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  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    Oh gosh I've heard that commercial like ten times just tonight.

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    Whew. Time with Faculty Liaison is over now. This work requires too much thinking. And OWeek. what is this what do you uni students have to put up with

    Anyway, because of edits (and I've been ninja'd to hell and back anyway):

    All weapons combat is ultimately aggressive. The only caveat is that you might strike to injure rather than kill.

    All weapons require striking, but there is a difference between striking at an opponent and aggressively fighting an opponent.

    The difference may seem semantic or whatever, but to me, at least, there is a very clear difference between fighting defensively and fighting aggressively. Fighting defensively involves primarily defending yourself; it's not about killing your opponent, it's about not dying yourself. Fighting aggressively, meanwhile, involves primarily attacking others. They have the same result- people die- but the intent differs. And... well, you may consider me an idiot for this, but I do believe that intentions matter in a fight.

    I had more to say but dammit, I was gone for hours and this thread has gone places.


    Again, in the original films, we can

    I've only watched the first two and half an hour of the third at this point, but while Luke did indeed use a blaster, while Luke was using the blaster, he had jack shit Jedi training. Furthermore, Luke was firmly established in the second movie as a less-than-ideal Jedi; rather than listening to Yoda, he rushed off to save Han and Leia, which is a noble goal, but also not a very Jedi thing to do, and resulted in him falling into Vader's trap and losing a hand.

    Of course, Luke does eventually end up founding a New Jedi Order with different principles, but since you're talking about the original films, I won't talk about this.

    Once Luke receives his actual training, though, he relies on his lightsaber. His default weapon when he heads off to fight Vader is his lightsaber, and during the confrontation with Jabba, he whips out his lightsaber and fights in melee. He did use a blaster pistol before that, but while he was Force-Sensitive then, he was most definitely not a Jedi.

    now to totally lose this thread of conversation because no internet for like two days in an hour.

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    Also, Malkavian, you should have set that up as a bait-and-switch comparison.

    "Yeah, I'd be pissed off after watching such blatant pandering to fans' tastes.

    At least the moeshit has principles, though."

  • edited 2012-09-13 03:20:44

    Oh man, now I regret not thinking of that. 

    I suppose a Big Lebowski joke will just have to suffice. 

    Strong men Uguu, Glenn. Strong men... uguu. 

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    Well, to be honest, this was a bit of a tough situation to make such a joke.

    Because you have to act like the audience is expecting a criticism of iM@S when they're not, but somehow don't make it look like you're out of touch with the audience either.


    Yeah, I just like insulting Romney though. 

  • One foot in front of the other, every day.

    The difference may seem semantic or whatever, but to me, at least, there is a very clear difference between fighting defensively and fighting aggressively. Fighting defensively involves primarily defending yourself; it's not about killing your opponent, it's about not dying yourself. Fighting aggressively, meanwhile, involves primarily attacking others. They have the same result- people die- but the intentdiffers. And... well, you may consider me an idiot for this, but I do believe that intentions matter in a fight.

    This is where the Star Wars EU and its fanbase breaks down, though, because the EU jumps a whole lot of mental hoops and the way characters behave and interact with martial arts becomes less and less internally and externally realistic. Mind you, this is an issue with fantasy in general. 

    But here's the fact of the matter:

    To fight is to be aggressive. You might not be emotionally aggressive or particularly happy about causing harm to another, but all fighting must have some element of aggression in order to control threat -- that is, to control the conditions of the fight in such a way that you make some of your adversary's options suicidal. The way "defensive" and "aggressive" styles are understood via media places them at extremes rather than upon the realistic continuum of fighting styles. My German sword style is highly aggressive, sure, but that doesn't mean I can't use it to harmlessly displace an incoming attack and then scamper. And karate might be primarily defensive, but it still has killing techniques. 

    Remember that we're not just dealing with martial arts here, but characters, and characters almost always benefit from being relatable -- and therefore, having strong elements of realism in many character aspects. Superman can shotput an asteroid with his dick and still be a realistic character from a psychological and emotional perspective, which is good because shotputting celestial objects with one's own genitals is pretty awesome and doesn't necessarily detract from the story. 

    This is important because martial arts are a part of real life and have both psychological and emotional aspects (as everything does). There's artistic license, and then there's straying so far from reality that it damages how relatable characters are because they don't behave in a way that's understandable or sympathetic unless one has a firm background in fantasy psychology. So when characters fight wrong, that's one thing -- when they start constructing fantasy rules that would never, ever be workable and it becomes a staying point of the work of media, I feel thrown out of a work because everything's become so disassociated from real violence. 

    Luke stuff about blasters and lightsabers

    That's not what I was bringing up; the reference to the OT was more in terms of philosophy and how it teaches what a Jedi is and why they use the Force the way they do. While it's a great story in its own right, it's also an examination of the concept of a Jedi, or, more broadly, any organisation of public servants who adhere to a code. Or, even more broadly, why compassion and mercy are important. 

  • We Played Some Open Chords and Rejoiced, For the Earth Had Circled the Sun Yet Another Year
  • edited 2012-09-13 10:25:25
    Has friends besides tanks now

    By any chance, do we already have a topic on Ayn Rand here? Because I just had to read an excerpt from Atlas Shrugged for class, and it's astounding how Rand can write such long rants with so little nuance or realism (not to mention so little consideration for literary construction and immersion), so I wanted to make a topic for ranting, rather than clogging Updates.

  • Give us fire! Give us ruin! Give us our glory!

    ^Pray tell, was it the speech? Cause I got through more of the speech than I'd like.

  • edited 2012-09-13 11:11:44
    Has friends besides tanks now

    No, it was only a five-pager on money supposedly being the root of all good. Which didn't quite work because Rand works in simplicity.

  • I don't think there is a topic so go ahead and make one. 

  • edited 2012-09-13 18:12:25

    All Nines,

    This topic kind of becomes a Ayn Rand discussion at about the midway point, but feel free to make another one since that thread was never really that focused on Rand in the first place.

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    Wait...that movie is a real thing?

  • No rainbow star

    At this rate, I don't think I'm going to be able to have fall courses (turns out you can sign up for winter courses during the summer. And it doesn't tell you whether the class you've chosen is a fall or winter course. Although that DOES explain why people would sign up for 10 courses at a time...)


    ...On the other hand, I guess that gives me more time to apartment and job hunt?

  • edited 2012-09-14 00:38:54

    ^^ Of course it is.  I don't see why that is a surprise.

    Also, watching the trailer reminds me that I have no interest in it at all.

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    I'm just surprised Disney got even temporary rights to all those characters.

  • Disney is one of the biggest companies in the world.  I don't think they would have any problem with getting the rights.

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!

    Hell, they probably just called up some videogame companies and went "want some free advertising?"

  • No rainbow star

    I'm mostly shocked at NINTENDO agreeing

    Sega, I can understand. They aren't really strong enough currently to refuse an opportunity like that. But Nintendo is usually pretty uptight about their games

  • I'm a damn twisted person

    Since most of the characters look to be cameos and the majority of the plot takes place in pastiches of certain video game genres, I don't really see why Nintendo would have a problem with it. 


    After all, free advertising. And merchandising profits if the film succeeds. 

  • He who laments and can't let go of the past is forever doomed to solitude.

    Nintendo was asking for big money, enough to make them not appear in the movie, for Mario and Luigi though so, still uptight.

    Here, There, Everywhere
  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"

    Any of you guys got spare $$$? There's a war port for sale in the town Hel - our Anne would be soooo wet

  • I'm a damn twisted person

    What are the general plans to do with the war port?

  • edited 2012-09-14 12:09:19
    Diet NEET

    Goddammit, gonna have to cook the books again until the audit bros are happy.

    Also, Eindbaas X tonight. Gonna pull an all-nighter again, but the pain will be worth it.

  • No rainbow star
    Well, looks like no classes this fall due to a gross misunderstanding (I understood it as classes begin the second week of september, not the week after the long weekend (so back in August), so I was unable to snipe any fall classes)

    Which means I must get a job

    In Airdrie

    Despite being told to also move to Calgary

    ...My parents do not see the flaw in this
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