shy and withdrawn as all hell
  • I mostly tried to list things that would be important online but slipped a bit (nobody really cares how you are doing financially or if you have a tan or 5 o'clock shadow I think).

    That reminds me, are there any furries on the forum?

    Because I am not sure if I am one (although I do not consider my liking for snake/spider people a type of lifestyle)
  • I have a good friend who is, and she kind of got me curious about it.
  • edited 2011-02-08 23:38:45
    Sex: Male
    Gender: Bigendered
    Sexuality: Gynephilic
    Mindset: Cynical
    Mental State: Childish
    Physical State: Relatively healthy, considering I overeat and don't exercise.
    Fetishes: Lolis, incest, and too many smaller things to list
    Political View: Super-liberal, apparently
    Emotional Stability: Very low, but better than when I was younger
    Morality: I don't know, uh...Chaotic Neutral?
    Demeanor: CRAZY AND ENERGETIC. Or, as I described it, "like a little kid who's eaten 3 packs of candy canes."
  • After seeing a picture floating somewhere on this very forum which was very funny, and finding a few groups of them on different forums (even the Minecraft forum), they seem to mention "the porn" at least once, and saying it is a major lifestyle, sort of like being a jew or christian.

    And then they lost me there.
  • I don't know, I've heard it can be fairly innocent at times.  Did I mention said friend was a Christian?
  • I guess if I was to describe my morality as an alignment, it would be Chaotic Evil or Chaotic Neutral, in the most legal and less homicidal way possible.
  • Really?  You don't strike me as evil, really, but then I try to see the good in everyone.
  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    You've never seemed evil to me either.
  • edited 2011-02-08 23:43:59
    Sex: Male
    Gender: Male?
    Sexuality: Bicurious
    Mindset: Depends
    Mental State: Can't really tell
    Physical State: Pretty healthy, though something of a Gonk
    Fetishes: Among other things, blonde and red hair.
    Political View: Disagrees with the Republicans on many things, otherwise doesn't know. Politics are the fuck.
    Emotional Stability: Not always in a good mood
    Morality: Doesn't really know, yet
    Demeanor: Grumpy/calm

    yay for mindless surveys
  • I just don't understand how wishing you had cat-ears and liking a certain artstyle defines a religious boundary and puts it on the same level as a biblical viewpoint, it's my main half-gripe about them.

    Since I can't say anything towards attention whoring since I do everything they tend to do anyway, and neglect to see anything wrong with it. I shouldn't be hated for being noticed by more people.
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